Electronic Resources Cataloging Manual [ERCM-014]



As part of cataloging any e-resource, it is necessary to submit the publisher's URL to the Libraries Information Technology Office (LITO) so that it can be added to tables within our URL Resolver. This is done for several reasons. First, it simplifies maintenance. If for example, a domain name changes, it can be changed in the Resolver rather than record by record. More importantly, some e-resources are licensed to the University with the understanding that users accessing those services must use a campus computer. In order to permit users to access these services from home or other locations when not connected to the Internet through Columbia, the Resolver provides links to redirect users to the proxy server. In addition, unauthorized use of paid resources by individuals not affiliated with the University can be prevented. It also enables us to gather usage statistics and redirect services during service outages.




    In all cases, first ensure that the URL is valid and links to the appropriate resource.

    Save the record as the 920 uses the CLIO bib record id.

    1. MACRO Method

      1. Double click in the row label so that the 856 tag (not field) is selected.
        Screen shot

      2. Invoke the macro (control/shift/u)
      3. The macro will do the following:

        • Copy the existing publisher's URL from 856 into a new 920 field
        • Replace the existing 856 with the CUL Resolver URL which includes the CLIO bib key
        • Open Firefox
        • The first time the macro is run in a given session you will asked to authenticate with UNI and password.
        • The publisher's URL will display as the last part of the URL in the URL search box.
        • Verify that the URL exactly matches the publisher's URL and was not corrupted in anyway during the copying process. If the URL does not match exactly, close Firefox (click on the X in upper right corner) and return to CLIO and start over. You will need to delete the Resolver 856, save the record and rerun the macro.
        • If the URL matches the publisher URL, press the ENTER key.
        • Check to make sure the URL works by following the prompt.

          Screen shot of URL in URL Search box for verification and resulting message after pressing ENTER.

          Note: If you enter a malformed URL, it can not be fixed by resending it from CLIO. It may be corrected using the Resolver URL form. Be sure to fill in the resolver key or full resolver URL at the top of the form in addition to the publisher's URL.

      4. Save your CLIO record as it has been changed by the macro.

    2. Creating a Resolver URL by hand

      1. In the bib record, code the publisher's URL into a 920 field. If you are using copy, or an original record that you created in OCLC, simply change the tag of the publisher URL field from 856 to 920.
      2. Retrieve the form.
      3. Enter the bib. ID (including the word CLIO, e.g., clio6337465) or the full resolver URL into the box labeled "Step 1."
      4. Under "Step 2" select "Request a change in URL" (even if this is a newly cataloged resource) and enter the publisher's URL into the box labeled "New URL." It is ok to copy and paste from the 920, including http://
      5. Click "Change"
      6. You should see a confirmation screen that says at the top that the Voyager Bib key (e.g. clio4171482) was added to resolver. The screen includes a link that can be clicked for testing. The last paragraph of the screen should include the publisher URL, your UNI, and the date and time when the URL was added to the resolver. If you do not get this screen, email Breck Witte (witte@columbia.edu).
      7. After saving the record to the database, add an 856 field with the Resolver URL, including the bib ID as the last element, following the word clio. You can also copy this link from the screen displayed at the end of the previous step.

  2. Creating Two Resolver URLs For the Same Resource

    To create more than one Resolver URL in the same bibliographic record:

    1. Code your first publisher's URL into a 920 field.
    2. Retrieve the form.
    3. Enter the bib. ID (including the word CLIO, e.g., clio6337465) or the full resolver URL into the box labeled "Step 1."
    4. Add .001 to the bib. ID (e.g. clio4094009.001)
    5. Under "Step 2" select "Request a change in URL" (even if this is a newly cataloged resource) and enter the publisher's first URL into the box labeled "New URL." It is ok to copy and paste from the 920, including http://
    6. Click "Change"
    7. After saving the record to the database, add an 856 field with the Resolver URL, including the word clio, bib ID plus .001. The Resolver URL may be copy and pasted from the confirmation screen, which should appear after the submission.
    8. Repeat the process for the second publisher's URL, but add .002 to the bib. ID of the resource.
    9. Add $z with the volume (or other identifying text) to each 856 and corresponding 920 (e.g. $z Volume 1)

  3. Resolver URL Maintenance

    URL maintenance is done in the Resolver. The publisher's URL in the CLIO or OCLC record does not need to be kept up to date unless it is necessary for cooperative cataloging efforts.

    1. Use the form and follow the instructions for creating a resolver URL by hand.
    2. Consult the NER librarian if the title is also in Reference tools and indexes (RTI)

  4. NON RESOLVER URLS (856 41 & 856 42)--Adjust 856 as needed.

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Last updated: 04/14/11 kmh