Bibliographic Record Statistics: 2020-02


Records by Country of Publication

  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
aa -- Albania1,7000
abc -- Alberta2,3920
aca -- Australian Capital Territory9970
ae -- Algeria5,4850
af -- Afghanistan1,0391
ag -- Argentina34,6952
ai -- Armenia (Republic)7,6980
air -- Armenian S.S.R.50
aj -- Azerbaijan4,5300
ajr -- Azerbaijan S.S.R.10
aku -- Alaska1,8070
alu -- Alabama7,5680
am -- Anguilla270
an -- Andorra350
ao -- Angola9490
aq -- Antigua and Barbuda350
aru -- Arkansas2,0681
as -- American Samoa640
at -- Australia19,0836
au -- Austria49,4677
aw -- Aruba70
ay -- Antarctica110
azu -- Arizona6,9700
ba -- Bahrain3740
bb -- Barbados2520
bcc -- British Columbia4,2702
bd -- Burundi3150
be -- Belgium37,7612
bf -- Bahamas580
bg -- Bangladesh12,0682
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
bh -- Belize630
bi -- British Indian Ocean Territory50
bl -- Brazil52,214761
bm -- Bermuda Islands990
bn -- Bosnia and Herzegovina3,9761
bo -- Bolivia8,5281
bp -- Solomon Islands1670
br -- Burma1,1050
bs -- Botswana1,2420
bt -- Bhutan1,1450
bu -- Bulgaria14,2461
bv -- Bouvet Island10
bw -- Belarus6,0860
bwr -- Byelorussian S.S.R.90
bx -- Brunei2400
ca -- Caribbean Netherlands870
cau -- California160,70716
cb -- Cambodia1531
cc -- China262,541108
cd -- Chad3760
ce -- Sri Lanka5,4871
cf -- Congo (Brazzaville)3070
cg -- Congo (Democratic Republic)1,5111
ch -- China (Republic : 1949- )44,38113
ci -- Croatia6,5560
cj -- Cayman Islands50
ck -- Colombia16,0076
cl -- Chile13,5454
cm -- Cameroon3,1410
cn -- Canada1201
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
co -- Curacao410
cou -- Colorado26,7472
cp -- Canton and Enderbury Islands10
cq -- Comoros830
cr -- Costa Rica6,0560
cs -- Czechoslovakia6,1051
ctu -- Connecticut68,8055
cu -- Cuba9,23318
cv -- Cabo Verde5430
cw -- Cook Islands490
cx -- Central African Republic2390
cy -- Cyprus8990
cz -- Canal Zone50
dcu -- District of Columbia883,03832
deu -- Delaware3,8811
dk -- Denmark17,9083
dm -- Benin1,1410
dq -- Dominica160
dr -- Dominican Republic6,1710
ea -- Eritrea790
ec -- Ecuador10,7051
eg -- Equatorial Guinea1250
em -- Timor-Leste340
enk -- England1,305,95978
er -- Estonia3,1250
err -- Estonia70
es -- El Salvador2,1292
et -- Ethiopia2,4700
fa -- Faroe Islands190
fg -- French Guiana1510
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
fi -- Finland11,6401
fj -- Fiji8160
fk -- Falkland Islands70
flu -- Florida41,5382
fm -- Micronesia (Federated States)1301
fp -- French Polynesia1000
fr -- France396,31134
fs -- Terres australes et antarctiques francaises90
ft -- Djibouti780
gau -- Georgia16,5840
gb -- Kiribati1790
gd -- Grenada410
ge -- Germany (East)1320
gh -- Ghana3,5180
gi -- Gibraltar280
gl -- Greenland130
gm -- Gambia5810
go -- Gabon3570
gp -- Guadeloupe1210
gr -- Greece18,3172
gs -- Georgia (Republic)5,7230
gsr -- Georgian S.S.R.50
gt -- Guatemala5,1840
gu -- Guam2300
gv -- Guinea3660
gw -- Germany741,89476
gy -- Guyana2420
gz -- Gaza Strip1680
hiu -- Hawaii6,4422
hk -- Hong Kong2090
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
hm -- Heard and McDonald Islands10
ho -- Honduras1,9840
ht -- Haiti1,0761
hu -- Hungary32,1643
iau -- Iowa7,8361
ic -- Iceland6320
idu -- Idaho2,1060
ie -- Ireland34,1020
