Our executive board is working hard to keep CSIS and its pool of talent applicable and sustainable for future generations of CSIS on Columbia’s Campus.
The Executive Board:
Angela Uoo Blackwell,
    Email: aub2102[at]columbia.edu
Yoo-Na Kim,
    Email: yk2317[at]columbia.edu
Nishi Kumar,
    Email: nlk2109[at]columbia.edu
Brian Pan,
    Treasurer and Web Manager
   Email: bwp2103[at]columbia.edu
Reach out to us! We would love to hear from you! Join!
We are looking for board members to join our four committees for the academic 2009-2010 year:
-Programming: find speakers, create exciting events, incite the passions of others by developing the ideas of our focus
-Research: helping to actively find cool opportunities for our organization and members in segmented and strategic initiatives
-Outreach: reach the campus community, empowering individuals and groups, by developing marketing frameworks for our organization or even others
-Projects: execute, manage, and delegate our headlining projects which provide impact