Sample Templates

The Office of Communications and Public Affairs has created a series of web templates for use as starting blocks for designing websites. For help with a custom-designed website, email CUIT Interactive Services at or call their director, Joshua S. Freeman, at (212) 854-2083.
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Sample Templates

You can also download a PowerPoint template that contains the University identity.

Web Identity Guidelines
Thoughtful consideration should be given to choosing a URL for your site, since it will impact branding, website popularity rankings, and the ease of displaying your URL in print publications. If you are a University entity, your URL should be or Here are a few other rules to follow:

  • Include the official University homepage hyperlink in the left-hand corner of the rooftop or banner of every webpage. See sample templates here: example 1, example 2, example 3. Rooftop text should appear in Verdana, white (#ffffff) and be 0.7em/8pt/11px in size.
  • Include a search box and links to the University directory and help page in the upper right-hand corner of every webpage.
  • Include the University name along with a copyright symbol and your office address and main telephone number in the footer of every webpage.
  • Include a hyperlink in the footer that directs email to the webmaster or site content manager.
  • Use Pantone 280 (Hex value #002b7f) for the background color in the rooftop and footer.
  • For other official University colors, use the following conversions:
      Pantone 290 / #c4d8e2
      Pantone 280 / #002b7f
      Pantone 284 / #75aadb
      Pantone 286 / #0038a8
  • Ideally, webpages should be scalable; barring that capability, the width of each page should be a minimum of 960 pixels.
  • Test your website on different monitors, operating systems and browsers to ensure consistent rendering across platforms.
  • The official University web logo is movable and scalable; however, do not change the aspect ratio or color of the image.
  • The University identity can be reproduced in black (#000000), white (#ffffff), gray (#999999), Pantone 280, Pantone 284, Pantone 286 or Pantone 290.
  • Do not use the crown without the accompanying name of the University.
  • Do not use the University seal or shield as a stand-in for the crown logo or to represent the University as a whole. The seal is for official use only by the trustees.
  • Do not combine multiple logos or visual marks. For example, do not use the official University identity on top of or next to the logo for a school or research center.
  • If you choose to include an email link to "webmaster" on your site, it should be a link to your email address (or another email address specific to your organization), and NOT to

Next: Letterhead and Business Cards