ii -- India214,32329
ilu -- Illinois118,90820
inu -- Indiana25,3984
io -- Indonesia14,0873
iq -- Iraq6,5200
ir -- Iran20,2042
is -- Israel47,4795
it -- Italy244,04421
iv -- Cote d'Ivoire1,8810
iy -- Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone50
ja -- Japan213,24135
ji -- Johnston Atoll10
jm -- Jamaica1,3991
jo -- Jordan5,1800
ke -- Kenya7,6080
kg -- Kyrgyzstan3,5330
kgr -- Kirghiz S.S.R.10
kn -- Korea (North)4,8922
ko -- Korea (South)100,400258
ksu -- Kansas5,9940
ku -- Kuwait2,1010
kv -- Kosovo8890
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
kyu -- Kentucky10,6450
kz -- Kazakhstan6,6280
kzr -- Kazakh S.S.R.10
lau -- Louisiana7,9981
lb -- Liberia3630
le -- Lebanon28,3624
lh -- Liechtenstein7030
li -- Lithuania2,5130
lo -- Lesotho8311
ls -- Laos810
lu -- Luxembourg9730
lv -- Latvia3,2870
lvr -- Latvia40
ly -- Libya1,4710
mau -- Massachusetts190,06430
mbc -- Manitoba1,2370
mc -- Monaco7650
mdu -- Maryland78,2287
meu -- Maine6,0302
mf -- Mauritius1,2360
mg -- Madagascar6310
mh -- Macao10
miu -- Michigan49,9782
mj -- Montserrat110
mk -- Oman7250
ml -- Mali8660
mm -- Malta1,8280
mnu -- Minnesota21,2484
mo -- Montenegro1,2410
mou -- Missouri19,7371
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
mp -- Mongolia7210
mq -- Martinique970
mr -- Morocco9,4430
msu -- Mississippi3,9451
mtu -- Montana2,4792
mu -- Mauritania4890
mv -- Moldova1,8180
mvr -- Moldavian S.S.R.30
mw -- Malawi1,4440
mx -- Mexico53,4943
my -- Malaysia7,0090
mz -- Mozambique1,3211
na -- Netherlands Antilles1830
nbu -- Nebraska7,8122
ncu -- North Carolina42,0176
ndu -- North Dakota1,0670
ne -- Netherlands158,29015
nfc -- Newfoundland and Labrador2440
ng -- Niger6710
nhu -- New Hampshire8,6780
nik -- Northern Ireland9860
nju -- New Jersey124,8053
nkc -- New Brunswick4730
nl -- New Caledonia3620
nmu -- New Mexico7,2900
nn -- Vanuatu2550
no -- Norway6,8013
np -- Nepal11,3772
nq -- Nicaragua3,0020
nr -- Nigeria12,6292
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
nsc -- Nova Scotia1,0440
ntc -- Northwest Territories120
nu -- Nauru420
nuc -- Nunavut90
nvu -- Nevada2,1292
nw -- Northern Mariana Islands800
nx -- Norfolk Island130
nyu -- New York (State)1,038,381122
nz -- New Zealand5,4600
ohu -- Ohio36,8872
oku -- Oklahoma6,2111
onc -- Ontario39,9944
oru -- Oregon12,4045
ot -- Mayotte510
pau -- Pennsylvania128,63012
pc -- Pitcairn Island60
pe -- Peru15,1212
pf -- Paracel Islands10
pg -- Guinea-Bissau1570
ph -- Philippines6,7941
pic -- Prince Edward Island920
pk -- Pakistan34,6323
pl -- Poland71,9058
pn -- Panama3,1950
po -- Portugal14,4591
pp -- Papua New Guinea6280
pr -- Puerto Rico5,8632
pt -- Portuguese Timor50
pw -- Palau1000
py -- Paraguay1,0730
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
qa -- Qatar3770
qea -- Queensland3950
quc -- Quebec (Province)15,3932
rb -- Serbia14,2460
re -- Reunion6540
rh -- Zimbabwe4,0731
riu -- Rhode Island12,7540
rm -- Romania16,8152
ru -- Russia (Federation)240,0156
rur -- Russian S.F.S.R.1850
rw -- Rwanda6340
sa -- South Africa23,1631
sc -- Saint-Barthelemy30
scu -- South Carolina14,8621
sd -- South Sudan470
sdu -- South Dakota1,3110
se -- Seychelles2260
sf -- Sao Tome and Principe1190
sg -- Senegal3,7650
sh -- Spanish North Africa30
si -- Singapore18,3480
sj -- Sudan2,3010
