Bibliographic Record Statistics: 2011-04


Records by Country of Publication

  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
g 10
k 10
m 10
00 120
b 30
cc 10
dk 20
fr 10
gb 10
ma 10
ne 20
s 10
sz 10
yu 10
-us 10
0?] 10
0]v 10
2x 10
3]v 20
4]v 10
5]v 10
6]v 10
8]v 10
NYU 10
]]] 2340
a 30
a 0 40
a b 10
aa Albania6241
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
abc Alberta1,6870
ac Ashmore and Cartier Islands20
aca Australian Capital Territory3241
ae Algeria3,1480
af Afghanistan4560
afr 10
ag Argentina29,8785
agu 10
ai Armenia (Republic)3,8002
air Armenian S.S.R.1,9090
aj Azerbaijan1,3701
ajr Azerbaijan S.S.R.2,8260
ak 10
aku Alaska1,3150
ala 20
alc 20
alu Alabama5,3780
am Anguilla270
amn 10
amu 10
an Andorra290
ao Angola5500
aq Antigua and Barbuda320
ar 560
arg 10
aru Arkansas1,5520
as American Samoa650
at Australia17,5981
at0 10
atk 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
atu 10
au Austria38,3984
au0 10
aur 150
aut 10
auu 10
au| 10
aw Aruba40
axu 10
ay Antarctica110
az 140
azr 30
azu Arizona5,1640
b 10
b b 10
ba Bahrain3040
bb Barbados2290
bc 10
bcc British Columbia3,4851
bcn 10
bcu 10
bd Burundi2420
be Belgium29,8775
be0 10
bek 20
ber 10
be| 30
bf Bahamas340
bg Bangladesh9,0480
bh Belize330
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
bi British Indian Ocean Territory30
bj 10
bl Brazil38,95711
bm Bermuda Islands960
bn Bosnia and Hercegovina9730
bne 10
bo Bolivia6,4661
bp Solomon Islands1460
bq 10
br Burma9960
bs Botswana1,0510
bt Bhutan7070
btk 10
bu Bulgaria10,1292
buk 10
bur 10
bw Belarus3,9841
bwr Byelorussian S.S.R.1,3390
bx Brunei1700
c 0 20
ca 310
cac 10
cai 10
cak 20
can 60
cao 20
cat 20
cau California117,5454
cb Cambodia410
cc China142,41666
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
ccu 20
cd Chad2090
cdu 30
ce Sri Lanka4,2130
cf Congo (Brazzaville)1960
cg Congo (Democratic Republic)1,3380
ch China (Republic : 1949- )38,3878
chu 10
ci Croatia2,4270
ciu 10
cj Cayman Islands50
ck Colombia12,9163
cl Chile10,7210
cm Cameroon1,8440
cn Canada550
cnc 50
cno 30
cnu 180
co 210
cok 10
cou Colorado20,4570
cp Canton and Enderbury Islands70
cq Comoros500
cr Costa Rica4,7010
cs Czechoslovakia16,6164
csr 10
ct 90
ctu Connecticut61,2930
cu Cuba7,1352
cut 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
cu| 10
cv Cape Verde2860
cw Cook Islands420
cx Central African Republic2350
cy Cyprus7680
cyu 10
cz Canal Zone100
cze 130
czu 20
d 10
dau 10
dc 140
dcc 10
dcu District of Columbia823,4127
de 70
dec 10
dem 20
den 30
deu Delaware3,2470
dju 10
dk Denmark13,6734
dkg 10
dk| 20
dlu 10
dm Benin5440
dn 60
dq Dominica150
dq| 10
dr Dominican Republic4,6970
ds 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
duc 10
dyu 10
e 10
ea Eritrea470
eam 10
ec Ecuador8,4630
eg Equatorial Guinea1120
ei 10
ek 40
ekn 10
eku 10
em East Timor80
emk 10
en 1160
ene 10
eng 640
enj 10
enk England1,055,39869
ent 20
enu 150
enx 20
er Estonia2,1190
err Estonia7800
eru 10
es El Salvador1,7530
et Ethiopia1,7800
euk 80
fa Faroe Islands120
fe 10
fg French Guiana1180
