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The Journal of Popular CultureVol. 39 Iss. 6 (2006)

Dystopian Romance: True Crime and the Female Reader

Laura Browder

In detailed analysis, Browder examines through interviews and textual analysis, the female connection to the genre of true crime and convincingly concludes that for some women, true crime's violent nature allows for personal exploration and a means of survival.

Reading Wonder Woman's Body: Mythologies of Gender and Nation

Mitra C. Emad

Emad traces the historical and cultural meaning of Wonder Woman myths at four historical moments. Central to Emad's discussion is the role of bondage and power in the traditionally masculine public realm contrasted to the private realm of female sexuality.

Grace Metalious' Peyton Place: Sentimental Storm-Trooper or Popular Throw-Back?

Cinda Gault

Gault argues that Metalious subverts traditional female stereotypes and thus challenges understandings of female sexuality, sexual abuse, and abortion. In doing so, Gault suggests that Metalious anticipated and catalyzed the 60's feminist movement as a departure from postwar discontent with traditional femininity.

A Network of Support: Coping with Trauma through Star Trek Fan Letters

Lincoln Geraghty

In a style verbose yet intriguing, Geraghty studies British and American fan letters in Star Trek Magazine. Star Trek, with its proposal for a future glorious world, gave a destabilized nation, pressured by political controversy and racism a common experience by which to unify and generate hope.

Spears' Space: The Play of Innocence and Experience in the Bare-Midriff Fashion

Dennis Hall

In a brief but satisfying essay, Hall provides a historical argument for the prevalence of the bare-midriff based on the premise that it allows young women to live in the terrain between innocence and experience. Hall insightfully observes that the midriff becomes commodified and consumed through its creation.

Narratives, Festivals, and Reinvention: Defining the German Postwar Homeland in Waldkraiburg

Brenda D. Melendy

In an article riddled with German language and military jargon, Melendy examines German relocation in post-WWII Germany. By exploring conscious and unconscious actions, the problems of physically and emotionally recreating one's homeland are discussed.

Pepsiman! Toward a Theory of Symbolic Morphosis in Global Advertising

Noel M. Murray

Through the deconstruction of popular culture icons, Murray analyzes the transnational nature of American symbols, arguing that consumption is influenced by the role advertising plays within the context of globalization.


Polly E. Coassin

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