The New York clipper annual (1892)

(New York :  Frank Queen Pub. Co.,  1883-)



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Theatre, Huntington, W. Va., opened ___Miriam Arm¬
strong (Mrs. Wni. Glenn) made professional debut as
Mme. Lespt-ron in "The Clcmenceau Case," Bangor,

Me......Powell Street Theatre, San Francisco, opened.

......Franklin Avenue Theatre, Salt Lake ("ity, dedi¬
cated ___Yoneda Royal Japanese Troupe made metro¬
politan debuts, and A. J. Friscoff, American debut,

Koster & Biai's......"The (Clipper" played for first time

in  New York, People's Theatre, Amy Lee making

melropolita-i stellar debut.......Wonderland Theatre

and Dime Museum, Scranton, Pa., dedicated.....Con¬
tinental Theatre, I'hiladelphia, opened under Gustav
Amberg's management  for (ierman  performances;

subsequently closed......."Die Beste Kur, oder Ner-

vos," by G. Von Moser and Otto Grindt, acted first in

America, Amber-- Theatre, N. Y......Cha.s. Simco and

Eva Liberty married.......(r. A.  Mortimer Jr. and

Bessie Wilcox married.
—Harry Tremaine and Miss Mendoza married, Boston;
Robert O. Fiske and Vera Bedell married. Great Falls,
N. H.

16—oero Alonia and Annie Gardner married. Grand

17—-The Merrv Mandarin"originally acted, St. Johnsbury,
Vt......Millie Deacho and Jrimes Henry Barnes (non¬
professional)   married, Baltimore......(irand  Open

House, Meridian, Miss., dedicated......Clara Herbert

and J. W Dempsey 'uarried, Co;umbus, O.; Wichita
Jack and Adelaide A. ''ike married, Boston.

18—"Das Velorene Paradies" ("The Lost"), by
Ludwiir Fulda, acted first in America, Amberg Thea¬
tre, N.Y......."The Devil in Search of a Wife," by

Marccaret Townsend, originally acted, Manhattan Ath¬
letic ('lub, N. Y......Mabel Draysey and James (Jood-

Avin marr ed, Troy.. .. ."The Volunteer," by Geo. T.
Ulmer, originally acted, San Francisco, Cal.; first m
New York,'Oct. 5, 1891, Harlem Opera House.

20—Variety Theatre, St. Louis, dedicated .. ..Maude Du-
rand divorced from C. .1, Conklin, Peru, Ind.

22—Casino Rink, Chicago, biirned....."Cleopatra," trans¬
lated from the French ol Emile Moreau and Victorien
Sardou, acted fiist time in America, Fifth Avenue
Theatre, N. Y,, Lillian Burke, as Iras, making pro¬
fessional  debut;   originally acted, Oct. 23, Porte St.

Martin, Paris......Hopkins' Opera House, Lyons, la.,

Durned......Helen  Mowatt (Mrs. Rolinda H. Smith)

divorced from Hal Clarend(m (Henry C. Smith).......

J. A. Reed and Blanche Symmonds (nonprofessional)
married, Minneapolis; Lida McMillan and Chas. C.
Maubury married.

23—Bonnie Courtland (Mrs. Ida Brown) and Geo. Hopkins
married, Providence.

24—"Yon Yonson," by Gus J. Heege, originally acted,

Yonkers, N. Y., Music Hall.....Eddie Sill)on and Josie

Casselle manned____"The Blarney Stone," Edmund

Mortimer's revised version of J. R. Mortimer's "P^rin
Asthore," acted first under that title, Middletown,
Ct.; first in New York, Feb. 2, 1891, Harlem Tiieatre;
"The Leprechaun," by (-ol, Milliken and Mr. Mortimer,
is also from same play, and was produced -at Pliil-
adelphia, Nov. 20. 18««.