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
fi Finland10,5321
fi0 10
fin 10
fj Fiji7360
fk Falkland Islands70
fl 30
fla 90
flu Florida18,1051
fm Micronesia (Federated States)990
fp French Polynesia940
fr France329,74084
fr0 10
fra 1180
fre 320
fr| 1060
fs Terres australes et antarctiques francaises60
ft Djibouti500
fua 10
fxx 10
fyu 10
ga 40
gam 20
gau Georgia11,6870
gb Kiribati1720
gbp 10
gbr 10
gcc 10
gd Grenada360
ge Germany (East)560
ger 650
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
geu 30
gh Ghana2,5660
gi Gibraltar260
gl Greenland80
glx 10
gm Gambia3860
go Gabon2360
gp Guadeloupe990
gr Greece11,4921
gre 20
gs Georgia (Republic)2,0960
gsr Georgian S.S.R.2,5480
gsu 20
gt Guatemala4,0660
gu Guam2060
gv Guinea2610
gw Germany548,96663
gw0 30
gwa 50
gwc 10
gwk 20
gwu 110
gww 30
gw| 270
gx 2510
gy Guyana2140
gy| 10
gz Gaza Strip1190
hau 50
hf 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
hi 30
hiu Hawaii4,8500
hk Hong Kong7,0380
ho Honduras1,5610
ht Haiti5990
hu Hungary27,4962
hun 50
huu 10
hw 10
ia 10
iat 10
iau Iowa6,2390
iaw 20
ic Iceland5310
idu Idaho1,7400
ie Ireland31,5201
ie0 40
iee 10
iek 50
ier 10
ieu 30
ie| 8840
ii India175,1186
ii| 200
il 70
ilk 20
ilu Illinois100,23814
in 300
inc 80
ind 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
inu Indiana19,9570
io Indonesia12,0891
ioi 10
iou 140
iq Iraq3,9780
ir Iran15,0761
ire 30
irk 30
is Israel39,2522
isr 20
isu 10
it Italy190,29738
it0 160
ita 470
itk 50
itu 20
it| 80
iv Cote d'Ivoire1,2000
iy Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone10
iz 20
ja Japan158,86832
jap 60
jc 10
ji Johnston Atoll10
jkj 10
jm Jamaica9930
jm| 20
jo Jordan4,5750
jp 180
jpn 20
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
jpu 10
kan 10
kau 80
kaz 10
ke Kenya6,0340
ken 10
keu 10
kg Kyrgyzstan1,1450
kgr Kirghiz S.S.R.1,5550
ki 30
kn Korea (North)3,4750
ko Korea (South)58,409579
kor 30
ksr 10
ksu Kansas4,9580
ku Kuwait1,5460
kv Kosovo370
kyu Kentucky7,2660
kz Kazakhstan2,7740
kzr Kazakh S.S.R.2,6710
la 10
lat 20
lau Louisiana6,7040
lb Liberia3230
le Lebanon21,2230
leb 20
lh Liechtenstein6400
li Lithuania1,9841
lir Lithuania3150
liu 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
lo Lesotho8010
lok 30
lon 70
lou 50
lr 10
ls Laos560
lsu 20
lt 10
lu Luxembourg8530
lv Latvia2,2892
lvr Latvia6000
lw 10
ly Libya1,2670
ma 190
mac 30
mar 10
mau Massachusetts160,24919
mbc Manitoba8570
mc Monaco7110
mcu 10
md 40
mdu Maryland57,9881
me 230
meu Maine4,5090
mex 30
mf Mauritius9180
mg Madagascar5080
mgu 10
mh Macao870
mi 50
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
miu Michigan41,8411
mj Montserrat110
mk Oman4900
ml Mali5280
mm Malta1,6120
mma 10
mm| 10
mn 10
mnc 10
mnu Minnesota15,7080
mo Montenegro1650
mou Missouri16,0020
moz 10
mp Mongolia390
mq Martinique650
mr Morocco6,7972
ms 10
msu Mississippi2,6600
mt 40
mtu Montana1,8970
mu Mauritania2640
mui 10
mur 20
mv Moldova1,0890
mvr Moldavian S.S.R.5300
mw Malawi1,1110
mx Mexico40,71510
mxp 10
my Malaysia5,6750
myu 40
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
