Bibliographic Record Statistics: 2018-02


Records by Language

  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
-- No linguistic content33,1614
N A -- N/A1030
N/A -- N/A16,6190
aar -- Afar80
abk -- Abkhaz300
ace -- Achinese60
ach -- Acoli130
ady -- Adygei710
afa -- Afroasiatic (Other)280
afr -- Afrikaans2,4960
ain -- Ainu20
ajm -- Aljamia10
aka -- Akan90
akk -- Akkadian1020
alb -- Albanian2,0070
ale -- Aleut50
alg -- Algonquian (Other)380
alt -- Altai140
amh -- Amharic800
ang -- English, Old (ca. 450-1100)1650
anp -- Angika10
apa -- Apache languages90
ara -- Arabic121,7252
arc -- Aramaic1460
arg -- Aragonese30
arm -- Armenian10,8052
arn -- Mapuche90
art -- Artificial (Other)60
arw -- Arawak10
asm -- Assamese7680
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
ast -- Bable30
ath -- Athapascan (Other)20
aus -- Australian languages130
ava -- Avaric660
ave -- Avestan190
awa -- Awadhi660
aym -- Aymara220
aze -- Azerbaijani3,5810
bad -- Banda languages20
bai -- Bamileke languages10
bak -- Bashkir7680
bal -- Baluchi4440
bam -- Bambara610
ban -- Balinese370
baq -- Basque2260
bas -- Basa50
bat -- Baltic (Other)20
bej -- Beja10
bel -- Belarusian3,3030
bem -- Bemba80
ben -- Bengali21,5381
ber -- Berber (Other)1090
bho -- Bhojpuri2270
bih -- Bihari (Other)60
bik -- Bikol60
bis -- Bislama60
bnt -- Bantu (Other)1290
bos -- Bosnian1,2930
bra -- Braj2940
bre -- Breton280
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
btk -- Batak100
bua -- Buriat470
bug -- Bugis140
bul -- Bulgarian11,7460
bur -- Burmese1240
cad -- Caddo10
cai -- Central American Indian (Other)380
cam -- Khmer70
car -- Carib60
cat -- Catalan4,9351
cau -- Caucasian (Other)9480
ceb -- Cebuano130
cel -- Celtic (Other)60
cha -- Chamorro90
chb -- Chibcha10
che -- Chechen1340
chg -- Chagatai290
chi -- Chinese269,08673
chk -- Chuukese60
chm -- Mari250
chn -- Chinook jargon10
cho -- Choctaw260
chp -- Chipewyan10
chr -- Cherokee190
chu -- Church Slavic4560
chv -- Chuvash4670
chy -- Cheyenne20
cop -- Coptic1170
cor -- Cornish40
cos -- Corsican80
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
cpe -- Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other)150
cpf -- Creoles and Pidgins, French-based (Other)1120
cpp -- Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)210
cre -- Cree170
crh -- Crimean Tatar130
crp -- Creoles and Pidgins (Other)610
csb -- Kashubian80
cus -- Cushitic (Other)60
cze -- Czech22,6490
dak -- Dakota540
dan -- Danish9,6752
dar -- Dargwa60
day -- Dayak60
del -- Delaware130
den -- Slavey80
din -- Dinka20
doi -- Dogri1220
dra -- Dravidian (Other)1290
dua -- Duala20
dum -- Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)690
dut -- Dutch47,6115
dyu -- Dyula160
dzo -- Dzongkha1060
efi -- Efik180
egy -- Egyptian2510
elx -- Elamite20
eng -- English5,190,929252
enm -- English, Middle (1100-1500)3550
epo -- Esperanto640
esk -- Eskimo languages180
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
esp -- Esperanto160
est -- Estonian1,6070
eth -- Ethiopic250
ewe -- Ewe80
ewo -- Ewondo20
fan -- Fang60
fao -- Faroese80
far -- Faroese40
fat -- Fanti70
fij -- Fijian50
fil -- Filipino20
fin -- Finnish6,2860
fiu -- Finno-Ugrian (Other)8830
fon -- Fon40
fre -- French464,97320
fri -- Frisian1320
frm -- French, Middle (ca. 1300-1600)7970
