Welcome to the webpage of


OutLaws is the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Allied student organization of Columbia Law School.

We would have a more impressive webpage, but we're too busy doing all sorts of other wonderful things instead. Among the things we've done in the last year: we helped host a New York area queer legal conference; held several social events welcoming new faculty, new students and admitted students to the law school; brought speakers to the law school to discuss transgender legal issues and being out in the legal workplace; and have created a dazzling, award-winning website.

Well, okay, so one of those things hasn't actually happened. But someday soon this website will contain a sparkling (but very tastefully-arranged) array of information about OutLaws and its activities. Until then, if you want to know more about our organization or life at Columbia, you'll have to e-mail us or contact our officers.
