Maps and diagrams showing present conditions New York and its environs March 1923

([New York] :  Plan of New York and Its Environs,  1923.)



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BUT it is not only the question of cost that will determine whether the city
worker can establish his or her home outside the city: time is an impor¬
tant element and the illustration shows the amount of time required to
travel between various outlying points and the Manhattan terminals of the
several railroads. It may be contended that this diagram does not show so
favorably as it should the commuting facilities to and from certain suburban
points. That is true if the best trains with club-cars were to be used to deter¬
mine the time, but, as stated in connection with the commuting fare map, the
persons in mind in preparing it are those who have to be at their offices, or places
of business, by nine o'clock and cannot leave them until five, nor can they
afford, if living in New Jersey, to leave the train at the New Jersey Terminal
and pay an extra fare to save a few minutes by taking a tunnel train, when they
can without extra charge reach the ferry terminal on the New York side of the
river. The diagram shows that there are certain points further out which enjoy
good express service and which can be reached in as short a time as others
which are nearer. It also shows the handicap in time of certain nearby points,
owing to inferior train service or bad connections, handicaps which might be
readily removed. A decision as to the location of a home will involve ques¬
tions of expense and time. The preceding map indicated the cost of commut¬
ing to various distances. This one shows how much of the day must be given
up to railway travel.   The two together may help in reaching a conclusion.


State----------. ■ •------------■ .------------■ ■----------


Township, City, etc.-----------------------

Note: Circles show distances from New York City Hall.

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