fro -- French, Old (ca. 842-1300)4140
frr -- North Frisian40
fry -- Frisian670
ful -- Fula1310
fur -- Friulian240
gaa -- Ga110
gae -- Scottish Gaelix770
gag -- Galician980
gal -- Oromo80
gay -- Gayo40
gba -- Gbaya10
gem -- Germanic (Other)750
geo -- Georgian3,3910
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
ger -- German678,38437
gez -- Ethiopic390
gil -- Gilbertese60
gla -- Scottish Gaelic1370
gle -- Irish2370
glg -- Galician2730
glv -- Manx120
gmh -- German, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)3030
goh -- German, Old High (ca. 750-1050)270
gon -- Gondi40
gor -- Gorontalo10
got -- Gothic400
grb -- Grebo70
grc -- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)6,0660
gre -- Greek, Modern (1453-)16,2440
grn -- Guarani120
gsw -- Swiss German30
gua -- Guarani90
guj -- Gujarati1,2170
gwi -- Gwich'in10
hai -- Haida30
hat -- Haitian French Creole980
hau -- Hausa2840
haw -- Hawaiian1030
heb -- Hebrew45,1301
her -- Herero50
hil -- Hiligaynon40
him -- Western Pahari languages370
hin -- Hindi36,3731
hmn -- Hmong100
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
hrv -- Croatian2,3250
hsb -- Upper Sorbian20
hun -- Hungarian28,0291
iba -- Iban40
ibo -- Igbo300
ice -- Icelandic8240
ijo -- Ijo10
iku -- Inuktitut450
ilo -- Iloko120
ina -- Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)20
inc -- Indic (Other)3350
ind -- Indonesian10,1661
ine -- Indo-European (Other)90
inh -- Ingush90
int -- Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)20
ipk -- Inupiaq20
ira -- Iranian (Other)870
iri -- Irish770
iro -- Iroquoian (Other)220
ita -- Italian217,7416
jav -- Javanese1790
jbo -- Lojban (Artificial language)10
jpn -- Japanese192,64512
jpr -- Judeo-Persian30
jrb -- Judeo-Arabic750
kaa -- Kara-Kalpak1550
kab -- Kabyle110
kac -- Kachin10
kal -- Kalatdlisut160
kam -- Kamba80
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
kan -- Kannada4260
kar -- Karen languages120
kas -- Kashmiri1140
kau -- Kanuri20
kaw -- Kawi110
kaz -- Kazakh3,8650
kbd -- Kabardian830
kha -- Khasi671
khi -- Khoisan (Other)110
khm -- Khmer320
kik -- Kikuyu310
kin -- Kinyarwanda410
kir -- Kyrgyz2,1550
kmb -- Kimbundu10
kok -- Konkani230
kom -- Komi310
kon -- Kongo170
kor -- Korean90,923290
kos -- Kosraean40
kpe -- Kpelle450
krc -- Karachay-Balkar200
krl -- Karelian70
kro -- Kru (Other)60
kru -- Kurukh10
kua -- Kuanyama60
kum -- Kumyk100
kur -- Kurdish2,1570
lad -- Ladino1310
lah -- Lahnd?730
lan -- Occitan (post 1500)590
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
lao -- Lao250
lap -- Sami60
lat -- Latin92,6828
lav -- Latvian2,2470
lez -- Lezgian80
lin -- Lingala80
lit -- Lithuanian1,6580
lol -- Mongo-Nkundu80
lua -- Luba-Lulua10
lub -- Luba-Katanga30
lug -- Ganda1170
lun -- Lunda30
luo -- Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)140
lus -- Lushai2400
mac -- Macedonian2,4400
mad -- Madurese50
mag -- Magahi190
mah -- Marshallese130
mai -- Maithili3640
mak -- Makasar70
mal -- Malayalam1960
man -- Mandingo770
mao -- Maori320
map -- Austronesian (Other)1750
mar -- Marathi5200
mas -- Maasai40
max -- Manx140
may -- Malay2,3200
mdf -- Moksha50
men -- Mende50
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
mga -- Irish, Middle (ca. 1100-1550)30
mic -- Micmac60
min -- Minangkabau110