mz Mozambique1,2220
na Netherlands Antilles1320
nb 10
nbc 50
nbu Nebraska4,8610
ncu North Carolina32,0180
nd 20
ndu North Dakota6890
ne Netherlands106,15221
ne0 130
nec 10
net 20
neu 190
new 10
ne| 430
nf 20
nfc Newfoundland and Labrador1680
ng Niger5170
nhu New Hampshire7,0324
ni 30
nig 30
nik Northern Ireland9240
nj 40
nju New Jersey81,2744
nkc New Brunswick3810
nl New Caledonia2340
nm Northern Mariana Islands30
nmu New Mexico5,2290
nn Vanuatu2200
nnu 10
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
no Norway5,6061
np Nepal8,9730
nq Nicaragua2,4080
nr Nigeria10,6440
nsc Nova Scotia7610
nsi 10
ntc Northwest Territories90
nu Nauru380
nuc Nunavut20
nuu 20
nuy 50
nvu Nevada1,4440
nw Northern Mariana Islands660
nx Norfolk Island60
ny 410
nya 50
nyc 110
nyk 10
nyr 10
nyu New York (State)829,55183
nyy 20
nz New Zealand3,3480
nzk 10
ocn 10
oeu 10
oh 1630
oho 10
ohu Ohio28,9371
ok 10
oku Oklahoma5,0190
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
oky 10
on 10
onc Ontario28,2610
one 10
onk 10
ont 50
onu 40
oru Oregon8,3302
ot Mayotte260
oxf 10
pa 340
pak 10
par 10
pau Pennsylvania106,62010
pc Pitcairn Island40
pcc 10
pd 30
pe Peru13,1721
pen 10
peu 30
pf Paracel Islands10
pg Guinea-Bissau1160
ph Philippines5,9140
phe 40
phi 10
phu 10
pic Prince Edward Island760
piu 10
pk Pakistan27,4851
pl Poland55,8223
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
pl0 10
plk 10
pm 10
pn Panama2,6412
pnu 20
po Portugal10,7202
pok 50
por 60
pp Papua New Guinea6070
pr Puerto Rico4,7401
pra 10
pru 130
pt Portuguese Timor50
pu 20
pw Palau870
py Paraguay9320
qa Qatar2600
qea Queensland930
qn 10
qu 10
quc Quebec (Province)9,8960
que 20
qx 10
r 10
rb Serbia1,5680
rdu 10
re Reunion4680
rh Zimbabwe3,2970
ri 10
riu Rhode Island7,8920
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
rju 10
rm Romania11,9741
ro 70
rom 10
rs 120
ru Russia (Federation)171,5564
ru0 10
rum 30
run 10
rur Russian S.F.S.R.35,0260
ruu 10
rw Rwanda4880
ry Ryukyu Islands, Southern10
sa South Africa19,1200
saa 10
saf 10
sc 10
scc 10
sck 50
scu South Carolina4,8892
sd 10
sdu South Dakota9740
se Seychelles1740
sen 40
sey 10
sf Sao Tome and Principe720
sfa 30
sfk 10
sg Senegal2,4971
sh Spanish North Africa20
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
si Singapore9,2440
sj Sudan1,3850
sl Sierra Leone3610
sm San Marino580
sn 10
snc Saskatchewan2810
so Somalia1200
sou 10
sp Spain87,46211
sp0 30
spa 180
sp| 10
sq Swaziland1940
sr Surinam380
ss Western Sahara100
st 360
st. 10
stk Scotland55,5101
stu 30
su Saudi Arabia4,9940
sw Sweden24,9933
swe 20
swi 60
swu 10
swx 10
swz 10
sw| 10
sx Namibia1,1000
sy Syria5,2720
sz Switzerland63,36910
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
szu 10
sz| 130
ta Tajikistan9460
tar Tajik S.S.R.1,5260
tc Turks and Caicos Islands30
teu 30
tg Togo2920
th Thailand2,3460
ti Tunisia3,9240
tj 40
tk Turkmenistan6620
tkr Turkmen S.S.R.1,1290
tl Tokelau50
tma Tasmania200
tnu Tennessee10,2900
to Tonga760
toc 10
tr Trinidad and Tobago4050
ts United Arab Emirates9950
