The New York clipper annual (1890)

(New York :  Frank Queen Pub. Co.,  1883-)



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in 5m. 21)^8. and 1 mile in 2m. 33.s.; 10 mile bicycle race
won by Lumsden, 31m. 53%8.—Peoria, 111.

Oct. 5—W. F. Murphy, amateur, won 5 mile race. Long
Island championship, W. Schumacher second; 16m. 323^s.
—Queens, L. I.

Oct. 5—A. Du Crois won the annual race for the 25 mile
bicycle championship of Ireland, amateur; J. P. Butler
second; lb. 27m. 22s.—Dublin, Ire.

Oct. 5—Boston Athletic Association road races; win¬
ners: 25 miles, E. C. Anthony, lb. 36m. 17s.; 123^ miles,
P. J. Berlo,47m. 10%s.—Boston, Mass.

Oct. 19—W. Van Wagoner won the annual 25 mile road
race given under the auspices of the Wilmington Wheel
Club, F. H. Dampman second, T. J. Hall Jr. third; Ih. 37m.
52s.—Wilmington, Del.

Oct. 21-26—W. A. Rhodes won a 72 hour race, 12 hours
daily; Desmond second—Toronto, Can.

Oct. 23—Bicycle road race from Buttalo to Rochester, N.
Y., 74 miles, won by the West End Club team, with C. J.
Iv§n first, in 5h. 46m.

Oct. 26—Handicap bicycle race, 52 hours, ladies receiving
allowance of 100 miles each, closed; Helen Baldwin won,
884 miles; Kitty O'Brien, 764; Jessie Oaks, 766; Wm. F.
Knapp, 815; W. J. Morgan, 8023^^; E. Reading, 802—San
Francisco, Gal.


Jan. 4, 1889-Skating, professional championship, 1)^
mile.s, 3 turns; James Smart first, G. See second, I. See
third, Jarman Smart fourth; winner's best time, 4m.
56%s —Lingay Fen, Eng.

Jan. 7—Skating, amateur championship, 1}^ miles, 3
turns; W. Loveday won; 6m. 15%s,—Lingay Fen, Eng.

Jan. 8, 9, 10—Amateur skating races, international;
■880yds. race, won by Alex. Von Panschin, Im. 24J^s.; mile,
won by Von Panschin, 2m. 58^s., J. F. Donoghue second;
2 miles, won by J. F. Donoghue, 6m. 24s., Von Panschin
second—Amsterdam, Holland.

Jan. 13—International skating race, 1,600 meters, cham¬
pionship ; A. Von Panschin won, J. Donoghue second;
2m. 68s.; 2 mile exhibition by J. Donoghue; 6m. 23s.—
Vienna, Aus.

Jan. 14—Curling match, Carlyle Medal Cup; Moss Park
<60) beat Prospect Park (40)—Toronto, Can.

Jan. 15—Skating race, Hamburg Cup, about 3,280yds.;
Joseph Donoghue won—Hamburg, Ger.

Jan. 16—International skating race. Ladies' Gold Cup,
about 4 miles l,I62yds.; Joseph Donoghue won—Ham¬
burg, Ger.

Jan. 16—Skating race, 20 miles, $50; R. M. Laidlawbeat
W. Connell; lb. Sim.-Dartmouth, N. S.

Jan. 23—Skating race, championship of Newburg, N. Y.,
amateur; Elmer Simpson won, James A. Donoghue sec¬
ond; Sm. 233^8.—Newburg.

Jan. 23—Curling match; Toronto (63) beat Four Brothers
Club (68)—Toronto Ont.

Jan. 24—Curling match, Quebec Cup; Montreal (96) beat
Thistle (65)-Montreal, Can.

Jan. 27—Skating match, $300, 20 miles; Axel Paulsen
beat Rudolph Goetz; Ih. 9m. 16s.—Minneapolis, Minn.

Jan. 29—St. George Snowshoe Club steeplechase, over
the mountain; A. F. McNaughton, scratch, first; 19m. 45s.
—Montreal, Can.

