Spring Semester 2003

Advanced Soil Mechanics

(E 6246)


Hoe I. Ling

Tel: (212)854-1203

Fax: (212)854-6267

E-Mail: Ling@civil.columbia.edu


see other geotech courses

(Note: handouts are available only to students enrolled in this course)

Jan 27
[ 1 ]
Stresses and Strains
States of Stress
2.1 Mohr Circle of Stress
2.2 Principal Stresses, Plane of Maximum Stress Obliquity
2.3 Application of Mohr Circle to Direct Shear Test

(handout of course introduction,
same as this page)

Feb 3
[ 2 ]
States of Strain
3.1 Mohr Circle of Strain Increment
3.2 Angle of Dilation
3.3 Direction of Zero Extension and Slip Surfaces
3.4 Strain Fields from Model Tests

Feb 10
[ 3 ]


Stress-Strain Relationships

4.1 Plane Strain Compression - Toyoura Sand
Constitutive Relationships
5.1 Generalized Hooke's Law
5.2 Stress-Dilatamcy Relationships- Rowe, Bolton, Nova

Feb 17

Heavy snow, University closed
[no mid-term exam to substitute for this class]

Feb 24
[ 4 ]

Factors Affecting Stress-Strain Behavior
6.1 Effects of Confing Pressure, Void Ratio, Drainage Conditions and Stress Path, Inherent and Induced Ainsotropy, Principal Stress Rotation
6.2 Plane Strain Compression Test of Sand (Experiment)
Stress-Strain Modeling
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Nonlinear Elastic Models

Plane Strain Compression Test (video)
March 3
[ 5 ]
Three-Dimensional Failure Criteria
8.1 Mohr-Colulomb Failure Criterion and b-Value
8.2 Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions and pai-Plane
 correction to equation  
March 10
[ 6 ]

8.3 Commonly used Failure Criteria: Tesca, Huber-von Mises, Extended Tresca, Extended von Mises (Drucker- Prager), Mohr-Coulomb
8.4 Experimental Validation and Other Soil Failure Criteria (Lade, Matsuoka)
Critical State Soil Mechanics

9.1 Compressibility, Normalized Behavior, Effective Stress Path
March 17

Spring break
March 24

[ 7 ]

9.2 Critical State Line
9.3 Hvorslev Surface
Critical State Models
10.1 Soil Plasticty
10.2 Stress-Strain Relationships

March 31
[ 8 ]

10.3 Yield Surfaces: Modified Cam-clay and Original Cam-clay
10.4 Cam-clay Parameters and Limitations
10.5 Anisotropy and Anisotropic Critical State Models (Dafalias Critical State Model)

April 7

[ 9 ]

10.6 Cap Model
Elasto-Plastic Analysis for Finite Element Method
11.1 Elasto-Plastic Matrix (Dep)
11.2 Dep for Modified Cam-Clay Model
11.3 Dep for Simple Plasticity Models
11.4 Applications of Cam-Clay Models
11.5 Example - Excavation Analysis [see Lecture 11]

papers for 10.6: 1, 2, 3

April 14
[ 10 ]
Time-Dependent Behavior of Clays
12.1 Consolidation, Creep/Stress Relaxation and Quasi-Preconsolidation
12.2 Clay Minerals
12.3 Singh-Mitchell Model
12.4 Rheological Models
April 21
[ 11 ]
Effective Stress Finite Element Analysis
13.1 Introduction - Review of Finite Element consolidation Analysis
13.2 Governing Equations for Solid Phase
13.3 Governing Equations for Fluid Phase
13.4 Element Types

April 28
[ 12 ]

13.5 Formulations for Solid Phase
13.6 Formulations for Fluid Phase
13.7 Integration Scheme and Numerical Ill-Conditioning
13.8 Case Study: MIT Test Embankment

May 5
[ 13 ]

Presentation of Final Project (official date: 5/12, Mon, Mudd 545, 9:00-12:00)
download the papers for the final project: Slurry wall of the World Trade Center (construction, after 911)
soil data (zipped jpg files)

General Information


Monday, 10:30 am ¡V 1:00 pm





*The Mechanics of Soils: An introduction to critical soil mechanics, Atkinson, J.H. and Bransby, P.L., McGraw Hill, 1978

Soil Behavior and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Wood, D.M. Cambridge University Press, 1990

Critical State Soil Mechanics, Schofield, A.N. and Wroth, C.P., McGraw Hill, 1968

Foundations and Slopes: An Introduction to Application of Critical State Soil Mechanics, Atkinson, J.H., McGraw Hill, 1981

Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 2nd Ed., Mitchell, J.K., John Wiley, 1993


632 MUDD

Office Hour:

Thursday, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.



Homeworks and Lab Reports (30%)

Midterm Examination (30%)

Final Examination (40%)

Course Descriptions

This Course is designed to integrate all aspects of geotechnical engineering at an advanced level. Students are required to conduct advanced soil testings (e.g., triaxial and plane strain compression tests). Characterizations of sand and clay are introduced using constitutive models, which are based on elastoplasticity. The modified Cam-clay model is implemented into coupled stress-flow finite element procedures. A final project is required where students conduct and compare the finite element results with the field measurements. MIT I-95 and Muar Test Embankments have been used as case histories and revisited using CRISP Program.  A 30-minute presentation of the Final Project is required.


Note: The Final Report for this Course is as challenging as a Master's Thesis.

The  Project for 2003 would be on the slurry wall for the World Trade Center or the Leaning tower of Pisa. First, get an educational copy of CRISP

Stress and Strain in Soils

     States of Stress and Strain

     Mohr's Circle of Stress and Strain Increments

     Principal Stresses, Poles of Plane/Direction

     Plane of Maximum Stress Obliquity

     Plane of Zero Extension


Stress-Strain-Strength Characteristics of Sand

     Stress Conditions: Plane Strain, Triaxial, Simple Shear

     Triaxial and Plane Strain Compression Tests (Lab)

     Rowe's Stress-Dilatancy Relationships

     Stress Invariants

     Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria

     Failure Criteria under Three-Dimensional Stress Conditions

     Effects of Confining Stress, Intermediate Principal Stress, Bedding Plane, Stress Paths 

        on Strength and  Dilatancy

     Hyperbolic Model


Critical State Soil Mechanics

     Drained and Undrained Conditions

     Stress Path

     Consolidation and Dilatancy

     Critical State Line

     State Boundary Surface

     Modified Cam-Clay Model

     Cap Model


Time-Dependent Behavior of Clay

     Quasi Preconsolidation

     Creep and Stress Relaxation

     Singh-Mitchell Model

     Rheological Models


Elasto-Plasticity in Finite Element Consolidation Analysis


     Implementation of Modified-Cam Clay Model

     Biot's Theory

 Finite Element Formulation of Coupled Problem

     Introduction to Commercial Program (CRISP was used in previous classes)

     Case Study Analysis: MIT I-95 Test Embankment, Muar Test Embankment

Finite Element Project:
1998: Analysis of MIT I-95 Test Embankment
1999: Analysis of MIT I-95 Test Embankment
2001: Analysis on Muar Test Embankment
           group picture, Chris, DJ, Dan, Bret, Liu

Jerry Wu and David Palumbo not included (Spring 2003)

Some of the handouts are modified from the Chapter written by Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka in the Book An Introduction to Soil Strength and Failure of Ground Foundation, published by the Japanese Geotechnical Society. Although the title carries the word "Introduction", I was told by many people that the Book is well above advanced level (not to mention about introduction). Unfortunately, the Book is written in Japanese.