TEI work group for Descript. of Med/Ren MSS
Maryland Institute of Technology for the Humanities
University of Maryland, College Park
30 Sept - 1 Oct 2000


Meeting Goals:

  1. walk out with dtd to our specs
  2. put procedure in place for modifications

Both goals, remarkably, were met. Regarding the first goal: as we proceeded in order through the work done to date (basing ourselves on the most recent MASTER documentation, version 7, May 2000), Steve and Merrilee worked out the TEI configuration of each formal definition, as compared against the declarations in the MASTER documentation. The changes were made at a rather high level of the dtd, and mainly involve loosening the model to allow subelements to repeat and to occur in any order. Merrilee will reassemble the changes into one file when she is back at Berkeley.

Regarding the second goal: Merrilee has already made the arrangements for secure access to the server at Brown where our work group's website resides. During the meeting, we identified areas of the documentation where the current wording is inappropriate or inadequate, and noted the points where examples are still lacking and should be supplied. As each of us works through the documentation, we will follow this procedure:

  1. post both the original and the reworded documentation (including examples) on the work group's listserv, in order to generate comments and criticism from fellow work group members, and to serve as a form of preview for MASTER to the changes we propose (Lou Burnard, as TEI Editor, and Peter Robinson, out of courtesy to him as Director of MASTER, are subscribed to the work group's listserv).
  2. Merrilee will then take the corrected and updated version of the documentation and put it on the workgroup's listserv for public viewing.

The minutes of the meeting, compiled not as a report of the conversations, but as a list of decisions and work items, has been circulated to the members of the work group for approval; it will be posted on our website within the coming week.

Testing of this dtd will begin as soon as the reassembled dtd becomes available in the form of a tag library for use with a commercial sgml / xml editor (we will probably use SoftQuad's XMetaL via a shared license agreement, so that all members of the work group will be "on the same playing field" to avoid problems due to software inconsistencies).

The time line to complete this is as soon as two weeks from now for the reassembled and publically posted TEI dtd. The revision of the documentation and any further changes to the dtd will have to be completed by January 2001, since Ambrogio Piazzoni is setting up a week-long workshop to teach this dtd to the Vatican cataloguers in February.


Thanks to Charles Faulhaber for funding these meetings. Thanks to Martha Nell Smith and the MITH staff for hosting us here.

Eva reports that at Lund her application to fund hosting a meeting of our group is pending, more word on this later.

Consuelo: AMREMM Gregory Pass is on version 12 of his MARC work. Undergoing “blind” review. Will be presented officially with revisions at ALA Midwinter (in January). Would be nice if by then, we could be mentioned in his publication.

MASTER: Meeting upcoming soon. Cataloging project, which is clearly different from our charge, which includes legacy data.

Steve DeRose: was just off in Oxford converting P3 to XML. Received a brief update and briefing from Lou on our group, but they did not engage in a deep discussion.

Our discussion was keyed to the most recent MASTER documentation (version 7, May 2000).

Key to discussion notes
-- = decision
?? = there is a question here
TEI Work Item = this remains to be done

2.1 <msDescription>

--the type attribute needs some work, since there is confusion between textual issues (“diploma”) and physical issues (“codex”); also a form of the type attribute for “diploma” needs to be used at the part level; it may be that the entire question of “diploma” vs. literary/historical/scientific/etc. kinds of texts should be attached to the <msContents> … or at any rate to <msPart>

--the elements inside <msDescription> now occur in this order: <msIdentifier> and <msHeading>, one of each and in that order; all of the others may occur in any order and are repeatable ad libitum: <msContents>, <physDesc>, <history>, <additional>, <msPart>.

Formal definition now reads:

<!ELEMENT msDescription %om;    (msIdentifier, msHeading?,
                                  (msContents | physDesc |  history | 
                                  additional | msPart)*)>
<!ATTLIST msDescription  %a.global;
                            type CDATA #IMPLIED
                            status CDATA #IMPLIED>


--attribute “evidence” for ‘datable class’ needs definitions expanded to specifically include the key words crucial to the concepts of the field so that:

internal includes the terms “datable” and “localized”
external includes the terms “datable” and “localizable”
and we will come up with a word a bit more flattering to the paleographer and the art historian than “conjecture.”

TEI Work Item: need examples that show what is meant by the attribute ‘evidence’ in the datable class.


?? The attribute “scheme” on <locus> doesn’t make sense to us and if MASTER isn’t using it, we’d like to ditch it since we feel it will only provoke confusion for the inputters/catalogers. If it is to be retained could MASTER please provide a better definition and some real examples? Some clarification in the last paragraph of 2.2.3 (which talks about variant schemes) would also be useful).

?? The proposal for a normalized form of location by means of a special purpose attribute on <locus> (as in example, attributes ‘from’ and ‘to’ seems fairly superfluous. Could MASTER provide some explanation as to why someone would want to used these attributes?