mis -- Miscellaneous languages1220
mkh -- Mon-Khmer (Other)70
mla -- Malagasy240
mlg -- Malagasy500
mlt -- Maltese6510
mnc -- Manchu310
mni -- Manipuri550
mno -- Manobo languages20
moh -- Mohawk110
mol -- Moldavian3640
mon -- Mongolian8590
mos -- Moore90
mul -- Multiple languages9,2472
mun -- Munda (Other)60
mus -- Creek160
mwl -- Mirandese10
mwr -- Marwari410
myn -- Mayan languages1470
myv -- Erzya100
nah -- Nahuatl420
nai -- North American Indian (Other)580
nap -- Neapolitan Italian60
nau -- Nauru10
nav -- Navajo90
nbl -- Ndebele (South Africa)30
nde -- Ndebele (Zimbabwe)1350
ndo -- Ndonga90
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
nds -- Low German260
nep -- Nepali6,6561
new -- Newari8930
nia -- Nias10
nic -- Niger-Kordofanian (Other)2270
nno -- Norwegian (Nynorsk)250
nob -- Norwegian (Bokmal)80
nog -- Nogai50
non -- Old Norse160
nor -- Norwegian4,4940
nqo -- N'Ko20
nso -- Northern Sotho220
nub -- Nubian languages90
nya -- Nyanja340
nyn -- Nyankole170
nyo -- Nyoro40
nzi -- Nzima30
oci -- Occitan (post 1500)1480
oji -- Ojibwa320
ori -- Oriya9660
orm -- Oromo80
osa -- Osage10
oss -- Ossetic3990
ota -- Turkish, Ottoman3,3170
oto -- Otomian languages70
paa -- Papuan (Other)540
pag -- Pangasinan90
pal -- Pahlavi670
pam -- Pampanga100
pan -- Panjabi5,6810
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
pap -- Papiamento80
pau -- Palauan50
peo -- Old Persian (ca. 600-400 B.C.)30
per -- Persian21,7780
phi -- Philippine (Other)230
pli -- Pali2870
pol -- Polish62,5723
pon -- Pohnpeian120
por -- Portuguese65,150755
pra -- Prakrit languages3100
pro -- Provencal (to 1500)1290
pus -- Pushto1,9660
que -- Quechua730
raj -- Rajasthani1,1590
rar -- Rarotongan50
roa -- Romance (Other)1,5370
roh -- Raeto-Romance680
rom -- Romani310
rum -- Romanian13,5990
run -- Rundi70
rus -- Russian263,2834
sad -- Sandawe40
sag -- Sango (Ubangi Creole)10
sah -- Yakut750
sai -- South American Indian (Other)760
sal -- Salishan languages90
sam -- Samaritan Aramaic290
san -- Sanskrit8,8950
sao -- Samoan20
sas -- Sasak20
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
sat -- Santali30
scc -- Serbian8,7890
scn -- Sicilian Italian20
sco -- Scots1860
scr -- Croatian11,0200
sel -- Selkup90
sem -- Semitic (Other)60
sga -- Irish, Old (to 1100)20
sgn -- Sign languages30
sho -- Shona1630
sid -- Sidamo10
sin -- Sinhalese1,3590
sio -- Siouan (Other)30
sit -- Sino-Tibetan (Other)1490
sla -- Slavic (Other)1540
slo -- Slovak4,0760
slv -- Slovenian3,6370
smi -- Sami140
smo -- Samoan420
sms -- Skolt Sami20
sna -- Shona1620
snd -- Sindhi4,1400
snh -- Sinhalese240
snk -- Soninke140
sog -- Sogdian70
som -- Somali1090
son -- Songhai40
sot -- Sotho370
spa -- Spanish343,00713
srd -- Sardinian70
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
srn -- Sranan10
srp -- Serbian5,0590
srr -- Serer130
ssa -- Nilo-Saharan (Other)460
sso -- Sotho250
ssw -- Swazi50
sun -- Sundanese490
sus -- Susu20
sux -- Sumerian210
swa -- Swahili1,5540
swe -- Swedish14,4732
swz -- Swazi20
syc -- Syriac570
syr -- Syriac, Modern3680
tag -- Tagalog190
tah -- Tahitian150
tai -- Tai (Other)40
taj -- Tajik1,2710
tam -- Tamil5,5090
tar -- Tatar1680
tat -- Tatar3730
tel -- Telugu3990
tem -- Temne20
tet -- Tetum40
tgk -- Tajik8820
tgl -- Tagalog2760
tha -- Thai7181
