1997 Season

CUCC played 44 matches in 1997. We won 21, lost 20, had one draw and two matches were rained off before a result could be reached.

We made it in to the finals of the Commonwealth Cricket League "B" division with an 8, 7 and 1 record. We lost in the quarter final round.

See matches for a list of matches and brief scores. A full list of cards if in the fixture list.

Awards for 1997:

  • League Best Batting
  • League Best Bowling
  • League Best Fielding
  • President's XI Best Batting
  • President's XI Best Bowling
  • President's XI Best Fielding
  • Best Club Man
  • Mallard
  • Here is a complete list of statistics for the Columbia team.

    Membership and organization for 1997.