sl -- Sierra Leone4090
sm -- San Marino2130
sn -- Sint Maarten20
snc -- Saskatchewan4190
so -- Somalia2070
sp -- Spain117,8086
sq -- Swaziland2070
sr -- Surinam480
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
ss -- Western Sahara110
st -- Saint-Martin480
stk -- Scotland62,0121
su -- Saudi Arabia6,4490
sw -- Sweden28,2943
sx -- Namibia1,1700
sy -- Syria7,2771
sz -- Switzerland81,74819
ta -- Tajikistan3,2150
tar -- Tajik S.S.R.30
tc -- Turks and Caicos Islands40
tg -- Togo5980
th -- Thailand3,1011
ti -- Tunisia5,4260
tk -- Turkmenistan1,9190
tl -- Tokelau60
tma -- Tasmania540
tnu -- Tennessee12,7181
to -- Tonga850
tr -- Trinidad and Tobago9980
ts -- United Arab Emirates1,9850
tu -- Turkey60,0273
tv -- Tuvalu430
txu -- Texas22,6682
tz -- Tanzania2,8371
ua -- Egypt54,6010
uc -- United States Misc. Caribbean Islands70
ug -- Uganda3,4044
ui -- United Kingdom Misc. Islands80
uik -- United Kingdom Misc. Islands2480
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
uk -- United Kingdom2750
un -- Ukraine32,0611
unr -- Ukraine280
up -- United States Misc. Pacific Islands110
ur -- Soviet Union140
us -- United States4800
utu -- Utah6,6171
uv -- Burkina Faso9520
uy -- Uruguay8,9722
uz -- Uzbekistan6,6750
uzr -- Uzbek S.S.R.10
vau -- Virginia64,3738
vb -- British Virgin Islands120
vc -- Vatican City1,2590
ve -- Venezuela18,1652
vi -- Virgin Islands of the United States620
vm -- Vietnam8890
vp -- Various places1,5050
vra -- Victoria2,3340
vs -- Vietnam, South10
vtu -- Vermont7,3422
wau -- Washington (State)26,1442
wb -- West Berlin290
wea -- Western Australia3492
wf -- Wallis and Futuna40
wiu -- Wisconsin16,5524
wj -- West Bank of the Jordan River1,4900
wk -- Wake Island40
wlk -- Wales4,1820
ws -- Samoa2130
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
wvu -- West Virginia2,2092
wyu -- Wyoming1,0960
xb -- Cocos (Keeling) Islands50
xc -- Maldives280
xd -- Saint Kitts-Nevis110
xe -- Marshall Islands1360
xh -- Niue40
xj -- Saint Helena140
xk -- Saint Lucia380
xl -- Saint Pierre and Miquelon10
xm -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines190
xn -- Macedonia2,8510
xna -- New South Wales2,0600
xo -- Slovakia4,3012
xoa -- Northern Territory190
xp -- Spratly Island20
xr -- Czech Republic22,7680
xra -- South Australia2890
xs -- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands40
xv -- Slovenia3,7840
xx -- No place, unknown, or undetermined271,25747
xxc -- Canada1,5751
xxk -- United Kingdom16,3032
xxr -- Soviet Union4160
xxu -- United States46,6329
ye -- Yemen1,2301
ykc -- Yukon Territory170
ys -- Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)10
yu -- Serbia and Montenegro7,4700
za -- Zambia2,1230
  Bib Records
Country of Publication Titles No Mfhd
Code error5,7154
No attempt to code1,086,2332

  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders In Process / Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
aa -- Albania1,450524304021140
abc -- Alberta2,4561911220210
aca -- Australian Capital Territory989130400200
ae -- Algeria5,34614271501651242
af -- Afghanistan1,033300004710
ag -- Argentina34,4482891853133572811640
ai -- Armenia (Republic)7,599228004014311551
air -- Armenian S.S.R.2000300000
aj -- Azerbaijan4,489271101513735106
ajr -- Azerbaijan S.S.R.0000100000
