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Abdullah Abdur-Raazaq on Malcolm's power in the Nation of Islam

Malcolm X's "silencing."

Threats after Malcolm X's sliencing.

On hearing Louis X (Farrakhan) speak at an Nation of Islam rally in 1959.

On a visit by Raymond Sharieff

Malcolm X's mentality as as he went about "fishing" for new Nation of Islam members

Malcolm X's "fishing" process.

Abdullah Abdur-Raazaq on the leadership structure of the NOI, pt. 1

On the possibility of Malcolm X returning to the Nation of Islam.

Raazaq on the leadership structure of the NOI, pt. 2

On Malcolm's detoriorating relationship with Captain Joseph

Joseph's relationship with Malcolm X

A conversation between Mohammad Babu and Malcolm X about attacking Martin Luther King. Jr

Raazaq on the role of women of the NOI

The press conference for the founding of the Muslim Mosque Inc.

More on the formation of the MMI

On membership in the OAAU vs. MMI

Malcolm X's reasons for starting the Organization of Afro-American Unity.

Elijah Muhammad's secretary with a child.

Raazaq on the LA mosque murder and Malcolm's response

Raazaq on the NOI's internal investigation department

Malcolm X's attitude after being barred from France and poisoned in Egypt.

The events at the Audubon Ballroom on February 21, 1965, and the hunt for suspects afterward.

Abdullah Abdur-Raazaq

Abdullah Abdur-RaazaqJames 67X, also known as Abdullah H. Abdur-Razzaq and James Shabazz, was a longtime associate and friend of Malcolm X and served as his close aide and chief secretary in the last year of Malcolm X's life. A native of the South and a graduate of Columbia University, Razzaq joined the Nation of Islam in the 1950s, and was a member of Temple No. 7, in Harlem, where he became a lieutenant under Joseph X, the leader of the Fruit of Islam. Although Joseph X was one of Malcolm X's chief rivals in the Nation Of Islam, Razzaq nevertheless became one of Malcolm X's most trusted aides within the mosque. Razzaq was a close ally of Malcolm X even as his friend's relationship with Elijah Muhammad began to unravel, and he warned Malcolm X repeatedly that talk of his murder was circulating at Temple No. 7. Razzaq left the NOI with Malcolm X and became a "captain" of the men in Muslim Mosque, Inc., and he also helped to organize the OAAU. During the last year of Malcolm X's life, Razzaq was his constant companion, although in the weeks before Malcolm X's death Razzaq drifted away from the minister, frustrated with his personal and political risk-taking and with the confusing and rapid changes in his political ideology. On February 16, 1965, Razzaq warned Malcolm X that he had been "marked for death in the next five days." Following the firebombing of Malcolm X's home, Razzaq helped move the family to safety. He was present at the Audubon Ballroom when Malcolm X was assassinated.

The Malcolm X Project at Columbia University home