tib -- Tibetan12,90851
tig -- Tigre50
tir -- Tigrinya150
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
tiv -- Tiv10
tkl -- Tokelauan10
tmh -- Tamashek40
tog -- Tonga (Nyasa)60
ton -- Tongan150
tpi -- Tok Pisin40
tsi -- Tsimshian10
tsn -- Tswana830
tso -- Tsonga210
tsw -- Tswana140
tuk -- Turkmen1,3890
tum -- Tumbuka10
tup -- Tupi languages20
tur -- Turkish45,0621
tut -- Altaic (Other)1,8410
tvl -- Tuvaluan10
twi -- Twi340
tyv -- Tuvinian160
udm -- Udmurt260
uga -- Ugaritic50
uig -- Uighur1950
ukr -- Ukrainian25,0620
umb -- Umbundu40
und -- Undetermined10,7969
urd -- Urdu30,7772
uzb -- Uzbek4,4350
ven -- Venda130
vie -- Vietnamese4450
vol -- Volapuk20
wak -- Wakashan languages40
  Bib Records
Language Titles No Mfhd
war -- Waray10
wel -- Welsh1,5340
wen -- Sorbian (Other)3570
wln -- Walloon60
wol -- Wolof1360
xal -- Oirat160
xho -- Xhosa1640
yao -- Yao (Africa)40
yid -- Yiddish4,6420
yor -- Yoruba1140
ypk -- Yupik languages150
zap -- Zapotec90
zul -- Zulu1690
zun -- Zuni30
zxx -- No linguistic content68,70311
zza -- Zaza350
Code error6460
No attempt to code897,2871

  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders In Process / Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
-- No linguistic content32,348865182557232468414467
N A -- N/A1092900000000
N/A -- N/A16,8407642025200630
aar -- Afar7110000000
abk -- Abkhaz20020008000
ace -- Achinese6000000000
ach -- Acoli13000000000
ady -- Adygei61020008000
afa -- Afroasiatic (Other)26000002000
afr -- Afrikaans2,46311005205703
ain -- Ainu2000000000
ajm -- Aljamia1000000000
aka -- Akan9000000000
akk -- Akkadian106000000000
alb -- Albanian1,6822184040149100
ale -- Aleut6000000000
alg -- Algonquian (Other)42000000000
alt -- Altai14000000000
amh -- Amharic83000001000
ang -- English, Old (ca. 450-1100)170510000110
anp -- Angika1000000000
apa -- Apache languages9000000000
ara -- Arabic118,1562002,578410261,58904577
arc -- Aramaic149000000000
arg -- Aragonese3000000000
arm -- Armenian10,538428407510291024
arn -- Mapuche8000001000
art -- Artificial (Other)6100000000
arw -- Arawak1000000000
asm -- Assamese6850000083000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
ast -- Bable3000000000
ath -- Athapascan (Other)2000000000
aus -- Australian languages13000000000
ava -- Avaric64010000100
ave -- Avestan19100000000
awa -- Awadhi65000001000
aym -- Aymara21000000100
aze -- Azerbaijani3,52487012743355
bad -- Banda languages2000000000
bai -- Bamileke languages1000000000
bak -- Bashkir762200128003
bal -- Baluchi4170000027000
bam -- Bambara63240002000
ban -- Balinese37000000001
baq -- Basque225211000101
bas -- Basa5000000000
bat -- Baltic (Other)2000000000
bej -- Beja1000000000
bel -- Belarusian3,151381809540141130
bem -- Bemba8000000000
ben -- Bengali21,2912430110273110
ber -- Berber (Other)106100004000
bho -- Bhojpuri227000000000
bih -- Bihari (Other)6000000000
bik -- Bikol6000000000
bis -- Bislama6000000000
bnt -- Bantu (Other)131100001000
bos -- Bosnian1,122398040520230
bra -- Braj2101000018600
bre -- Breton29000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
btk -- Batak10000000000
bua -- Buriat38040005000
bug -- Bugis14000000000
bul -- Bulgarian11,00152315013219729016114
bur -- Burmese1090000015000
cad -- Caddo1000000000
