these occurred on pages of the MS. which are now lost and do not appear on the plates
provided to fill these gaps : in their case a ? is put in place of a reference to the page
of the MS.
In Votive Masses which are not in the facsimile only such elements have been
indexed as do not occur in any other connexion.
N.B.—* Denotes "not Sarum." f Denotes "Sarum but not found in the facsimile."
Thom—Thomasius Opera t. v (ed. Vezzosi Rome 1750): cp. his less complete Antiqui Libri Missarum
Romance Ecclesia (Rome 1691), published under the pseudonym of J M Carus. This represents
the following MSS.1
M. Vallicellian B. viii Missal. Xth or XIth cent. Probably from the Convent of St. Euthicius, Nursia.
O. Vallicellian C. 52. Gradual. XIth or XH,h cent.2
A. Angelica. B. 3. 18 formerly D. 3. 6. Gradual. XIth cent.'
R. Vatican Ottobon 2, Sacramentary. IX"1 cent. Marginal cues. In Muratori Liturgia Romana Vetus
(Venice 1748).
B Treasury of Monza Book of the Graduals. First half of the VIIIth cent. Also given in full
pp. 257-266.3
Val Vallicellian D 5 Ordo Romanus XI"1 cent.
V Some Vatican MSS including F. 22 (formerly 13) Gradual. XIth or XIIth cent.
S Barberini r854 Gradual. Xth cent. Formerly belonged to Cardinal Sanctorius.
g MS of Cardinal Gentili Benedictine Gradual. Dated 1071 In Dominicus Georgius De Liturgia
Romani Pontifiicis iii 441 (Rome 1731-1744)4
M.iii Barberini 326 Missal. XIIth cent. Marginal cues for the Sundays in Advent only.
M.ii Vallicellian B. 23. Benedictine Missal. XIIth cent. From Arezzo.
M.iv. Vatican 4770. Benedictine Missal with music. XIth cent.
Cas Monte Cassino 505 Benedictine Gradual. XIth cent. Separate collation only pp. 289-292.
L Barberini 1863 Lyons Missal: and with it the printed edition of 1510 and the Monastic Missal of
Ainay, printed 1531.
1 See E. Ranke Das Kirchliche Pericopensystem p. 117 (Berlin 1847).
2 Facsimiles in P.M. ii pll. 33A, 10.
3 See Morin p. 25 note Cagin Un mot sur VAntiphonale Missarum p. ii (Solesmes 1890).
4 Very inadequately represented in Thomasius and now collated afresh. Ranke I.e. p. 122.