tt Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands10
tu Turkey32,7544
tuk 20
tur 20
tv Tuvalu340
tx 50
txu Texas18,1430
tz Tanzania2,2040
ua Egypt36,1022
uar 10
uat 20
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
uc United States Misc. Caribbean Islands60
uf 10
ufk 10
ug Uganda1,9730
uga 10
ui United Kingdom Misc. Islands90
uik United Kingdom Misc. Islands1750
uk United Kingdom1020
uke 80
ukk 140
ukr 50
uku 10
un Ukraine19,0600
unk 320
unr Ukraine2,7820
up United States Misc. Pacific Islands100
ur Soviet Union70
urr 110
us United States5900
usa 50
usc 10
use 10
usu 80
usx 10
ut 20
utu Utah5,1900
uu 40
uv Burkina Faso6490
uy Uruguay7,1320
uz Uzbekistan2,1900
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
uzr Uzbek S.S.R.3,2980
vau Virginia48,3041
vb British Virgin Islands130
vc Vatican City1,0010
ve Venezuela15,4104
ven 20
vi Virgin Islands of the United States590
viu 50
vm Vietnam6960
vp Various places1,3921
vra Victoria3900
vs Vietnam, South10
vt 20
vtu Vermont6,2150
vz 90
wak 20
wau Washington (State)13,4161
wb West Berlin660
wdu 10
wea Western Australia770
wf Wallis and Futuna30
wi 10
wic 10
wir 20
wiu Wisconsin13,3942
wj West Bank of the Jordan River9600
wk Wake Island40
wl 40
wlk Wales3,1590
ws Samoa1480
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
wsu 20
wvu West Virginia1,6460
wyu Wyoming9040
x 40
xa Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)10
xau 10
xb Cocos (Keeling) Islands60
xc Maldives160
xcn 20
xd Saint Kitts-Nevis110
xe Marshall Islands1180
xh Niue40
xj Saint Helena60
xk Saint Lucia340
xl Saint Pierre and Miquelon10
xm Saint Vincent and the Grenadines140
xn Macedonia1,0380
xna New South Wales3180
xo Slovakia1,3450
xoa Northern Territory80
xp Spratly Island20
xr Czech Republic9,5790
xr0 30
xra South Australia400
xs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands30
xv Slovenia1,3580
xx No place, unknown, or undetermined238,16446
xx0 10
xxc Canada1,1170
xxe 40
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
xxk United Kingdom5,5881
xxr Soviet Union4280
xxu United States27,7053
xxx 240
xx| 310
ye Yemen7040
ykc Yukon Territory70
yr 10
ys Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)230
yu Serbia and Montenegro23,6923
yug 10
za Zambia1,7610
zam 10
zh 20
||| 250,2560

  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders In Process / Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
g 1000000000
k 1000000000
m 1000000000
00 12000000000
b 3000000000
cc 1000000000
dk 2000000000
fr 1000000000
gb 1000000000
ma 1000000000
ne 2000000000
s 1000000000
sz 1000000000
yu 1000000000
-us 1000000000
0?] 1000000000
0]v 1000000000
2x 1000000000
3]v 2000000000
4]v 1000000000
5]v 1000000000
6]v 1000000000
8]v 1000000000
NYU 1100000000
]]] 242800200200
a 3000000000
a 0 4000000000
a b 1000000000
aa Albania617280408110
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
abc Alberta1,7521051120410
ac Ashmore and Cartier Islands3000000000
aca Australian Capital Territory316030301000
ae Algeria3,11061050481202
af Afghanistan38620000601200
