Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-701]


Record Maintenance Procedures

BASIC RULE: Do not overlay or update a record if the 019 says DO NOT CHANGE BIBL. Records are out for processing for about one week


CLIO records in status "h" are sent on a regular basis to LTI (Library Technologies, Inc.) for automated authorities processing (AUP). Names, uniform titles, series and LC subject headings (1XX, 240, 4XX, 6XX, 7XX, 8XX) are verified against the Library of Congress authority file. While records are being processed by LTI, copies (placeholders) of those records remain in CLIO. Bibliographic record maintenance made to a placeholder record is lost when the vendor processed record is returned and reloaded into CLIO. To prevent this, the Library Systems Office supplies record status markers in the 019 field. Records that have been completely processed by LTI have the marker AUTH in 019. Placeholder records for records in process at LTI have the marker DO NOT CHANGE BIBL.

Beginning in December 2001, Columbia subscribes to LTI's AUP Level II which provides replacement bibliographic records whenever a heading changes. This means that LTI must always have the most up-to-date version of our bibliographic record. Any change to a bibliographic record requires that the cataloger remove the AUTH marker from 019 |a and thereby resend a copy of the record to LTI. Failure to do so will result in lost edits. If LTI does not have the latest version and a heading anywhere on the record changes, LTI's older version of the record will automatically overlay Columbia's more current version wiping out any edits.

Subfield b of 019 carries information about whether TOC (Table of Contents 505 field and Summary 520 field) information has been added to the record. The TOC marker must be preserved regardless of maintenance performed because its presence prevents the TOC data from being uploaded to OCLC or RLIN. Delete TOC only from a record derived for variant edition cataloging.

Example: 019 |a AUTH |b TOC

LTI processing does not cause records to be automatically resent to OCLC/RLIN.

  1. Edits may be made to CHLD, MHLD and item records at any time as these records are not sent to LTI.

  2. If the record is being suppressed or deleted, do not remove the 019 marker.

  3. For any bibliographic record edits, check the record status code in the CHLD record.

  4. 019 has AUTH or AUTH |b TOC

    1. If the 019 has |a AUTH, delete the entire 019 field.
    2. If the 019 has |a AUTH |b TOC, retain 019 and delete |a AUTH
      Example: |b TOC
    3. Also overtype the DT date on CHLD with today.

      Note: Records overlaid by OCLC/RLIN records will lose their 019 AUTH field.

  5. 019 has DO NOT CHANGE BIBL

    1. Make a printout of the CLIO bibliographic record and make the edit or overlay it with the OCLC/RLIN version of the record only after the CLIO record is reloaded with the AUTH marker.

    2. If the edit is critical, e.g., a typo in 245 |a, make the edit to the placeholder record. The change will need to be made again once the record is replaced but in the meantime there will be improved access to the record. Delete the AUTH marker after making the edit to LTI-processed record.

  6. NO 019 in the Record--Make any edit or overlay required. The record is new and will shortly be output for the first time to LTI for processing.

  7. 019 has BNA--Make any edit or overlay required. The record was supressed or otherwise blocked from LTI processing. Make required record updates and the record will be output to LTI as usual.

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Last updated: 11/29/01 kmh