What is CCP?
Columbia Classical Performers is a student-run club on campus. Our mission is to help musicians at Columbia have accessible solo performance opportunities. We also help musicians plan their own solo recitals by assisting them in finding performance venues.

How does CCP help me plan recitals?
CCP reserves performance venues for musicians, helps coordinate all details for performing, such as hiring of accompanists, making programs, opening up the recital venues for rehearsals and concerts, and planning receptions.

Does CCP help pay for my recital?
Currently, CCP has very limited funding. We are always in the process of trying to increase our budget. We allocate our funds as evenly as possible among our recitals.

Who plays on CCP recitals?
Any musician who feels he or she is ready to perform. Recitals range in the number of soloists and pieces can vary in length.

How do I get to perform at a CCP sponsored concert?
All interested musicians should email Christopher Haas (crh2109@columbia.edu) or Shelly Zhu (xz2122@columbia.edu).

How many recitals can I play on?
Usually performers play in one or two CCP recitals per semester. Musicians interested in performing in more than two concerts or in arranging a solo recital should contact a CCP executive board member.

How do I get more involved with CCP?
-Currently, CCP holds bi-weekly board meetings. For more information, email Christopher Haas or Shelly Zhu.