aku -- Alaska1,8311701300302
alu -- Alabama7,96720537412212020
am -- Anguilla28000000100
an -- Andorra36000001000
ao -- Angola9473103041012
aq -- Antigua and Barbuda35000000000
aru -- Arkansas2,15647231420201
as -- American Samoa57110000900
at -- Australia19,71239815831194261026
au -- Austria49,859663132712516112274042
aw -- Aruba7000000000
ay -- Antarctica11000000000
azu -- Arizona7,5463735811306240
ba -- Bahrain370111002200
bb -- Barbados2561301200002
bcc -- British Columbia4,46791631301307
bd -- Burundi315200002001
be -- Belgium38,861525181161052086751657
bf -- Bahamas60000000000
bg -- Bangladesh12,0412550915116510
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
bh -- Belize57300006000
bi -- British Indian Ocean Territory5000000000
bl -- Brazil48,9042718471053151,5025544334
bm -- Bermuda Islands99000001000
bn -- Bosnia and Herzegovina3,54017409031162026
bo -- Bolivia7,85534670170336278211
bp -- Solomon Islands166000000100
br -- Burma1,01731022188612
bs -- Botswana1,252901102913
bt -- Bhutan1,1238410701000
bu -- Bulgaria13,372865960152113143127115
bv -- Bouvet Island2000000000
bw -- Belarus5,827771920161235102341
bwr -- Byelorussian S.S.R.8000100000
bx -- Brunei239000101200
ca -- Caribbean Netherlands89210000000
cau -- California180,86813,097133177322731413359557
cb -- Cambodia154100003000
cc -- China256,1186608,011233,420461224617
cd -- Chad3621001016020
ce -- Sri Lanka5,5402630418543
cf -- Congo (Brazzaville)2933002012110
cg -- Congo (Democratic Republic)1,49690031163005
ch -- China (Republic : 1949- )44,30410426443991119889
ci -- Croatia6,4976338020113852013
cj -- Cayman Islands5000000000
ck -- Colombia15,7918184162102233816
cl -- Chile13,17072100243295199712
cm -- Cameroon3,06651140761310
cn -- Canada120210100000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
co -- Curacao43000000000
cou -- Colorado29,7562,225815201511910159
cp -- Canton and Enderbury Islands1000000000
cq -- Comoros82000002000
cr -- Costa Rica5,8641420719112453
cs -- Czechoslovakia6,07964210403040612
ctu -- Connecticut79,7775,6353542743313217233
cu -- Cuba9,1937733270327678
cv -- Cabo Verde5242103015500
cw -- Cook Islands49000000000
cx -- Central African Republic234100001610
cy -- Cyprus905710203000
cz -- Canal Zone4000100000
dcu -- District of Columbia893,09710,2316986130694139124434
deu -- Delaware4,31312136852009
dk -- Denmark18,15722975521389520
dm -- Benin1,0862004056701
dq -- Dominica15000000100
dr -- Dominican Republic6,03631110192748529
ea -- Eritrea79000102001
ec -- Ecuador10,1211776216326030088
eg -- Equatorial Guinea127200101000
em -- Timor-Leste34000000000
enk -- England1,378,15536,2006194311,081221683802981,873
er -- Estonia3,085376023248227
err -- Estonia7000000000
es -- El Salvador2,07814505058404
et -- Ethiopia2,49935317361628
fa -- Faroe Islands18000100100
fg -- French Guiana151100000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
fi -- Finland11,7231372541718422311
fj -- Fiji815200203010
fk -- Falkland Islands7000000000
flu -- Florida42,59969516103256323633
fm -- Micronesia (Federated States)129000000000
fp -- French Polynesia100500000010
fr -- France406,1996,0564221017131242521,073124481
fs -- Terres australes et antarctiques francaises9000000000
ft -- Djibouti75100003000
gau -- Georgia17,66637461215008326