afr 1000000000
ag Argentina29,5371903954432374551242
agu 1000000000
ai Armenia (Republic)3,591830441189001
air Armenian S.S.R.1,911600111241710
aj Azerbaijan1,29515270157104306
ajr Azerbaijan S.S.R.2,8154103602120
ak 1000000000
aku Alaska1,3311050400422
ala 2000000000
alc 2000000000
alu Alabama5,802158519204021
am Anguilla28000000100
amn 1000000000
amu 1000000000
an Andorra30000001000
ao Angola5533204119712
aq Antigua and Barbuda32000000000
ar 54000101000
arg 1000000000
aru Arkansas1,63525411720201
as American Samoa510100021400
at Australia18,060255356451981891225
at0 1000000000
atk 2000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
atu 1000000000
au Austria38,1293171697251161854291842
au0 1000000000
aur 12000000300
aut 1000000000
auu 4000000000
au| 1000000000
aw Aruba4000000000
axu 2000000000
ay Antarctica11000000000
az 14000000000
azr 2000000100
azu Arizona5,72327384133111239
b 2300000000
b b 1000000000
ba Bahrain2891010014200
bb Barbados2321011200002
bc 1000000000
bcc British Columbia3,62859110401517
bcn 1000000000
bcu 2000000000
bd Burundi2162000027101
be Belgium30,5082916915201171072382155
be0 1000000000
bek 1000000100
ber 1000000000
be| 3000000000
bf Bahamas36000000000
bg Bangladesh8,9931930814940010
bh Belize32300100000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
bi British Indian Ocean Territory3000000000
bj 1000000000
bl Brazil37,65218139789153471,2102635
bm Bermuda Islands95000002000
bn Bosnia and Hercegovina957420409611
bne 1000000000
bo Bolivia5,792192014039530311
bp Solomon Islands1330000012100
bq 1000000000
br Burma815130225014413
bs Botswana1,0506112041812
bt Bhutan65735501204000
btk 1000000000
bu Bulgaria9,749521490302362735116
buk 1000000000
bur 1000000000
bw Belarus3,820363017918197239
bwr Byelorussian S.S.R.1,19760033015512
bx Brunei170000001200
c 0 2000000000
ca 31110101000
cac 2000000000
cai 1000000000
cak 2000000000
can 6000000100
cao 2000000000
cat 2000000000
cau California137,4289,162295693375628236133590
cb Cambodia43010000000
cc China138,3203557,1042818281017911
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
ccu 2000000000
cd Chad1851003018520
cdu 4000000000
ce Sri Lanka4,24517204112743
cf Congo (Brazzaville)185100109310
cg Congo (Democratic Republic)1,30280031323605
ch China (Republic : 1949- )38,6476411231672620878
chu 1000000000
ci Croatia2,37712100175303706
ciu 0000100000
cj Cayman Islands4000001000
ck Colombia12,5565584142133327916
cl Chile10,54145110274452281012
cm Cameroon1,755312190513210
cn Canada56100101000
cnc 5000000000
cno 3000000000
cnu 23400000100
co 21000000100
cok 1000000000
cou Colorado23,7351,679231037160348162
cp Canton and Enderbury Islands6000000100
cq Comoros41000107200
cr Costa Rica4,4051030816824953
cs Czechoslovakia16,0828223432910762846
csr 0010000000
ct 9000000000
ctu Connecticut72,4814,02874201153237425235
cu Cuba7,06356413210259468
cut 1000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
cu| 1000000000
cv Cape Verde2600101022500
cw Cook Islands270000015000
cx Central African Republic2021000026910