cai -- Central American Indian (Other)39000000000
cam -- Khmer7000000000
car -- Carib6000000000
cat -- Catalan4,67544281017113311087
cau -- Caucasian (Other)9460200210018
ceb -- Cebuano13000000000
cel -- Celtic (Other)7100000000
cha -- Chamorro9000000000
chb -- Chibcha1000000000
che -- Chechen128010024100
chg -- Chagatai28000100000
chi -- Chinese265,7723066,628141,49935530418
chk -- Chuukese6000000000
chm -- Mari25000000000
chn -- Chinook jargon1100000000
cho -- Choctaw26000000000
chp -- Chipewyan1000000000
chr -- Cherokee19000000000
chu -- Church Slavic457610202000
chv -- Chuvash462433021105
chy -- Cheyenne2000000000
cop -- Coptic128100000000
cor -- Cornish4100000000
cos -- Corsican8000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
cpe -- Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other)14000001000
cpf -- Creoles and Pidgins, French-based (Other)103000202600
cpp -- Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)22100000000
cre -- Cree17100000000
crh -- Crimean Tatar13000000000
crp -- Creoles and Pidgins (Other)58000001300
csb -- Kashubian5000003000
cus -- Cushitic (Other)6000000000
cze -- Czech21,83315717251233117431499
dak -- Dakota55100000000
dan -- Danish9,6984918112044125
dar -- Dargwa4020000000
day -- Dayak5000001000
del -- Delaware13000000000
den -- Slavey8100000000
din -- Dinka2000000000
doi -- Dogri122000000000
dra -- Dravidian (Other)1190000010000
dua -- Duala2000000000
dum -- Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)71100010000
dut -- Dutch45,8852433311216912,0063929
dyu -- Dyula19100000001
dzo -- Dzongkha811220400000
efi -- Efik17000001000
egy -- Egyptian251100000000
elx -- Elamite2000000000
eng -- English5,629,087263,6586,4371,9447,5531,2403,4508,6783,96510,276
enm -- English, Middle (1100-1500)391800000000
epo -- Esperanto65200000000
esk -- Eskimo languages17000000100
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
esp -- Esperanto14100000200
est -- Estonian1,51853014049515
eth -- Ethiopic31000000000
ewe -- Ewe9010000000
ewo -- Ewondo2000000000
fan -- Fang6000000000
fao -- Faroese8000000000
far -- Faroese4000000000
fat -- Fanti7000000000
fij -- Fijian5000000000
fil -- Filipino1000100000
fin -- Finnish6,19325601301889136
fiu -- Finno-Ugrian (Other)8790020923022
fon -- Fon3000000100
fre -- French472,1896,1804371141,0411641,4004,598360594
fri -- Frisian133000000000
frm -- French, Middle (ca. 1300-1600)814700100001
fro -- French, Old (ca. 842-1300)433720200001
frr -- North Frisian4000000000
fry -- Frisian66000001000
ful -- Fula130000003000
fur -- Friulian23000100000
gaa -- Ga11000000100
gae -- Scottish Gaelix82100000000
gag -- Galician98000000000
gal -- Oromo7000000100
gay -- Gayo4000000000
gba -- Gbaya1000000000
gem -- Germanic (Other)77200000000
geo -- Georgian3,21414182114713527
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
ger -- German682,7627,582371431,0391151,4085,698503451
gez -- Ethiopic41000000000
gil -- Gilbertese6000000000
gla -- Scottish Gaelic137100001000
gle -- Irish240100000000
glg -- Galician269200102010
glv -- Manx12000000000
gmh -- German, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)311100010100
goh -- German, Old High (ca. 750-1050)29000000000
gon -- Gondi4000000000
gor -- Gorontalo1000000000
got -- Gothic43100000000
grb -- Grebo7000000000