gb -- Kiribati1784002001000
gd -- Grenada41000000000
ge -- Germany (East)124000800000
gh -- Ghana3,583332272491325
gi -- Gibraltar28000010000
gl -- Greenland12000000100
gm -- Gambia5741240129411
go -- Gabon3400100014300
gp -- Guadeloupe119000002003
gr -- Greece18,4321225422872292719
gs -- Georgia (Republic)5,6646054112482327211
gsr -- Georgian S.S.R.2010200000
gt -- Guatemala5,0402270921087403
gu -- Guam228700000500
gv -- Guinea365200106211
gw -- Germany752,3619,3071,24572932147995329294525
gy -- Guyana245100000000
gz -- Gaza Strip170100000000
hiu -- Hawaii7,21324574801008
hk -- Hong Kong2043110300050
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
hm -- Heard and McDonald Islands1000000000
ho -- Honduras1,88150060258300
ht -- Haiti1,0354115138321
hu -- Hungary32,3012201533721115321662
iau -- Iowa8,38934212461111410
ic -- Iceland635720002111
idu -- Idaho2,1373530400100
ie -- Ireland34,63922310218126510
ii -- India217,9041,709408803452916114272116
ilu -- Illinois133,39410,828941012213057340273
inu -- Indiana29,8182,40126244293151173
io -- Indonesia13,85950118131024522
iq -- Iraq6,2671426301036040
ir -- Iran20,1341321661291287136
is -- Israel47,2472266161797938261617
it -- Italy247,3264,31431456583213200399103443
iv -- Cote d'Ivoire1,81951060572510
iy -- Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone4000001001
ja -- Japan209,9358652,00829352114,9563110758
ji -- Johnston Atoll1000000000
jm -- Jamaica1,4622033300013
jo -- Jordan5,194132115010064
ke -- Kenya7,9031332455121746
kg -- Kyrgyzstan3,2901389237134162410
kgr -- Kirghiz S.S.R.1000000000
kn -- Korea (North)4,229167470000160
ko -- Korea (South)94,7092517,00992921861345
ksu -- Kansas6,547298041900718
ku -- Kuwait2,102430718120
kv -- Kosovo758010500122093
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
kyu -- Kentucky11,52428966800628
kz -- Kazakhstan6,30534932316224341211
kzr -- Kazakh S.S.R.1000000000
lau -- Louisiana9,005378677214111
lb -- Liberia351200901301
le -- Lebanon28,228883213430801666
lh -- Liechtenstein717600300000
li -- Lithuania2,48623014014835
lo -- Lesotho8398001011005
ls -- Laos81100000000
lu -- Luxembourg9832110601014
lv -- Latvia3,27235005165117
lvr -- Latvia0000400000
ly -- Libya1,4695113122010
mau -- Massachusetts218,19018,6141161262474548158532
mbc -- Manitoba1,2861110320112
mc -- Monaco7731010100403
mdu -- Maryland84,0453,7956442381322530137
meu -- Maine6,281861230001439
mf -- Mauritius1,2119202028801
mg -- Madagascar624600227202
mh -- Macao0000100000
miu -- Michigan53,8492,4194048722043517115
mj -- Montserrat12000000000
mk -- Oman736370001010
ml -- Mali8535001131400
mm -- Malta1,8341610312100
mnu -- Minnesota23,6491,0321525418317852
mo -- Montenegro1,2086702031900
mou -- Missouri20,5636735932127425
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
mp -- Mongolia6822370102000
mq -- Martinique95200003000
mr -- Morocco9,4451710100106230
msu -- Mississippi4,323131210400115
mtu -- Montana2,5243210500022
mu -- Mauritania4955102110000
mv -- Moldova1,80118001763112
mvr -- Moldavian S.S.R.0000300000
mw -- Malawi1,44510213026514
mx -- Mexico53,714443102157619833801467
my -- Malaysia7,072521128122047
mz -- Mozambique1,35890310033014
na -- Netherlands Antilles185500000110
nbu -- Nebraska8,9523608138302313
