as amended, 7 April 2010


I. Membership (University Statutes, Articles 58c, 291)

A. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences shall consist of the President, the Provost, the Executive Vice President for the Arts and Sciences, the Deans of the Faculties within Arts and Sciences, officers of instruction appointed to the departments of Arts and Sciences with professorial grades, and such officers of administration and of instruction as may be assigned thereto by the Trustees on the nomination of the Faculty. Two schools of the Arts and Sciences are also departments according to the Statutes, The Arts and International and Public Affairs.

 B. Nomination to membership in the Faculty shall be made by the Executive Vice President for the Arts and Sciences, on behalf of the Faculty, through the Secretary of the University.

      Officers of instruction holding full-time positions as language instructors shall be eligible upon passing the second-year review.

C.  Right to Vote: The Faculty may invite other officers of instruction and administration in the University to take part in its deliberations, but only officers of instruction and administration who are members of the Faculty shall have the right to vote.

II. Powers (University Statutes, Article 293)

      A. Subject to the reserve powers of the Trustees and the provisions of the Statutes, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences shall have power and it shall be its duty:

1. to oversee the correlation and scheduling of courses offered by the faculties within Arts and Sciences;

            2. to address all questions involving more than one faculty within Arts and Sciences;

            3. to discuss and advise on issues affecting the Arts and Sciences relating to academic planning, budget, housing and facilities, and appointments and tenure;

            4. to make all such regulations for its own proceedings, and for the better government of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as shall not contravene the charter of the Corporation, the Statutes, or any resolution of the Trustees or University Senate.

      B. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to impair the powers of the Faculties of Columbia College, Continuing Education General Studies, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International and Public Affairs, and The Arts, which constitute the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and of their several deans.


III. Limitation of Powers (University Statutes, Article 36)

      Every proposed exercise of the powers conferred on the Faculty, which involves change in the educational policy of the University in respect to the requirement of admission, the program of studies, or the conditions of graduation, shall be submitted to the University Senate before being recommended to the Trustees, and such recommendation shall not be laid before the Trustees until the Senate has acted thereon, or until another meeting of the Senate has been held. No exercise of such power by the Faculty shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees at one meeting, and another meeting shall have been held.

IV. Officers (University Statutes, Articles 292 and 37)

      A. The Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences shall be the executive officer of the Faculty.

      B. Secretary of the Faculty: The Faculty shall elect a Secretary annually at the April meeting of the Faculty. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of all Faculty meetings, which minutes shall be submitted to the President, after approval of the Faculty, and presented to the Trustees.

V. Meetings  (University Statutes, Articles 38 and 39)

      A. The Faculty shall meet at least once each semester, normally in the months of November and April. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences, by the Policy and Planning Committee, or by a petition of 25 members of the Faculty at any time upon one week's notice.

      B. In its proceedings the Faculty shall be governed by the rules of order commonly observed by deliberative assemblies in this country.

      C. For ordinary business 50 members shall constitute a quorum. 

VI. Committees

      A. There shall be the following standing committee:

            1. Policy and Planning Committee: The Policy and Planning Committee shall consist of nine tenured faculty, six elected from a nominated slate (two from each division) and three chosen by and from the Chairs (one from each division). Terms are three years for regular faculty and one-year renewable up to three years for Chairs.  All candidates for seats held by regular faculty must commit to serving their three-year term uninterrupted by leaves. The Policy and Planning Committee shall have a faculty chair and a vice chair. The vice chair of the Policy and Planning Committee shall be elected by a vote of its members at the end of the Spring semester each year. The vice chair shall serve a one year term and become the chair the following year. The chair shall serve a one-year nonrenewable term.

The Policy and Planning Committee shall be a full participant in the process by which priorities are set and resources are allocated among the Departments and Schools comprising Arts and Sciences, meeting once per week during the academic term with the Executive Vice President of Arts and Sciences, Deans, and other administrators. In addition, the Policy and Planning Committee’s responsibilities include working with the Executive Vice President of Arts and Sciences and the Deans to constitute, dissolve, and appoint members of standing committees, to evaluate reports on the work of these committees, to call and set agendas for Faculty Meetings, and to report to the faculty. The Policy and Planning Committee shall also be an active participant in the process to choose the Executive Vice President of Arts and Sciences and shall choose a majority of the members of the search committee. The Policy and Planning Committee will receive administrative support from the Office of the Executive Vice President of Arts and Sciences and its members shall be granted appropriate course relief.  

2. Nominating Committee: A seven person nominating committee consisting of the Executive Vice President for the Arts and Sciences and six members chosen by and from the Chairs shall put forward a slate of candidates for the Policy and Planning Committee The slate shall include at least two candidates for every open position for an annual election to take place no later than April 1 of each Spring term. All members of the Nominating Committee may vote for any number of potential candidates. A nominee must receive five of the seven votes to be placed on the ballot. Candidates may be added to the Nominating Committee's slate upon presentation of a petition signed by fifty members of the regular, full-time faculty.

      B. Election to committee membership shall normally be held in April.

      C. Special committees shall be appointed by the Executive Vice President in consultation with the Policy and Planning Committee or by the Policy and Planning Committee in consultation with the Executive Vice President.

VIII. Amendments:

      Amendments to these rules may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Faculty, but may not be voted upon before the next following regular meeting. Prior to this second meeting, notice of the proposed amendment must be sent to all members of the Faculty. To be adopted, an amendment must receive a majority of the votes of the entire Faculty. A member who cannot attend a meeting at which a vote will be taken on an amendment may give to the Secretary of the Faculty a signed absentee vote on the question.