G4008 – G-protein Coupled Receptors

Fall 2003

Stuart Firestein

[email protected]



1.       GPCR Structure

Rhodopsin crystal, electron density maps
The papers included here are 3 research papers and a review article.

Of the three research papers please read the  Palczweski et al. paper (Crystal Structure...) carefully. The two papers by Schertler et al. are very technical in nature and you should not get bogged down in methodological details. Go over them, but mostly concern yourselves with the results of the experimental measurements and their comparison with the Crystal Structure paper.


2.       Structure Function Analysis

Mutational analysis


Spin label



Correlated mutational analysis


3.       Expression


a.       Dimers

b.      Co-factors

c.       Post-translational modifications


4.       Modulation

a.       Trafficking, phosphorylation, densensitization, RGS proteins

Assigned material:

Rh desens
Jennifer J. Figs 1,2
Yun Z., Figs 3,4

BaRK Structure
Kristin R.. Figs 1,2
Carmelle N. Figs 3,4
Ashley L. Figs 5,6,7

P siters on BaRK
Ben J. Figs 1,2
Newlon S. Fig 3
Bruna B, fig 4,5
Christina D. Fig 6,7
Neil G. Fig 8,9

G-prot bind to BaRK
Robin M. Figs 1,2
Ellen P. figs 2,3

P site removal
Masoud T. Figs 1,2
Alexander A. Figs 3,4

Arrestin PNAS 88
Denise W. fig1-3

Arrestin & GPCRs
Sung Min P. Figs 1,2
Elizabeth S. Figs 3,4
Andriy K. Figs 5,6
Andrea L. figs 7,8

5.       Genomics

a.       SNPs, families, evolution



6.       Discovery

a.       HTS, orphans, FRET, etc.




Specific presentation assignments will be made in our class meeting of October 22


Meeting Dates: September 2, 4, 8, 11, 15, 23, 29.

                          October 1, 7, 13, 20 (22 or 23)


Paper due:  Dec 4-10