ncu -- North Carolina47,0461,702326026709860
ndu -- North Dakota1,075600100001
ne -- Netherlands161,3343,12624452242487878570190
nfc -- Newfoundland and Labrador253300100001
ng -- Niger61630010264500
nhu -- New Hampshire9,4992847210217312
nik -- Northern Ireland1,017600010202
nju -- New Jersey140,04211,89250779541144036334
nkc -- New Brunswick4951800000001
nl -- New Caledonia368500100110
nmu -- New Mexico7,969209674317416
nn -- Vanuatu255200000100
no -- Norway6,87410038210051171
np -- Nepal11,371115113228330
nq -- Nicaragua2,90750172524424
nr -- Nigeria12,685115931411201107837
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
nsc -- Nova Scotia1,1013000200001
ntc -- Northwest Territories15000000000
nu -- Nauru43100000001
nuc -- Nunavut9000000000
nvu -- Nevada2,2062410200004
nw -- Northern Mariana Islands81100000000
nx -- Norfolk Island14000000000
nyu -- New York (State)1,233,940111,9057736951,630358486331,3443,382
nz -- New Zealand5,5685750710308
ohu -- Ohio39,0361,23914810661291552
oku -- Oklahoma6,954446835416410
onc -- Ontario41,9301,134231558115362373
oru -- Oregon12,76416317332263315
ot -- Mayotte50000001000
pau -- Pennsylvania137,8325,18755581761903141173
pc -- Pitcairn Island5000000100
pe -- Peru14,5276071202159538720
pf -- Paracel Islands1000000000
pg -- Guinea-Bissau152100105200
ph -- Philippines6,90784614773428
pic -- Prince Edward Island101301000001
pk -- Pakistan34,77415216114111927510
pl -- Poland70,35444764681851061,02947532211
pn -- Panama3,0622610504712304
po -- Portugal14,41611535336069361018
pp -- Papua New Guinea631100111103
pr -- Puerto Rico5,85468221212280518
pt -- Portuguese Timor5000000000
pw -- Palau99000101000
py -- Paraguay1,04550100162301
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
qa -- Qatar380230100010
qea -- Queensland395900000000
quc -- Quebec (Province)15,77417512726878522
rb -- Serbia13,9741242242171284821444
re -- Reunion6514001010210
rh -- Zimbabwe4,295592263413017
riu -- Rhode Island13,21717722155017115
rm -- Romania16,67579683385130681653
ru -- Russia (Federation)239,0464,8011,372824315262,6572,5172172,048
rur -- Russian S.F.S.R.1424203900034
rw -- Rwanda6212003013902
sa -- South Africa24,1794212812581856551364
sc -- Saint-Barthelemy3000000000
scu -- South Carolina15,3431925210120115
sd -- South Sudan38000008010
sdu -- South Dakota1,319400400101
se -- Seychelles219610004501
sf -- Sao Tome and Principe117000010110
sg -- Senegal3,8325890721161178
sh -- Spanish North Africa3000000000
si -- Singapore18,62920519211376322
sj -- Sudan2,3199702036025
sl -- Sierra Leone413610100301
sm -- San Marino216110000000
sn -- Sint Maarten2000000000
snc -- Saskatchewan432602000102
so -- Somalia203100005100
sp -- Spain117,8401,399690731643236047936240
sq -- Swaziland205100010211
sr -- Surinam48000000000
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
ss -- Western Sahara10000000100
st -- Saint-Martin55110000100
stk -- Scotland63,69771015172462121246
su -- Saudi Arabia6,43964105022250
sw -- Sweden28,760501951060724331226
sx -- Namibia1,192511400204
sy -- Syria7,1861610618028074
sz -- Switzerland83,2981,1621953510618696270138
ta -- Tajikistan3,044893239602906
tar -- Tajik S.S.R.3000000000
tc -- Turks and Caicos Islands4000000000
tg -- Togo5930000024401
th -- Thailand3,14648111955538
