LSO TCP/IP table overhaul With close to 600 machines in the domain it has become nearly impossible to manually maintain accurate tcp/ip tables. It has long been evident (to me) that the old tables were storing two types of information -- AcIS maintained information (ip address, ethernet address, dns name) which determines whether a machine can run tcp/ip software, and LSO maintained information (virtual addresses, location, etc.) which help us identify or locate a machine or set up a specific client. So, now instead of a single table we'll have two -- adress tables (derived from AcIS's bootptab) and an information table (maintained manually by me). About the address files: Every *registered* machine in the cul domain will appear in the address tables. The address files will be generated daily from the AcIS tables which control bootp, dhcp and dns resolution of local addresses. There will be three separate sorts of this file -- by ip address, by name, and by hardware address. Use these files to identify a machine's name, ip address or hardware address, or to determine if a change needs to be submitted. I'm aware that the formatting of these files needs some work; expect them to become more readable in the very near future. About the information file: Except for the very first section there are *no* ip addresses or hardware addresses in the information file. None of the information in this file is necessary for a machine to operate with the exception of the virtual addresses. A machine will appear in the information table only if there is some information about it which LSO staff might find useful. (For example a MOSIS machine in the physics library may not appear -- it has no virtual address, and its location is self evident from its name). If you'd like however, I can create an information entry for it. Machines in the information file are identified my dns name (ie mosbut22, msw2w01, etc.) If this were a relational database I'd link the two tables on this element (and I may end up doing this at some point). Use the information file to determine the physical location, hardware platform, operating system, or virtual address of a machine. I've also included a (brief) notes field if there is special information you'd like to maintain about a specific machine that does not fit into any of those categories. Updates: Continue to send me updates as you always have. If you don't submit any information file data I'll assume it's just an address update. Searching: I do realize that it will often take two searches to gather all of the necessary information about a machine, but I am hopeful that this will be made up for by the increased accuracy of the information that ultimately matters the most. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions (ie different sorts of the information file etc.). /breck