Outline for Chunking DS data with text in first position, version 2:

This omits the captions for the images, and does not handle multiple texts or multiple parts (with the exception of the part number as in Chunk 4).



Chunk 1:

--All from tblMS:  (City); (Institution); Repository; Call Number


Chunk 2:

--All from tblEDoc:  Span of folios; Author/Associated Name; Title/Generic Title; Language; Status of Text; Notes; Acknowledgements


Chunk 3:

--All from tblEDoc:  Rubric, Incipit, Explicit (note that these are rather infrequently used in DS-Access; the most common is Incipit, and it occurs 195 times out of a possible 1929 slots) /Summary (aka Docket, occuring 679 times of the possible 1929; the 2 sets, rubric+incipit+explicit, vs. summary are mutually exclusive)

--One from tblMsPt, to be omitted in display?:  Document? (would need a label since its contents only contain yes/no; "yes" occurs 710 times of 1484 times; its main value is for defining a search since once the metadata is in front of you, you can tell if the text is documentary or not)


Chunk 4:

--All from tblMsPt:  Support; Watermark (occurs 112 times, but not every

time the support is paper; omit?)

--One from tblMS:  Folios

--All from tblMsPt:  Part Number (but only if there is more than one part? would need a label since its contents only offer roman numerals); Span of folios; Outer Dimensions; Layout; Alphabet (used only to signal Greek, i.e. 19 times; omit?); Script; Scribe (occurs 81 times out of 1484 possibilities); Number of Scribes (occurs 162 times); Music


Chunk 5:

--All from tblMsPt:  Artist (occurs 22 times out of 1484 possibilities); Representational Decoration; Other Decoration


Chunk 6:

--One from tblMS:  Binding (will need a label, since the content of the field is not always clear)


Chunk 7:

--All from tblMsPt:  Country/Cardinal Point/Region/City (of which "Country," being required always has data, the others no); Dated? (would need a label since its contents only offer yes/no; the answer is "yes" 103 times of the 1484; its main value is for defining a search since once the metadata is in front of you, you can tell if the text is dated or not); Date/BeginDate/EndDate/Year-Month-Day (let's discuss this further); Notes; Acknowledgements (both these, Notes and Acknowledgments may refer to identification of scribe in Chunk 4, or to artist in Chunk 5, as well as to place/date of origin as given here, but statement is always explicit so leave it here?)

--One from tblMS:  Provenance


Chunk 8:

--One from tblMS:  Bibliography