25—"Jessie Daw" acted first under that title, Meriden,
Ct.; as "The Little Tramp" acted first in America,
Oct. 17,1889, Ac;idemy of Music, Milwaukee; originally
acted Sept. 12, 1885, as "A Young Tramp," Princess'
Theatre, Bristol, Eng.....Forepaugh's Theatre, Balti¬
more, burned... ...Greenville, O., Opera House dedi¬

26—Annie Leaf divorced from. Claude IT. Brooke, Brook¬
lyn......Olympia, Wash., Theatre, dedicated.

28—Bi.iou Theatre, Minneapolis, burned.

29—Ki'nsr's Opera House, Kinzna, Pa., dedicate 1......Har-

rigan's Theatre dedicated, and "Reilly and the 400,"
by Edward Harrigan, orierinally acted......"The So¬
licitor," bv J. H. Darnley, acted first time in America,
Boston, Mu.seum; first" in New York, Sept. 8, 1891,
Herrmann's;  originally acted Royal CJourt Theatre,

Liverpool, May 5....."Betty's Finish," by W Clyde

Fitch, acted first time on any stage, Boston Museum.

......Metropolitan Opera, St. Paul, dedicated.

......"Judah," by Henry Artlmr Jones, acted first time

in America, Palmer's Theatre, N. Y.; as Lady Eva As-
garby, Bessie Hatton maue professional debut; orig¬
inally acted. May 21, Shaftesbury, London, Eng......

"A New Yenr's (Jail," by Augustus Thomas, originally

acted, Madison Square Theatre, N.Y.....Clark's (ir.and

Opera  House, Toronto,  dedicated......Ogden, Utah,

Opera House dedicated.

30—Opelika, Ala., Opei-a House dedicated......Pans, Ky ,

Opera House dedicated......."Babes   in the Wood"

acted  lirst time in  New York, Niblo's Garden......

Granite Hall, Augusta, .Me., burned....."Der Dritte-

kopf' acted first time in America, Stadt Theatre, Mil¬

-----Fred Darc.v and Beatrix Hamilton married.

31—Master Frank Ventini made professional debut, Aus¬
tin & Stone's Museum, Boston.

JAXITA^KY, 1891.

1—"Sunset Rock, or the White Caps' Warning," by
Harry Meredith, acted first under that title. Port Jer
vis,   N. Y.;   originally   acted Jan. 20 as  "A   Perfect

Trust," Forepaugh's Theatre, Philadelphia.....Casino

Theatre. Hot Springs, Ark., reopened as Olympic.....

"ChuchiUo," a revised version of "Redeemed,'" acted

first time under that title, Milwaukee.....(irace Hay

ward and Richard Ferris married, Salamanca, N. Y.

2—Turner  Opera   House,   Findlay,   O.,   dedicated......

"Lady Barter," by Chas. Coghlan, originally acted.
Grand Opera House, Toronto; first in New York, April

27, 1891, Palmer's Theatre___Fifth Avenue Theatre, N.

Y., burned......Millie; Price and Merrill Dow (non iiro

fessional) married, Denver......Frank B. Miller and

Dollie ILatt married. Key West, Fla.; Geo. E.Wil¬
liams and (Jarrie Tlieis married.

3—Marian Joseph made professional debut, Marquam
Grand, Portland, Ore.

4—"Dies Hauben Lerche," by Ernst Von Wildenbruch,
acted first in America, StacltTheatre, Milwaukee; first,
in New York, April 4, Amberg Theatre.

5—Worth's New  Museum dedicated......Pearl Eyting.r

again divorced from Dr. Joseph W. Yard......"Gan-

eion" acted first time in New York, Broadway Tiiea¬
tre......Opera House. Mt. Airy, N. C., dedicated......

Frank Reilly made metropolitan debut, PJighth Street

Theatre......J.  Sherrie   Mathews and ('elia Volmer

'   mar led,  Camden, N. J......Winchester,  Ky., Opera

House  burned,.....Margaret  Forest  (Craven)   mad'j

professional debut in "The Volunteer," Oakland, Cal.,.

6—"The Silver Shield" acted first in New York, Madison
Square Theatre.

-----Lodges of Elks instituted at Astoria, Ore., and Trini¬

8—Kathleen Kerrigan made professional debut as Paul¬
ine,  in "The  Lady of Lyons," Macauley's Theatre,

liouisville......'Esther Sandraz" acted first in New

York, Madison Square Theatre.