grc -- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)6,729274519213115
gre -- Greek, Modern (1453-)15,988831941175111727116
grn -- Guarani12000000000
gsw -- Swiss German3000000000
gua -- Guarani9000000000
guj -- Gujarati1,1752000044000
gwi -- Gwich'in1000000000
hai -- Haida3000000000
hat -- Haitian French Creole98100000000
hau -- Hausa2731002011000
haw -- Hawaiian105100000000
heb -- Hebrew45,166111224141043521311
her -- Herero5100000000
hil -- Hiligaynon4000000000
him -- Western Pahari languages37000000000
hin -- Hindi36,44364505134031
hmn -- Hmong10000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
hrv -- Croatian2,1461913005160050
hsb -- Upper Sorbian2000000000
hun -- Hungarian27,4248410231146721211837
iba -- Iban4000000000
ibo -- Igbo28100001100
ice -- Icelandic8291300100221
ijo -- Ijo1000000000
iku -- Inuktitut46010000000
ilo -- Iloko12000000000
ina -- Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)2000000000
inc -- Indic (Other)333010002000
ind -- Indonesian9,85723106121030921
ine -- Indo-European (Other)10000000000
inh -- Ingush9000000000
int -- Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)3100000000
ipk -- Inupiaq2000000000
ira -- Iranian (Other)90200101000
iri -- Irish82000000000
iro -- Iroquoian (Other)23000000000
ita -- Italian215,9403,613250425131983524,598360399
jav -- Javanese178000000100
jbo -- Lojban (Artificial language)1000000000
jpn -- Japanese189,121180354181,39334,948118838
jpr -- Judeo-Persian3000000000
jrb -- Judeo-Arabic75000000000
kaa -- Kara-Kalpak154000100002
kab -- Kabyle10000001000
kac -- Kachin1000000000
kal -- Kalatdlisut16000000000
kam -- Kamba8000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
kan -- Kannada422000004200
kar -- Karen languages12000000000
kas -- Kashmiri105000009000
kau -- Kanuri2000000000
kaw -- Kawi11000000000
kaz -- Kazakh3,609347104207443
kbd -- Kabardian82001001000
kha -- Khasi560000010000
khi -- Khoisan (Other)11000000000
khm -- Khmer31000001000
kik -- Kikuyu31000100000
kin -- Kinyarwanda41000000000
kir -- Kyrgyz1,983445003134101
kmb -- Kimbundu1000000000
kok -- Konkani23000000000
kom -- Komi30000000100
kon -- Kongo15010100000
kor -- Korean85,6231606,2135271001401
kos -- Kosraean4000000000
kpe -- Kpelle40410000000
krc -- Karachay-Balkar20000000000
krl -- Karelian7000000000
kro -- Kru (Other)5010000000
kru -- Kurukh1000000000
kua -- Kuanyama5000001000
kum -- Kumyk9010000000
kur -- Kurdish1,856395030231000
lad -- Ladino130110000000
lah -- Lahnd?71000002000
lan -- Occitan (post 1500)58000000100
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
lao -- Lao25000000000
lap -- Sami7000000000
lat -- Latin95,7301,394293172196604774
lav -- Latvian2,19311104107204
lez -- Lezgian8000000000
lin -- Lingala8000000000
lit -- Lithuanian1,59610002017624
lol -- Mongo-Nkundu8000000000
lua -- Luba-Lulua1000000000
lub -- Luba-Katanga3000000000
lug -- Ganda118000001000
lun -- Lunda3000000000
luo -- Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)12000000200
lus -- Lushai2290100011000
mac -- Macedonian2,3401718034228115
mad -- Madurese5000000000
mag -- Magahi19000000000
mah -- Marshallese13000000000
mai -- Maithili364000000000
mak -- Makasar7000000000
mal -- Malayalam1900000001200
man -- Mandingo84000000000
mao -- Maori31010000000
