ENDNEL2s&9ÿÿÿÿ3tVN -DB -AU -TI -JO - `Journal`JO - `Academic`JO - `Archives`JO - `Studies`JO - `Abstracts`JO - `Advances`JO -`Review`JO -`Issues`JO - `Research`JO - `Bulletin`JO -PY -, PY -| PY -VL -IS -SP -ER -VN - Degree:  Author:  Title: JO -PY -, PY -| PY -VL -IS -SP -ER -VN -DB -TY - `Newspaper`AU -TI -; []TI -JO -PY -, PY -| PY -SP -ER - School:   Title:  Pub No:  Author:  Degree:  Date:  Pages:  Adviser:  ISBN:  Source:  Subject:  Abstract: ™DD[ ] - . H / D edited by H H: H, D DDDp. ; : #DHDed. HSD H D: DD$D%D&DDSLS!S"LDDDDDDD'Dx‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE} Title:   Bell & HowellÖ1. Mark citations 2. View marked list 3. Export citations 4. Select first option, Download in a format compatible with ProCite and EndNote. 5. Click Save As on your browser's File menu; save as plain text.