10—Malta Opera House, (":hester. Pa., dedicated.

11—"Pension Schoeller" acted   first   in America,  Stadt

Theatre,  .Milwaukee......Ada  Mortimer and   Henry

L.  Dunlap   married,  Boston......"La Cigale  et   La

Fourmi," by MM. (^hivot and Duru, music by Ed-
mond Audran, sung for first time in America (in
French), New Orleans; originally sung Gaiete, Paris,.
Oct. 30, 1886; first in English in America, Oct. 26, Gar¬
den Theatre. N. Y.

12—Lizzie Standish divorced from Geo. F. Devere Jr......

"Mr. E. the Mystery" ("A Silent Partner" rewritten)
acted first under that title, Lyceum Theatre, Roch¬
ester, N. Y......"A Clean Sweep" acted first in New

York,   Harlem Theatre......."An Irishman's  Love"

first time in New York, H. R. Jacobs^' Theatre......

"Her Father," an adaptation by Edward Rose and
John Douglas of Jose Kchegaray's "Conflico entre
dos Deberes," acted first time in America, Broad
Street Theatre, Philadelphia; originally acted Vaude¬
ville Tiieatre, London, Eng., May 16. 1889......Fire at

Linden Park, Chicago, destroyed all the paraphernalia

of French & Co.'s (/ircus......De Witt Sisters made

professional debut, Howard Athenaeum, Boston; New
York debut, London Theatre, Feb. 2.

-----."Vgnes Hernd(m divorced from Joseph A. Jessel.

13—Lillie McHenry and J. Frank marri<Hl. Moberly Mo.

......Jo.sephine De Mott Hines divorced fnmi Geo. 11.

Hines, Philadelphia ..Florence Western divorced
from Frank L. Edgar, Waterbury, Ct.; on 15 Mr. Ed¬
gar married Carrie'Williams in this city.....Peotone,

ill.. Opera House dedicated.

14—cliaron, Pa., Lodge, B. P. O. E., instituted.

15—.reniont, ()., Opera House dedicated.....Rose Beaudet

and S. Arlant Edwards married.

10_Savannah, Ga., Lcxige. No. 183, B. P. O. E., instituted.

17—Minna K. (xale i)layed Juliet first time in New York^
Broadway Theatre.

19—"U. S. Mail'' .seen first in New York, Columbus Thea¬
tre......"The Dazzler"  seen first in New York, Park

Theatre......"Nerves,''J. Comyns Carr's adaptation

of "Les Femmes Nerveuses," acted first in America,
Lyceum Theatre, N. Y.; originally acted London
Comedy, June 7, 1890; the French piece, by Ernest
Blum and Raoul Toche, originally done, Paris Gym-
nase, Sept. 20, 1888.......Mamie Murphy made profes¬
sional debut as Kiddie, in "After Dark," Academy,.
Jersey City, N. J.......Sadie Farley and John W, Ban-
married, Marietta, O.

2')—"The Little Countess," by John A. Harrington
("John Carboy"), (niginally acted, Miner's Theatre,
Newark, N. J.....Winona, Minn., Opera House burn¬
ed......Ford City, Pa., Opera House burned.

—Ella Lang and  ilarry L. Cummings married, Omaha.

21—Mollie Harris and Edward B. Thompson married,
Cincinnati; (Jeorgina West and Malcolm M. McNeill
married, Brooklyn.

23—"The Bonanza Prince," a revi.sed version of C T.
Dazey's "An American King," acted under that
title. Academy of Music, New Orleans.

24—Laura Ward divorced, Boston.

2,5—Perc.v Gaunt and May Stuart married.

26—"A Straight Tip" acted first in New York, Park Thea¬
tre...     The Glinseretti Troupe  made American de
but and the Downies metropolitan debut, Tony Pas¬
tor's.  ... ."A Mile a Minute" originally acted. Miner'.-i
Theatre, Newark, N  J ; first in New York, Feb 9, Peo-
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