Donaldson Queer Lounge Dedicated

At a reception on Friday, November 15, approximately 50 persons joined the LGBC in dedicating the Stephen Donaldson Queer Lounge. Renamed after the founder of the Student Homophile League at Columbia (LBGC's predecessor), the former Student Gay Lounge was refurbished as part of the recently completed Furnald Hall renovations. LBGC co-chair Carolyn Lovejoy welcomed the guests to the dedication ceremony, and introduced the board members of the LBGC - Javier Jimenez (co-chair), Alberto Goldberger (secretary), Jesse Sanford (treasurer), Molly Eager, and Dylan Hightower.

The highpoint of the evening was a tribute to Donaldson by Hunter College history professor Wayne Dynes, who was given the honor of installing the plaque. Dynes knew Donaldson professionally and personally for twenty years, and spoke about his life and work, and the historic impact he had on the gay rights movement. Other speakers included Columbia professor of religion Peter Awn, who saluted LBGC and the work they do in making the campus climate welcoming to, and supportive for, lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Jesse Sanford, who introduced Professor Dynes, thanked the Administration for its continued support of gay and lesbian issues on campus. Sanford particularly thanked University Residence Halls director Harris Schwartz for including the space for the gay lounge in the Furnald renovation plans.

Notable attendees at the dedication reception were President George Rupp, Provost Jonathan Cole, Columbia College Associate Dean Kathryn Yatrakis, University Chaplain Jewelnel Davis, and Vice President for Student Services Mark Burstein.