About Augmented Reality in ArchitectureAugmented Reality in Architecture projects result from an ongoing collaboration between members of the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab in Columbia's Department of Computer Science and the Building Technologies Group in Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture.Research on these projects is supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-94-1-0564; NSF Gateway Engineering Coalition under NSF Grant EEC-9444246; the Columbia University Provost's Strategic Initiative Fund; the Columbia University CAT in High Performance Computing and Communications in Healthcare, a NY State Center for Advanced Technology supported by the NY State Science and Technology Foundation; the Columbia Center for Telecommunications Research under NSF Grant ECD-88-1111; and NSF Grant CDA-92-23009. Starnet International Inc. provided the spaceframe for the spaceframe construction project. The undergraduates involved in the spaceframe project were Rod Freeman (Mechanical Engineering), Jenny Wu (Architecture) and Melvin Lew (Computer Science). |