------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J E W I S H E L E C T R O N I C C A L E N D A R *** Serving the Jewish Community of Columbia University in New York, NY **** Issue #43 FRIDAY April 15, 1994 4 IYAR 5754 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRIDAY 4/15/94 19th day of the Omer. Count tonight: 20th day of the Omer 6:00 pm - Reform Jews at Columbia (RJC): Dodge Room at Earl Hall 7:15 pm Hadlakat Nerot (Candle-lighting) SHABBAT 7:15 pm Mincha, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv - Conservative Jews at Columbia (CJC): 501 Schermerhorn - Yavneh: Earl Hall Auditorium 8:30 pm Pick up meal cards for Shabbat dinner: Barnard Hall 8:45 pm Shabbat dinner: Hewitt Dining Hall at Barnard 10:00 pm Oneg Shabbat: Wein Lounge SATURDAY 4/16/94 SHABBAT Torah reading: Parashat Tazria-Metzora, Vayikra (Leviticus) 12:1-15:33 20th day of the Omer. Count tonight: 21st day of the Omer 9:30 am CJC meets at 116th and Bway to walk to area shul 12:30 pm Shabbat lunch: Hewitt Dining Hall at Barnard 7:00 pm Yavneh afternoon services - Mincha: Earl Hall Auditorium Se'udah Shlishit: Earl Hall Auditorium 8:15 pm Evening services - Ma'ariv: Earl Hall Auditorium 8:18 pm Shavu'a Tov - Shabbat ends Havdalah: Earl Hall Auditorium 10:00 pm Israel Independence Celebration until 2 am: East Campus Lounge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSU SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS - April 15, 1994 Stop by our office at 105 Earl Hall to find out about the following info: The Israel Vaad of the JSU will be holding a celebration of Israel's Independence this Saturday night from 10 to 2 in East Campus Lounge with pizza, dancing and fun! Join the Jewish Women's Coalition and Women's Tefillah for an Oneg Shabbat. Tonight at 10pm in Wein Lounge we will be discussing Ancient Symbols in Modern Times: A student discussion of tradition and Judaism in the nineties. The JSU is having a trip to the Jewish Museum. Meet at the Columbia Gates at 11:30am on Sunday or call Beth Silver. Teva, our Jewish Environmental Group, is having a dinner with Arthur Waskow, Author, on Thursday 6-8pm with $2 admission fee. Sign up by noon that day at the Jewish Office. Tuesday night is the annual Blauner Lecture to be delivered by Letty Pogrebin, Author of "Debra Golda and Me". Her talk will be at 8pm at Low. Chug Aliya T-Shirts will be on sale at the Jewish Office. Interested in organizing social events? Contact Steve Furer. The JSU is looking for dedicated students ready to make a year long commitment to help welcome the incoming class of 1998 into our community. Applications due next Friday at noon. Contact the Jewish Office. Attention Seniors - There will be a community wide Shavuot program on campus including services, dinner, all-night learning and classes. Please attend this fun-filled weekend! Monday, April 18th, join Jewish college students from around N.Y.C. at the HUC soup kitchen. Help feed the homeless and hungry. Contact the Jewish office. We have received information about an interesting summer program for Jewish students who will be in Philadelphia over the summer. Contact Laurie at the Jewish Office for info. Anyone who is interested in getting involved with Bikur Cholim, the program of visiting the sick at local hospitals. Please contact the Jewish Office or Benny Berkowitz. For information about travel and study, and about special scholarships available for people who have never been to Israel, contact the Jewish Office. We have received an urgent appeal on behalf of an individual who has Leukemia, Jay Feinberg, and is in need of a bone marrow transplant. This Tuesday at Yeshiva University a blood testing program will take place between 9am and 4:30pm. Please Help! Each Thursday evening the Jewish Office phone mail machine will provide times of candlelighting, Friday night services, and Havdalah. Call 854-5111 for this information. Next week, Columbia/Barnard will be having a Blood Drive at various times and locations. Please give! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: All times are now in Eastern Daylight Savings Time NB: The Jewish day begins at sundown of the previous secular day. Ex: Purim is Feb 25 so it begins the evening of Feb 24 and ends Feb 25. Saturday, April 23, KOACH/CJC will be having Shabbat morning services in the Dodge Room in Earl Hall at 9:30 am. Saturday, April 23, is the KOACH/CJC Picnic at 1:00 pm on the Barnard Quad Lawn. RSVP to the JSU office with what you will bring. WEDNESDAY is the last day to sign up for Shabbat meals in Hewitt Dining Hall at Barnard. WEDNESDAY NIGHT EGALITARIAN SERVICE: 8:00 pm, JSU Office in 105 Earl Hall WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEARN IN: 8:30 - 9:30 pm, Earl Hall Auditorium Over 150 students fill the Earl Hall Auditorium to study Jewish Texts, Hebrew, etc. You choose the topic, we provide a study partner amd light refreshments. No charge. Check out the "Jerusalem One Gopher" of Jewish information! Type "gopher jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il" (without the quotes). For a list of Jewish discussion e-mail lists, e-mail the word "list" to listserv@jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il. Also check out the NYSERNET gopher: "gopher nysernet.org". "notes jewish" is an open forum for Jewish-related discussions, on Columbia's CUNIX systems. If you know of a Jewish event or a rally, post it there. If you add the word "jewish" (without quotes) to ~/.notesrc, cunix will automatically check for new messages in "notes jewish". You can also post there by sending e-mail to "jewish@columbia.edu". Make sure all of your group's Jewish events are included in the next calendar! Events for inclusion in this calendar should be submitted to the Jewish Student Union office by Thursday at noon. Specify that you want your event in the Jewish Electronic Calendar, as well as the printed calendars. Jewish Student Union 105 Earl Hall (117th Street and Broadway) Columbia University New York, NY 10027 212-854-5111 If you have any questions about any Jewish activities in the Columbia area or events on this calendar, please feel free to call or stop by the JSU office. JTS events are coordinated through the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, telephone number 212-678-8839. The Jewish Electronic Calendar (JEC) is a free weekly electronic schedule of the events relevant to the Jewish community of Columbia University. The Jewish Electronic Calendar and its e-mail list are separate from the JSU, its calendars, mailing and membership lists. Although the JSU Shabbat announcements are provided through the cooperation of the JSU staff, the JEC is published for free as a public service to the Jewish community, and receives no funding. I welcome any volunteers, funding, and ideas about the future direction of the Jewish Electronic Calendar. With more support, it might be possible to prepare the calendar sooner, publish some copies on paper, offer mailbox distribution, and include more information or, perhaps, a D'var Torah for the week or an electronic mailing of Columbia Perspectives magazine. Let me know what you think and, especially, if you can help out! The Jewish Electronic Calendar needs YOU to help gather information, prepare, edit, and distribute the Calendar. If you would like to see something new in this publication, make it happen! Learn computer skills and help out your community. YOUR help is needed! Please email mig@columbia.edu or call 222-2718. Corrections and comments on its format should be sent to mig@columbia.edu. All comments for discussion should be sent to jewish@columbia.edu, or posted directly to "notes jewish". Be sure to include your name and e-mail address in all messages. Subscribe to the free e-mail distribution of the calendar by sending your request to mig@columbia.edu. The calendar is also posted on "notes jewish" on Columbia's CUNIX systems, and on ColumbiaNet under "4: Calendar, Events & Schedules" (telnet columbianet.columbia.edu). If you are using a Barnard free e-mail account, don't forget to send e-mail outside of Barnard's network via the "Internet gateway". For example, e-mail to mig@columbia.edu should be addressed to: internet mig I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Jewish Electronic Calendar. Shabbat shalom! Meir Israel Green