Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-450]


Volume Holdings Procedures


CUL follows ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50 to record volume holdings for non-serial (i. e. multi-part monographic titles) in all formats on the MARC holdings record (MHLD).

There are four possible levels of completeness for recording this information. Holding information converted from earlier systems will be at level 3; newly created holdings will be at level 4. This will be indicated by E/L 3 or E/L 4 on the MHLD record, as well as by a 3 or 4 in the 1st indicator position on each line of holdings.

The MHLD will contain volumes held at CUL in a compressed style (e.g. 1-4). Any gaps in holdings will be shown by separating individual volumes or ranges of volumes with commas. On newly created MHLDs the holdings will not contain the corresponding dates of publication. Instead, the date(s) of publication will be recorded only in 260|c.

The standard requires that caption terms associated with enumeration be recorded in the same language that appears on the piece, and that holdings elements be recorded using a standardized punctuation. It also specifies when caption terms should be left out and how to identify supplied information.


    Captions associated with the holdings information should be recorded in the language appearing on the title page or piece and romanized if necessary. Use the abbreviations for caption terms and names of the months.


    The caption is repeated if there is a gap in holdings or when a range of holdings with multiple levels of enumeration are recorded.


    If there are numbers, but no caption terms, do not supply caption terms. Just record the numbering.



    1. Use a HYPHEN (-) to indicate an unbroken range of holdings.


      • Bd.1-4

      Note: NO spaces between the elements.

    2. Use a COMMA (,) to indicate a gap in CUL holdings. Note that consecutive runs are connected by hyphens and gaps are indicated by commas, the caption term is repeated after each comma.


      • v.1-3,v.6
      • Bd.1-7,Bd.13-15,Bd.18

    3. Use a COLON (:) to separate the first level of enumeration of the second or lower level.


      • v.1:pt2
      • Lfg.7:facs.4:[pt.3]
      • Bd/2:T.2
      • v.4:pt.3-v.5:pt.2

      If numbering includes letters, record them directly after the number: DO NOT input a colon between a volume number and a letter of the alphabet. Record upper case and lower case letters as they appear on the publication (romanized, if necessary).


      • v.1A-v.11E,v.11H-v.14D:1-2

    4. Use a FORWARD SLASH (/) to indicate more than one bibliographic volume issued together in one physical volume.


      • v.1/2
      • Bd. 1-6/8

    5. Use an EQUAL SIGN (=) to separate alternative numbering schemes. For example, volumes 1-2 are issued in 3 parts, each of which are also numbered consecutively as no.1-6. Record holdings in compressed form:


      • v.1-2=no.1-6

    6. Use a SEMICOLON (;) to separate new numbering system from old numbering system or to denote a non-gap break in numbering.


      • no.1-28;v.1-4 (numbering style changed after no.28)
      • v.1-4;v.6 (volume 5 never published)

    7. Use SQUARE BRACKETS [] to indicate supplied or corrected volume numbering.


      • [v.1]

    8. BLANK SPACE In general, there should be no spaces between elements in the holdings EXCEPT in the following instance:

      To separate groupings of volume numbers of an analytic of a monographic set followed by the volume number of the main set or serial.

      Recording of subseries within multi-part monographs where there are 2 different numbering schemes are not covered by this standard. To accommodate the recording of this information we will follow the standards used for serials.


      • v.1(12)v.2(15)v.3(19)

      Vol. 1-3 of a novel are also vol. 12,15, and 19 of the same author's collected works and there is a separate record for the novel in 3 volumes (i.e. the collected works analyzed). In the holdings for the analytic, record the volume number of the novel followed by the corresponding volume number of the collected work, enclosed in parentheses. Separate the groupings of volumes with a blank space.


      Numeric or alphabetical designations are recorded exactly as found on the piece, except non-Arabic numbers and spelled-out numbers are converted to Arabic numbers.


      • volume VIII becomes v.8
      • number five becomes no.5
      • Troiseme becomes 3e


      If the pieces have distinctive names for parts instead of numbering, the name of the part may be used as a substitute for enumeration and should NOT be enclosed in square brackets.


      • 12 computer optical disks

      However, when one or more parts of an otherwise numbered multi-part work lack numerical/alphabetic designations, supply the missing designation in brackets.


      • v.1-[3],v.5-6


      If a multivolume set is accompanied by unnumbered material(s) (e.g. study guides, indexes, etc.), enter in the MARC holdings record summary holdings for items represented in field 300 |a. Enter the accompanying material in 866 |z


      • 866/1:41:|80|a v.1-2
        866/1:41:|80|z Accompanied by 1 guide, 1 index.


      In some cases recording holdings in a compressed style may provide confusing information which needs to be clarified either in a Contents note (505) or in a General note (500) indicating that some volumes are issued in more than one part.


      Publisher originally issued a 5 volume set; subsequently volumes called 2A, 4A, 4B were published. Since there are no gaps in holdings, compressing the holdings as v.1-5 is correct, but may be confusing. The holdings could be clarified in the following manner:

      1. If there were a Contents note in the record, it would read:


        making it clear that there are in fact 8 physical volumes.

      2. If there were no Contents note, a bibliographic note in 500 that reads "Vol. 2 issued in two parts, vol. 4 issued in 3 parts" would also make it clear that there are 8 physical volumes.

      3. A summary display of item records may also be consulted to determine how many physical volumes constitute v. 1-5.

      4. Once a set of this type is completed the 300 field would also read: 5 v. in 8.

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    Last updated: 02/21/02 ink