The New York clipper annual (1887)

(New York :  Frank Queen Pub. Co.,  1883-)



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Dec. 12,1885—C. Neilson beat C. Matterson,
3 miles 330yds.; 22m. 35s.—Sydney, Aus.

Dec. 18, 1885—VVm. Beach l)eat Neil Matterson,
$2,000 and championsliip of world, 3 miles 330yds.;
24m. 11 >4S.—Sydney, Aus.

Jan. 3,1886—Ship Jabez Howes, 1,648 tons, com¬
pleted run from San Francisco to New York in 99d.

March 13—John Crotty defeated Malcolm, 2 miles;
13m. 60s.—Galveston, Texas.

March 15—Minnesota and Winnipeg Amateur
Boating Association organized—St. Paul.

March 27—James O'Donnell died—New Orleans.

March. 27—PI H. Ridgway died—Philadelphia.

April 3 —Cambridge beat Oxford, 4>^ miles,
straightaway; 22m. 29>^s.—Thames, Eng.

April, 19—John A. Biglin died—N. Y. City.

April 22—George Bubear beat W. Pearce, 4X
miles; 25m.—Thames, Eng.

April 25—W. W. Leverell died—London, Eng.

May 1—University of Pa. class race, Powel Cup;
Medical crew won, 8m. 31s.—Philadelphia.

May 6—D. Dunbar drowned—Calumet Lake, 111.

May 22—D. Gallanagh beat P. A. Dempsey, $2,000,

3 miles; 22m. 59%s.—i-'hiladelphia.

May 24—G. .T. Perkins beat Neil Matterson, $2,000
and championship of England—Thames.

May------Charles Bush died—London, Eng.

May 29—Swimming, 200yds.; J. J. Collier won,
2m. 38>2S.; E. T. Jones second—Leeds, Eng.

May 29—H. Heil beat T. Richards, $400, 3 miles;
21m.—Bellaire, 0.

May 31—J. A. Ten Eyck beat J. Laing, $1,000, 3
miles—Worcester, Mass.

May 31—0. E. Courtney and G. H. Hosmer rowed,
dead heat, 3-mile exhibition—Albany, N. Y.

May 31—J Teemer beat W. Ross, 3-mile exhibi¬
tion—Oak Point, N. Y. City.

June 3—George Bubear beat C. Neilson, $1,000,
4}i miles—Thames.

June 5—Knickerbocker Y. C. regatta—L. 1. Sound.

June 7—Neil Matterson beat D. Godwin, $1,000,
4>4 miles—Thames, Eng.

June 7—Larchmont Y. C. regatta—L. L

June 7—Williamsburg Y. C. regatta—L.

June 8—Hanlan regatta closed; G. W.
E. Hanlan second- Toronto, Ont.

June 12—J. G. Gaudaur beat John Teemer, $2,000
and championship of America, 3 miles, turn; 21m.
20s.—Pullman, III.

June 15—Atlantic Y. C. regatta; Priscilla beat
Puritan and Atlantic—N. Y. Bay.

June 17—New York Y. C. regatta; Priscilla beat
Atlantic, Puritan and Mayflower—N. Y. Bay.

June 19—Seawanliaka Y. C. regatta; Puritan beat
Priscilla, Atlantic and Mayflower—N. Y. Bay.

June 19—John Teemer beat W. Ross; J. A. Ten
Eyck beat J. McKay—Lake Memphremagog.

June 19—C. T. Enright beat Jas. Griflin, 3 miles;
24m. 5s.—Lake Chautauqua, N. Y.

June 19—Wm. Mosier beat Jacob Teemer, $400, 3
miles—McKeesport, Pa.

June 22—Sailing match, $100; Pirate beat Ar¬
menia J. Foster—L. I. Sound.

June 22—University of Pennsylvania rowed over
for Childs' Cup—Philadelphia.

June 23, 24—Mississippi Valley A. R. A. regatta—
Moline, 111.   See "Aquatic Performances."

June 24—Columbia College beat Un. of Pa., 8 oars,

4 miles, straightaway; 20m. 40s.—New London, Ct.
June 25—Yale College beat Un. of Pa., 8 oars, 4

miles, straightaway; 23m. 33s.—New London, Ct.