map -- Austronesian (Other)176000000000
mar -- Marathi513610004080
mas -- Maasai4000000000
max -- Manx14000000000
may -- Malay2,2804000834400
mdf -- Moksha5000000000
men -- Mende5000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
mga -- Irish, Middle (ca. 1100-1550)3000000000
mic -- Micmac6000000000
min -- Minangkabau11000000000
mis -- Miscellaneous languages120100004000
mkh -- Mon-Khmer (Other)7000000000
mla -- Malagasy23000100000
mlg -- Malagasy48000002000
mlt -- Maltese6340001700000
mnc -- Manchu32000000000
mni -- Manipuri55000000000
mno -- Manobo languages2000000000
moh -- Mohawk11000000000
mol -- Moldavian3501001201801
mon -- Mongolian722210401035000
mos -- Moore9100001000
mul -- Multiple languages8,5381697181695577934922
mun -- Munda (Other)6000000000
mus -- Creek16000000000
mwl -- Mirandese1000000000
mwr -- Marwari41000000000
myn -- Mayan languages143000004010
myv -- Erzya10000000000
nah -- Nahuatl42100000000
nai -- North American Indian (Other)59100000000
nap -- Neapolitan Italian6000000000
nau -- Nauru1000000000
nav -- Navajo9000000000
nbl -- Ndebele (South Africa)3000000000
nde -- Ndebele (Zimbabwe)133000100200
ndo -- Ndonga9000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
nds -- Low German26000000000
nep -- Nepali6,6424300011010
new -- Newari893000100000
nia -- Nias1000000000
nic -- Niger-Kordofanian (Other)224200000400
nno -- Norwegian (Nynorsk)22000400000
nob -- Norwegian (Bokmal)8000000000
nog -- Nogai4000001000
non -- Old Norse16000000000
nor -- Norwegian4,51420205041330
nqo -- N'Ko2000000000
nso -- Northern Sotho21000000100
nub -- Nubian languages10000000000
nya -- Nyanja33100000100
nyn -- Nyankole18000000000
nyo -- Nyoro4000000000
nzi -- Nzima3000000000
oci -- Occitan (post 1500)152700100000
oji -- Ojibwa32100000000
ori -- Oriya966100000000
orm -- Oromo8000000001
osa -- Osage1000000000
oss -- Ossetic395000113008
ota -- Turkish, Ottoman3,323300303000
oto -- Otomian languages7000000000
paa -- Papuan (Other)54000000000
pag -- Pangasinan9000000000
pal -- Pahlavi68000000100
pam -- Pampanga10000000000
pan -- Panjabi5,6625000025001
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
pap -- Papiamento8000000000
pau -- Palauan5000000000
peo -- Old Persian (ca. 600-400 B.C.)3000000000
per -- Persian21,399894631332154092
phi -- Philippine (Other)23000000000
pli -- Pali290000001000
pol -- Polish57,8042787751591083,6651,51131197
pon -- Pohnpeian12000000000
por -- Portuguese61,45537510514119191,9601,3797373
pra -- Prakrit languages311000000100
pro -- Provencal (to 1500)134400000100
pus -- Pushto1,86940000107000
que -- Quechua75000000000
raj -- Rajasthani1,1500000010000
rar -- Rarotongan6000000000
roa -- Romance (Other)1,5884000001000
roh -- Raeto-Romance67100100100
rom -- Romani32000000000
rum -- Romanian12,575502025648602121143
run -- Rundi6000000100
rus -- Russian255,9005,6711,630805076055,4756,2761,1472,069
sad -- Sandawe4000000000
sag -- Sango (Ubangi Creole)1000000000
sah -- Yakut72000003000
sai -- South American Indian (Other)76000000000
sal -- Salishan languages9000000000
sam -- Samaritan Aramaic31000000000
san -- Sanskrit8,96953404019311
sao -- Samoan2000000000
sas -- Sasak2000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
sat -- Santali3000000000
scc -- Serbian8,76952429112106239