ti -- Tunisia5,4581420824544
tk -- Turkmenistan1,88861801611919
tl -- Tokelau6000000000
tma -- Tasmania54000000000
tnu -- Tennessee13,5843485918315414
to -- Tonga84100000200
tr -- Trinidad and Tobago998510204001
ts -- United Arab Emirates1,9702200507020
tu -- Turkey56,8851392,87545025349527
tv -- Tuvalu43100000000
txu -- Texas24,9151,0701919267218646
tz -- Tanzania2,99731175221303
ua -- Egypt54,79812125423398562114
uc -- United States Misc. Caribbean Islands7000000000
ug -- Uganda3,28423211011992235
ui -- United Kingdom Misc. Islands10000000000
uik -- United Kingdom Misc. Islands247600101010
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
uk -- United Kingdom276100402030
un -- Ukraine31,932355641053283211071283
unr -- Ukraine29000000000
up -- United States Misc. Pacific Islands12000000000
ur -- Soviet Union10000400000
us -- United States47904011020100
utu -- Utah6,83811427500117
uv -- Burkina Faso90520070381111
uy -- Uruguay8,56040159117827335
uz -- Uzbekistan6,341312080813136391011
uzr -- Uzbek S.S.R.1000000000
vau -- Virginia65,47161711221540201946
vb -- British Virgin Islands13000000001
vc -- Vatican City1,3191950712104
ve -- Venezuela17,758672411532752791614
vi -- Virgin Islands of the United States64200000000
vm -- Vietnam911700052001
vp -- Various places1,5754600001020
vra -- Victoria2,34529182001100
vs -- Vietnam, South1000000000
vtu -- Vermont7,77918651025416314
wau -- Washington (State)27,3046271316456220412
wb -- West Berlin23010300020
wea -- Western Australia347210000100
wf -- Wallis and Futuna4100000000
wiu -- Wisconsin18,070778910342022826
wj -- West Bank of the Jordan River1,5163404018010
wk -- Wake Island4000000000
wlk -- Wales4,2894721610234
ws -- Samoa213200000200
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
wvu -- West Virginia2,2292100500500
wyu -- Wyoming1,101500300201
xb -- Cocos (Keeling) Islands5000000000
xc -- Maldives26000002000
xd -- Saint Kitts-Nevis11000000000
xe -- Marshall Islands133000103000
xh -- Niue4000000000
xj -- Saint Helena14000000000
xk -- Saint Lucia38200000000
xl -- Saint Pierre and Miquelon1000000000
xm -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines18100000000
xn -- Macedonia2,67316132094174425
xna -- New South Wales2,0622061402100
xo -- Slovakia4,301191012122217024
xoa -- Northern Territory18010000000
xp -- Spratly Island2000000000
xr -- Czech Republic22,7632391803332061933099
xra -- South Australia286510200000
xs -- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands4000000000
xv -- Slovenia3,7352026010376025
xx -- No place, unknown, or undetermined290,0045,6342,490391,259261553,221300336
xxc -- Canada1,598277030101422
xxk -- United Kingdom16,3918573214073864
xxr -- Soviet Union41514001002100
xxu -- United States46,4031,151155401,0181446921,29037
ye -- Yemen1,2313102020010
ykc -- Yukon Territory17000000000
ys -- Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)1000000000
yu -- Serbia and Montenegro7,55045412015926
za -- Zambia2,12921313146823
  Holdings Records
  Cataloged Orders Acquisitions/Backlog Unknown Type
Country of Publication Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Active Suppressed Precat Offsite Active Suppressed
Code error5,334117375414630244213
No attempt to code1,084,4243350419690019221511