ENDNEL2s& ÿÿÿÿo%0`Journal Article`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Book`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Book Section`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Manuscript`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y %0 `Edited Book` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y %0`Magazine Article`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Newspaper Article`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Conference Proceedings`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Thesis`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y %0  %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y %0`Personal Communication`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Computer Program`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Electronic Source`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y %0 `Audiovisual Material` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y %0`Film or Broadcast`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y %0 `Artwork` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y  %0 `Map` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y %0`Patent`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Hearing`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Bill`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Statute`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Case`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Figure`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Chart`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Equation`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Generic`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%YxDD DD DDDDDDD'DDD DD D DD#DDDDDD DDD$D%D&DD!D"DDDDD(D)Dm‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE}WGeneric*This filter is designed to import text files that have been exported from the Refer or BibIX programs. LIMITATIONS 1. Since only "plain text" files can be imported into EndNote, this filter cannot be used to import images, graphics, &c. 2. Before importing, corporate authors (following the Refer "%Q" tag) must end in a comma or EndNote will not be able to distinguish them from personal authors, therefore parsing them incorrectly. 3. The Refer format lacks a tag for reference type. Before importing, you may wish to add a "%0" (zero) to the beginning of each reference, along with its reference type, e.g. %0 Journal Article Otherwise (to avoid loss of data), everything will be imported into the "Generic" reference type. N.B. If your data consists solely of journal articles, you may simply change the "Reference Type" setting to import everything as a journal article. 4. If, as is common with Refer data, you have created unique "custom" tags, you must edit this filter to accomodate them, otherwise, the data associated with those tags will be lost. files can be imported into EndNote, this filter cannot be used to import images, graphics, &c. 2. Before importing, corporate authors must end in a comma or EndNote will not be able to distinguish them from personal authors, therefore parsing them incorrectly. 3. The Refer format lacks a tag for reference type. Before importing, you may wish to add a "%0" (zero) to the beginning of each reference, along with its reference type, e.g. %0 Journal Article Otherwise (to avoid loss of data), everything will be imported into the "Generic" reference type. N.B. If your data consists solely of journal articles, you may simply change the "Reference Type" setting to import everything as a journal article. 4. If, as is common with Refer data, you have created unique "custom" tags, you must edit this filter to accomodate them, otherwise, the data associated with those tags will be lost.B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%L%M%N%P%Q%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1%2%3%4%6%7%8%9%?%@%!%#%$%&%(%)%*%+%^)%0 `Generic`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%L%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%YxDD DD DDDDDDD'DDD DD D DD#DDDDDD DDD$D%D&DD!D"DDDDD(D)Dm‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE}/GenericThis filter is designed to import text files that have been exported from the Refer or BibIX programs. LIMITATIONS 1. Since only "plain text" files can be imported into EndNote, this filter cannot be used to import images, graphics, &c. 2. Before importing, corporate authors must end in a comma or EndNote will not be able to distinguish them from personal authors, therefore parsing them incorrectly. 3. The Refer format lacks a tag for reference type. Before importing, you may wish to add a "%0" (zero) to the beginning of each reference, along with its reference type, e.g. %0 Journal Article Otherwise (to avoid loss of data), everything will be imported into the "Generic" reference type. N.B. If your data consists solely of journal articles, you may simply change the "Reference Type" setting to import everything as a journal article. 4. If, as is common with Refer data, you have created custom tags, you must edit this filter to accomodate them, otherwise, the data associated with those tags will be lost.%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%L%M%N%P%Q%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1%2%3%4%6}%7%8%9%?%@%!%#%$%&%(%)%*%+%^)%0`Chart`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%L%M%N%P%Q%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1%2%3%4%6%7%8%9%?%@%!%#%$%&%(%)%*%+%^)%0 `Equation`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%L%M%N%P%Q%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1%2%3%4%6%7%8%9%?%@%!%#%$%&%(%)%*%+%^)%0 `Generic`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%L%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%YxDD DD DDDDDDD'DDD DD D DD#DDDDDD DDD$D%D&DD!D"DDDDD(D)Dm‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE}„GenericSThis filter is designed to import text files that have been exported from the Refer or BibIX programs. LIMITATIONS 1. Since only "plain text" files can be imported into EndNote, this filter cannot be used to import images, graphics, &c. 2. Before importing, corporate authors must end in a comma or EndNote will not be able to distinguish them from personal authors, therefore parsing them incorrectly. 3. The Refer format lacks a tag for reference type. Before importing, you may wish to add a "%0" (zero) to the beginning of each reference, along with its reference type, e.g. %0 Journal Article Otherwise (to avoid loss of data), everything will be imported into the "Generic" reference type. N.B. If your data consists solely of journal articles, you may simply change the "Reference Type" setting to import everything as a journal article.