CULA: New Alumni Group In Formation

The Columbia University Lesbigay Alumni (CULA) is a new group for all graduates of Columbia University and its affiliated institutions. It will focus on building community; improving lesbian, bisexual and gay resources at the University; and establishing a network of lesbigay graduates. Currently, Catina Alexander and Ken Harlin are establishing a database of lesbigay alumni and alumnae, in order to build membership in CULA. Please spread the word to all your lesbigay alumni friends to inform them of our new group!

To be added to the CULA database, please send your name, address and telephone number, as well as your school and class year, to: CULA, 303 Earl Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.

For a related story, see Chatting with Alums, Present and Future.

Community News -- November 1994 -- Volume 2, Number 3