Welcome Back!

The summer has come and gone, and the fall semester is here. What better way to begin than with our annual Welcome Back Reception? And to make things really special, why not throw in a photo-exhibit to boot? Well, wouldn't you know, we can and will hav e both. The annual Welcome Back Reception has been combined with a kick-off reception for the "Love Makes A Family: Living in Lesbian and Gay Families" photograph-text exhibition. Whew! That's a mouthful. The combined reception will help get the new a cademic year off to a rousing start. We'll have a chance to make new acquaintances, reacquaint with old friends, and catch-up on each other's goings on. The reception will be held on September 24, beginning at 6pm, in the Graduate Student Lounge, 301 Ph ilosophy Hall. Plan to attend.

"Love Makes A Family" is a traveling exhibit of twenty photographs (16" x 20"), each representing a family of diverse racial and economic background with lesbian or gay members. Two age-appropriate texts accompany the exhibit—one for elementary school st udents (K-6), the other for teenagers, college students and adults. The exhibit with text for teenagers, college students and adults will be shown in the Graduate Student Lounge. The exhibit with text for children will be shown at Teachers College's Mai n Hall Student Lounge. See exhibit venue and schedule on page three. "Love Makes A Family" has been shown to critical acclaim at universities and colleges such as Yale, Princeton, Duke, Amherst, Indian, Purdue, Auburn, James Madison, and Peninsula, as w ell as the Los Angeles Unified School District. Let's make the showing at Columbia a success!