June 25—Ed. Hanlan beat G. H. Hosmer, 3-mile
exhibition—Lake St. Joseph, Mass.
^ June 26—Columbia College beat Harvard College,

I. Sound.
Lee first,

University 8-oared crews, 4 miles, straightaway;
21m. 3014s.—New London, Ct.

June 26—Schuylkill Navy regatta—Philadelphia.
See "Aquatic Performances."

June 26—J. G. Gaudaur won scullers' race, John
Teemer second, Al Hamm third; 3 miles; 19m. 54s.
—White Bear Lake, Minn.

June 28—J. R. Gumming beat J. D. Ryan, 3 miles;
21m. 20s.—Boston.

June 29—Eastern Y. C. regatta; Puritan beat
Priscilla and Mayflower—Marblehead, Mass.

June 30—Ariel B. 0. beat L'Hirondelle, 4 oars-
Baltimore, Md.

June 30—W. F. Conly won amateur scullers' race,
2 miles, 13m. 45s.; J. D. Ryan second, J. R. Gum¬
ming third—Worcester, Mass.

July 1—College Freshmen race, 8 oars, 2 miles,
straightaway; Harvard won, 11m. 53s.; Columbia
second, 12m. 10s.; Yale swamped—New London, Ct.

July 1—Ed. Hanlan beat W. Ross, 3-mile exhibi¬
tion—St. John, Can.

July 1, 2, 3—Professional regatta; J. G. Gaudaur
won, John Teemer second, Al. Hamm third—Win¬
nipeg, Man.

July 2—Yale College beat Harvard—New London,
Ct.   See "Aquatic Performances."

July 2—Intercollegiate R.A. regatta—Lake George,
N. Y.   See "Aquatic Performances."

July 5—Boston City rowing regatta. See "Aquat¬
ic Performances."

July 5—Passaic River A. R. A. regatta—Newark,
N. J.   See "Aquatic Performances."

July 5—Swimming race; John Robinson beat D.
F. Butler—Oak Point, N. Y.

July 6—Frank Lynch drowned—Passaic River.

July 7—J. G. Gaudaur beat Al. Hamm, exhibition
—Lake Manitowoc, Wis.

July 7—Adolph Ochs, swimmer, drowned—Bow¬
ery Bay Beach, L. I.

July 10—H. C. Schlotel won 880yds. amateur swim¬
ming championship; 14m. 17 >^s.—London, Eng.

July 11—C. D. Graham went through the Niagara
Whirlpool Rapids in a barrel-
July 12,13—Northwestern A. R. A. regatta—Grand
Rapids, Mich.   See "Aquatic Performances."

July 13—Sharpless Cup race—Philadelphia. See
"Aquatic Performances."

July 14—Western Canoe Association's meet closed;
Gardner Challenge Cup won by C. J. Bowsfleld—
Ballast Island, Lake Erie.

July 14—C. T. Enright beat J. Griffin, 3 miles,
21m. 45s.—Silver Lake, N. Y.

July 15—American Y. C. race, 90 miles; Atalanta
first, 4h. 34m. 57s.—Larchmont, N. Y., to New Lon¬
don, Ct.

July 16.—H. Heil beat T. Richards, $400, Smiles—
McKeesport, Pa.

July 16, 17—Professional regatta; single-sculls—
W. Ross first, John Teemer second, G. W. Lee third.
Double-sculls—Ross and Lee first, C. E. Courtney
and Teemer second, Al. Hamm and W. Ritz third.
Consolation—Ritz first, Hamm second—Bay Ridge,

July 16, 17—Minnesota and Winnipeg regatta—
Lake Minnetonka.

July 19—George Perkins beat Peter Kemp, $1,000,
4K miles; 24m. 40s.—Thames, Eng.

July 20,21—National Association regatta—Albany,
N. Y.   See "Aquatic Performances."

July-----J. Haggerty beat E. T. Jones,  $1000,

swimming, 220yds.; 2m. 55>^s.—Birmingham, Eng.

July 23—Stephen Brodie let himself drop from
Brooklyn Bridge into East River—N. Y. City.

July 24—H. C. Schlotel won amateur mile swim¬
ming championship; 31m. 32Xs__London.
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