scn -- Sicilian Italian2000000000
sco -- Scots194100000000
scr -- Croatian10,885795119150268221
sel -- Selkup9000000000
sem -- Semitic (Other)5010000000
sga -- Irish, Old (to 1100)2000000000
sgn -- Sign languages3000000000
sho -- Shona157000000701
sid -- Sidamo1000000000
sin -- Sinhalese1,360000100000
sio -- Siouan (Other)3000000000
sit -- Sino-Tibetan (Other)149010100001
sla -- Slavic (Other)144220115300
slo -- Slovak3,9361437191238118129
slv -- Slovenian3,5201448052367334
smi -- Sami14000000000
smo -- Samoan42000000000
sms -- Skolt Sami2000000000
sna -- Shona165100000004
snd -- Sindhi4,02210010121030
snh -- Sinhalese24000000000
snk -- Soninke13000001000
sog -- Sogdian7100000000
som -- Somali1001000011000
son -- Songhai4000000000
sot -- Sotho35000101000
spa -- Spanish335,2782,788321101526813,9307,624205485
srd -- Sardinian6000001000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
srn -- Sranan1000000000
srp -- Serbian4,4519174013035421080
srr -- Serer12000001000
ssa -- Nilo-Saharan (Other)47000100000
sso -- Sotho24000000100
ssw -- Swazi5100000000
sun -- Sundanese49000000000
sus -- Susu2000000000
sux -- Sumerian21000001000
swa -- Swahili1,62012103181202
swe -- Swedish14,5741601702811831128
swz -- Swazi2000000000
syc -- Syriac59000000000
syr -- Syriac, Modern386410202000
tag -- Tagalog18000100000
tah -- Tahitian15000000000
tai -- Tai (Other)4000000000
taj -- Tajik1,270100031304
tam -- Tamil5,512200006010
tar -- Tatar170101030006
tat -- Tatar3600100007003
tel -- Telugu397000102000
tem -- Temne2000000000
tet -- Tetum4000000000
tgk -- Tajik76035121077002
tgl -- Tagalog275000000100
tha -- Thai7040001012040
tib -- Tibetan10,221541,50761,375010291
tig -- Tigre5000000000
tir -- Tigrinya16000000001
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
tiv -- Tiv1000000000
tkl -- Tokelauan1000000000
tmh -- Tamashek4000000000
tog -- Tonga (Nyasa)6000000000
ton -- Tongan15000000000
tpi -- Tok Pisin4000000000
tsi -- Tsimshian1000000000
tsn -- Tswana83000000000
tso -- Tsonga21000000000
tsw -- Tswana15000000000
tuk -- Turkmen1,376120024715
tum -- Tumbuka1000000000
tup -- Tupi languages2000000000
tur -- Turkish42,746701,953338033222075
tut -- Altaic (Other)1,8373103142018
tvl -- Tuvaluan1000000000
twi -- Twi32000001100
tyv -- Tuvinian16000000000
udm -- Udmurt25000001030
uga -- Ugaritic5000000000
uig -- Uighur192100034000
ukr -- Ukrainian24,2522285394613907257765
umb -- Umbundu4000000000
und -- Undetermined7,71353179850931462,281458
urd -- Urdu30,712520020123020
uzb -- Uzbek4,2031687044166384
ven -- Venda11000002000
vie -- Vietnamese440010005000
vol -- Volapuk2000000000
wak -- Wakashan languages4000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Language Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
war -- Waray1000000000
wel -- Welsh1,552300000001
wen -- Sorbian (Other)360500032801
wln -- Walloon6000000000
wol -- Wolof156400002000
xal -- Oirat14000002000
xho -- Xhosa168000200001
yao -- Yao (Africa)4000000000
yid -- Yiddish4,7395009420102
yor -- Yoruba116200000100
ypk -- Yupik languages16100000000
zap -- Zapotec9000000000
zul -- Zulu172500100000
zun -- Zuni3000000000
zxx -- No linguistic content68,622223560133220162
zza -- Zaza30000005000
Code error59411908098153
No attempt to code895,5972144911,01111941798