How can the P element jump, leaving some of its sequence behind in the fragmented chromosome, and still carry all the information necessary to be completely inserted in the new location?
What is the difference between the ends of simple transposons and composite transposons?
In the replicative translocation that some Class II transposable element use, where does the information for the two copies come from and how is it used to generate a cointegrate?
Knowing that the intermediates are different in replicative and conservative transposition of class II transposable elements, what would you look for if you wanted to prove that a Class II transposable element moves by replicative transposition?
Someone claims that they can prove that a specific sequence is a Class I transposable element by inserting an intron into the sequence. What are the results they expect to see after translocation?
If a Class I transposable element cannot be controlled, how many copies of it would we see in the genome of the organism as times goes by? Would the answer change if it were Class II?
Why is the promoter for the RNA polymerase III advantageous for Class I transposable elements? How is the situation different for promoters used by the RNA Polymerase II?
Describe a scenario that explains how the plasmid in figure 13-10 of the Griffiths book could have arisen?