In case you've been wondering whatever happened to BGLAD, it's about to come back in a revised and improved version. In October of 1993, Columbia University witnessed its first BGLAD Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days a week-long celebration of our selves with lesbigay (lesbian, bisexual, and gay) events on campus sponsored by a coalition of student lbgq (lesbian, bisexual, gay, and queer) groups, staff and faculty. BGLAD was held in conjunction with National Coming Out Day, October 11, and was repeated in the fall of 1994.

A decision was made in the summer of 1995 to expand BGLAD and hold it in the month of April to coincide with similar awareness days on other college campuses, and to take advantage of the warmer weather. The reconstituted BGLAD Committee Annie Barry, Darren Cohen, Molly Eger, Katherine Gomez, Stacy Hill, and Margarita Suarez has worked with the Columbia administration and campus groups to coordinate a month of lbgq-themed events under the umbrella of Queer Fest, made possible through the President and Provost's Initiative Fund. These events include lectures, roundtable discussions, presentation of student papers, a film festival, barbecue, rally, and dance. The BGLAD Committee has recently become a formally recognized group in Earl Hall.

In addition to the BGLAD events mentioned above, other activities are being planned. Keep an eye out for announcements posted in the newsgroup, lesbigay notesfile, and fliers around campus. For more information on BGLAD activities and exact times and/or locations, please call 854-1488.