Jan. 30—National Skating Association figure skating
championship won by L. Rubenstein, 61 points; G. D.
Phillips, 47; S. J. Montgomery, 12—N. Y. City.

Jan. ,S0—Curling match; St. Catherines (S3) beat Cale¬
donian (82)—Hamilton, Ont.

Jan. 30, 31—Curling match; Montreal (74) beat Thistle
(61)—Montreal, Can.

Jan. 30—Amateur skating championship of Maritime
Provinces, 3 miles, won by C. Patterson, B. Stevens sec¬
ond ; 7m. 473^8.-Dartmouth, N. S.

Jan. 30—Backward skating race, amateur championship
of Canada, one mile, won by C. Gillespie, G. Trites sec¬
ond; 4m. 173-4S.—Dartmouth, N. S.

Feb. 2—Amateur skating races, 880 yards and 5 miles,
won by Elmer Simpson; course short—Albany, N. Y.

Feb. 2—Curling match; Granite (90) beat Caledonian (81)
—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 2—Curling match, 10 rinks; St. Andrews (153) beat
Thistle (141)—St. John, N. B.

Feb. 2—Skating race, amateur championship, 5,000
meters (3 miles, 188yds,); E. Godager won; 9m. 68%s.—
Christiana, Norway.

Feb. 4—Curling, Mitchell Medal; Frazier's rink (28) beat
Empire City (12) in final game—Van Cortlandt Lake, N.T.

Feb. 4—Hockey match; Victoria (2) beat Montreal (1)—
Montreal, Can.

P'eb. 4, 5, 7, 8—Skating races, 10 miles, amateur cham¬
pionship; T. Letremoulle won three and the cup. Brown
second, Bellefleur third—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 6—Skating race, 10 miles; W. McCutcheon beat F.
Phelan; 38m. 15s.—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 7—Skating race, 5 miles; C. Gordon won; 19m. Is.
—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 7—Curling match, international, Gordon Medal;
Canada (62) beat United States (27)—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 8—Skating race, ladies, 3 miles; won by Miss Louise
Levasseur; 13m. 10s.—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 8—Canadian Amateur Skating Association cham¬
pionship meeting;  winners; Fancy skating, L. Ruben¬

stein, 375^ points, G. D. Phillips .second; 220yds., E.
Irwin, 243^8.; »80vds., W. Irwin, Im. 33%s.; mile, E. Irwin,
3m. 373is.; 220yds. hurdle race, W. Irwin, Im. 38%s.;
880yds., backward, Scott, Im. 54%s.; 5 miles, F. Carroll,
20m, 203^8.-Montreal, Can.

Feb. 8—Curling match, international, Thomson-Scoville
Medal; Buttalo (101) beat Toronto (48)—Buffalo, N. Y.

Feb. 8—Curling match, Quebec Challenge Cup; Mont¬
real (47) beat Rideau (27)—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 11—Curling match, national district medal; Cale¬
donian (45) beat Thistle (32)—Van Cortlandt Lake, N. Y.

Feb. 11—Emerald Snowshoe Club steeplechase, over the
mountain; J- Lumsden first, F. Wheeler second; 21m.—

Feb. 12—Holly Snowshoe Club steeplechase, over the
mountain; W. J. Drysdale first, R. Patterson second; 22m.
7s.—Montreal, Can.

Feb 14—Ice yacht race, nearly 5 miles, turn; Ranger
first, B. W. Van Voorhees second, North Star third; 5m.—
Carthage Landing, N. Y.

Feb. 14—Curling, Ontario Tankard competition closed;
Gait (48) beat Granite (28) in final game—Toro'nto, Ont.

Feb. 16—Curling, Scottish Counti'es Medal; Lanarkshire
(.39) beat Sterlingshire (35)—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 16—Ice yacht regatta, 123^ miles; winners: Second
class. Now Then; third class, George—Redbank, N. J.

Feb. 16—Curling match, district medal; Albany City (54)
beat American (38)—Albany, N. Y.

Feb. 16—Royal Blue Snowshoe C^lub annual cross coun¬
try run, 7 1-16 miles; H. H. Elliott won, M. M. Christie
second; lb. S^m. 20s.—Dartmouth to Bedford, N. S.

Feb. 16—Hockey match; Longueuil (3) beat St. Lambert
(0)—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 17—International figure skating competitions;
winners: Ladies' contest—Mrs. Fronk v/on, Miss A. Wel-
bull second. Miss Mauroy third; gentlemen amateurs—
R. Sundgren won, T. Hult second; professional competi¬
tion—J. W. Lingren won, C. Sundstrom second—Stock¬
holm, Sweden.

Feb. 18—Hockey, final game for the Carnival medals;
Victoria Club (3) beat Crystal (2)—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 18—Curling, annual match; Moss Park (63) beat
Prospect Park (44)—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 19—Skating match, 5 miles; R. Laidlaw beat J.
Feny—Halifax, N. S.

Fe'b. 19—Curling match; Granite (83) beat Peterborough
(80)—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 19—International curling match, Davies Cup; Tor¬
onto (96) beat Buffalo (68)—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 19—Curling match; Paris (72) beat Brantford (64)—
Brantford, Ont.

Feb. 21—Curhng match; Granite (125) beat Toronto (64)
—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 22—National Skating Association amateur cham¬
pionship meeting—Muchattos Lake, Newburg, N. Y. See
"Athletic Performances."

Feb. 22—Curling bonspiel, Patterson Medal, 9 rinks a
side; Scotchmen (157) beat Americans (128)—Van Cort¬
landt Lake, N. Y.

Feb, 22—Curling match; Empire City (48) beat Jersey
City (24)—Van Cortlandt Lake, N. Y.

Feb. 22—Skating race, 6 miles; E. D. Irwin won, W.
Latremoulle second; 18m. 208.—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 22—Curling match; Boston (11) beat Caledonian (0)
—Boston, Mass.

Feb. 22—Ice yacht regatta, Marlborough Club, 10 miles;
Nameless won. Yum Yum second; 23m.—Poughkeepsie,
N. Y.

Feb. 23—Ice yacht regatta, 10 miles, Hudson River Club;
Winners: First class. Jack Frost, 20m.; second clas.s.
Great Scottj_ 17m. 20s.; third class, Polaris, 18m. 158.—
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

¥eo. 23—Snowshoe, race, Crathern Cup, over the moun¬
tain; S. D. Jones won, J. Cokers second; 19m. 38s.—Mont¬
real, Can.

Feb. 24—Skating race, distance uncertain, Alex. Paulsen
beat Fritz Luhr—Minneapolis, Minn.

Feb. 24—Skating race, amateur, 5,000 metres (3 miles
188yds); E, Godager won, in 10m. 13^s.—Stockholm, Swe¬

Feb. 25—Ice yacht regatta, championship of America
and pennant, 16 miles; Icicle won, Reindeer second,
Northern Light third, Scud (challenger) fourth, Avalanche
fifth. Jack Frost sixth, Great Scott seventh; 51m. 41s.—
Roosevelt Point, N. Y.

Feb. 25—Annual curling bonspiel; Stonecutters (227)
beat Stonesetters (198)—N. Y. City.

Feb. 25—Hockey match; Montreal A. A. A. (6) beat Hali¬
fax Club (1)—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 25—Skating race, 10 miles, championship of Can¬
ada; Lavasseur won, Bellefleur second; Latremoulle,
who finished first, disqualified—Montreal, Can.

Feb. 26—Skating race, mile, flying start; E. Godager
won, in Sm. 33^s.—Stockholm, Sweden.

Feb. 25—Skating race, amateur, 10 miles; E. Godager
won, in 33m. 213^s.—Stockholm, Sweden.

Feb. 26—Curling match; Caledonian (47) beat Moss Park
(41)—Toronto, Ont.

Feb. 26—Ice yacht regatta. Van Nostrand Cup, 6 miles;
Ice King won, Snowdrift second. Ice Queen third—Orange
Lake, N. Y.

Feb. 26—Curling match; Moss Park (63) beat Granite (58)
—Toronto, Ont.
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