--add “role” attribute to name. New content model will be:

<!ELEMENT name   (%phrase.seq;)>
<!ATTLIST name    %a.global;  
      role CDATA #IMPLIED > 

TEI Work Item: add examples in appropriate places in document (i.e. <msHeading>, <msContents>, <physDesc>, and <history>, etc.) to show examples for <name> with proper use of role, reg, and type attributes.

TEI Work Items: correct example in <secFol> add examples for <signatures> and <catchwords>


TEI Work Item: Eva’s examples of heraldry to be used.


TEI Work Item: Make sure <msIdentifier> definitions, examples and values on type attribute are fully documented.

TEI Work Item: Paragraph starting “The ‘catalogued location’…” needs to be softened.

--new content model for <msIdentifier>:

<!ELEMENT msIdentifier  %om;   (country | region | 
                                  settlement | institution |
                                  repository | collection |
                                  idno | altName )+>
<!ATTLIST msIdentifier  %a.global;     
type CDATA  #IMPLIED       >
--we noted that MASTER dtd currently requires repository. Might be more desirable to require repository OR institution.

TEI Work Item: for <collection> supply examples of Palatine manuscripts.

TEI Work Item: give SC (summary catalog) numbers as examples of type attribute on <idno>.

?? What is <altName type=”gloss”> vs. <altName type=”Nick”> in example?


TEI Work Item: under <respStmt> give example with new role attribute on name.

--<textLang> must be defined to mean only the language, not also alphabet. Alphabet or writing system will have its own element. <writingSystem> with a formal declaration:

<!ELEMENT writingSystem %om;  (%phrase.seq;)>
<!ATTLIST writingSytem    %a.global; >

We recognize that in doing this, we are departing from TEI past practice, but also recognize that this is an issue that will need to be addressed in a larger world than our own.

--therefore, formal definition for <msHeading> is:

<!ELEMENT msHeading %om; (#PCDATA | author | respStmt | title | 
                           origPlace | origDate | textLang | writingSystem |
<!ATTLIST msHeading    %a.global;      >

TEI Work Item: provide new definition for <textLang> provide definition and example(s) for <writingSystem>.


?? Can MASTER provide examples of class attribute on <mcContents>?

TEI Work Item: investigate a better way to handle abbreviated titles. In other sections of document they are dealt with differently: see examples under 2.5 and 2.6.1.


TEI Work Items: provide examples for type attribute on <explicit> and <incipit> and <rubric>.

TEI Work Item: redefine <summary>

TEI Work Item: remember to include definition for <writingSystem> element in the documentation at this point.


--formal definition has changed to:

<!ELEMENT msContents %om;  (p |msItem)+>
<!ATTLIST msContents    %a.global; 
         class IDREFS #IMPLIED      >
<!ELEMENT msItem %om;    (#PCDATA | locus | author 
                             | respStmt | title |rubric | summary
                             |incipit | explicit | colophon
                             | textLang | writingSystem | q | decoNote 
                             |bibl | listBibl | note  | msItem )+>
<!ATTLIST msItem    %a.global;
         class IDREFS #IMPLIED      >


TEI Work Item: Develop a subelements for collation to break information into component parts for greater usability.

TEI Work Item: provide first missing example. Could Matthew Driscoll provide second example?


--formal definition has changed to:

<!ELEMENT  physDesc    %om;   (p | form | support | extent |
                                 collation | layout | msWriting |
                                 decoration | bindingDesc | foliation |
                                 paratext | additions | condition)+> 
<!ATTLIST  physDesc   %a.global; >


--formal definition has changed to:

<!ELEMENT history  %om;    (p | origin | provenance | acquisition)+     >
<!ATTLIST history        %a.global;               >


TEI Work Item: provide definition for <additional>.

TEI Work Item: add an “audience” attribute for all items under additional. E.g. external, internal, public, etc.


TEI Work Item: provide example for multi Part manuscript.

--formal definition has changed to:

<!ELEMENT msPart %om;   (idno | msContents | 
                   physDesc | history | additional |
<!ATTLIST msPart %a.global; >

General discussion items:

The entire text of existing documentation needs to be read and edited carefully.

Superscript issues. We recognize that we may not be able to deal with all of these, but noted that superscript may appear in :

  1. call numbers (i.e. 4o, 8o, etc.)
  2. in dates as written in standard paleographic convention: s. XV2, s. XVex, etc.
  3. recto/verso: Vatican uses 1v 3r-v etc. Maybe have a <side> element?
  4. designation supplied by cataloguers for unnumbered leaves: appearing as letters, asterisks, words): 156h, 156*, 156bis
  5. in bibliographic citations when the pages cited have superscript.
  6. in transcriptions of non-expanded abbreviations.
  7. in collation formulas (we may be dealing with this, see above)

Consuelo will forward information from Theresa Vann at HMML on diplomas/documents.

We have not looked at front and back matter of catalogues, assuming that TEI can already handle materials in this format.

Subject headings: we need to identify places to put the following MARC analogs:
650 (topical), 657 (geographical names), 610 (corporate names), 600 (personal names). This may be one element with an attribute. Maybe something like encodinganalog in EAD?