Subject Listing: Science/Tech/Math Courses in the Spring 2023 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

PS0105 H01  20329        0  YIS: Social Enterprise La       S 10:00am-2:00pm  601 Sherman Fairchi  Bhatia, Annette
            L     LABORATO  Pre-College Programs (SHSP)     S 10:00am-2:00pm  001 CAREER DESIG     Carrillo, Vanessa D
                                                            F 9:00am-10:15am  To be announced      
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday