Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-695]


Special Materials & Procedures


For cataloging procedures consult the Map Cataloging Manual and Map Cataloger's Toolbox as well as AACR Chapter 3.

OSMC has an excellent monograph in the departmental reference collection:

Maps and related cartographic materials : cataloging, classification and bibliographic control, ed. Paige Andrews and Mary Lynette Lasgaard, c1999.


  1. Use the following procedures for the Lehman Map Room, Geology and Geoscience. If you have a map for another location, consult a supervisor.

  2. The procedures below apply to flat maps and all Lehman Map Room maps. Boxed and folded map sets (often accompanying a monograph), for other locations are classed as usual.

  3. Code the classification type code as X Maps are not assigned call numbers.

  4. The location code for the Lehman Map Room is map. For other locations consult GEN-500 Locatation Codes

  5. Code the universal message um=Shelved Geographically

  6. Barcode flat maps near the map legend which is often in the lower left hand corner.

  7. Do not charge Lehman maps to a psuedopatron. Instead, call Mary Giunta to arrange for Lehamn maps to be picked up. Maps for Lehman are not processed by BSP.

  8. Charge Geology and Geoscience maps to In-transit.

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Last updated: 05/31/02 kmh