cy Cyprus763260307100
cyu 1000000000
cz Canal Zone8000100100
cze 10001001100
czu 1000000100
d 1000000000
dau 1000000000
dc 14000000001
dcc 1000000000
dcu District of Columbia834,5177,619120661977370232168414
de 7000000100
dec 1000000000
dem 1000100000
den 3000000000
deu Delaware3,67681761250019
dju 1100000000
dk Denmark13,8341455267551844522
dkg 1000000000
dk| 2000000000
dlu 1000000000
dm Benin4530004082901
dn 5000100000
dq Dominica14000001100
dq| 1000000000
dr Dominican Republic4,372262103022169529
ds 1000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
duc 3000000000
dyu 1000000000
e 1000000000
ea Eritrea40000207001
eam 1000000000
ec Ecuador7,717102119342735828
eg Equatorial Guinea115200000000
ei 1000000000
ek 5000000001
ekn 1000000000
eku 1000000000
em East Timor7000100000
emk 2000000000
en 134610000000
ene 1000000000
eng 67310100200
enj 1000000000
enk England1,125,59224,7281,1451867452151271,8683421,861
ent 2000000000
enu 18000000000
enx 2000000000
er Estonia2,0492150201197729
err Estonia7304004107600
eru 1000000000
es El Salvador1,70010506058704
et Ethiopia1,758181174852718
euk 10200100000
fa Faroe Islands11000001100
fe 1000000000
fg French Guiana118000001000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
fi Finland10,5205022357131962010
fi0 1000000000
fin 1000000000
fj Fiji7032002033110
fk Falkland Islands7000000000
fl 3000000000
fla 9002000000
flu Florida19,379483342216136635
fm Micronesia (Federated States)91000008000
fp French Polynesia91500003000
fr France335,9984,019712937151245863,624170498
fr0 1000000000
fra 490007006700
fre 28010200500
fr| 113100000000
fs Terres australes et antarctiques francaises6000000000
ft Djibouti47000003100
fua 1000000000
fxx 1000000000
fyu 1000000000
ga 4000000000
gam 2000000000
gau Georgia12,725242224180612624
gb Kiribati1622003051300
gbp 0000100001
gbr 3000000000
gcc 1000000000
gd Grenada36000000000
ge Germany (East)436001105000
ger 512106001001
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
geu 3000000000
gh Ghana2,53317011621181725
gi Gibraltar26000010000
gl Greenland7000000100
glx 1000000000
gm Gambia3617400216911
go Gabon222010209300
gp Guadeloupe99000000003
gr Greece11,38974171745361862119
gre 2000000000
gs Georgia (Republic)2,0963112910728110
gsr Georgian S.S.R.2,53060063702200
gsu 2000000000
gt Guatemala3,80216501122059203
gu Guam200600004500
gv Guinea2310000030411
gw Germany552,3305,5251,253612,0961452,0264,665321532
gw0 3000000000
gwa 2100300000
gwc 1000000000
gwk 2000000000
gwu 11000000000
gww 3000000000
gw| 30100000000
gx 2621000110100
gy Guyana214100100000
gy| 1000000000
gz Gaza Strip117000003000
hau 6100000000
hf 1000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
hi 3000000000
hiu Hawaii5,577190141900418
hk Hong Kong7,2676240300882
ho Honduras1,44740040249600
ht Haiti591320602611
hu Hungary27,18112421274193072621863
hun 3000000110
huu 1000000000
hw 1000000000
ia 1000000000
iat 0000000100
iau Iowa6,76325960581217311
iaw 2000000000
ic Iceland536110200111
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