Cellular and Molecular Immunology

Biology W3073/4073

Columbia University Ð Spring 2006


General Course Information:

MW     10:35A-11:50A


Instructor Information:

Solomon  Mowshowitz
E-mail: sm2604@columbia.edu


One year of Introductory Biology or the Instructor's permission





Course Objectives

This course will cover the basic concepts underlying the mechanisms of  innate and adaptive immunity, as well as key experimental methods currently used in the field. To keep it real, the course will include clinical correlates in such areas as infectious diseases, cancer and transplantation. 

Taking this course won't turn you into an immunologist, but it should prepare you to be able to read the literature intelligently in this rapidly advancing field.

About the Instructor

After receiving his doctorate in Biochemistry from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970, Solomon Mowshowitz joined the faculty of Mount Sinai School of Medicine where his main research interests were Virology and Immunology (interferons); he taught Medical Microbiology (infectious diseases and immunology) in the Medical School and in the accelerated Sophie Davis program at CUNY.  After 14 years at Mount Sinai, Mowshowitz held senior posts at various biotech firms, directing research and managing intellectual property (e.g. patents) in infectious disease diagnostics and therapeutics, forensic DNA and preclinical testing of neuropsychiatric drugs.


In case you were wondering, S. Mowshowitz (XY) is married to D. Mowshowitz (XX).