The New York clipper annual (1892)

(New York :  Frank Queen Pub. Co.,  1883-)



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married   C. M.  S.   McLel'an,  at London.  Eng.....

Harry A. La Marr and Millie FuUman married, Phila¬

30—Virginia   Bray   Warmington    divorced   from   Wm

-----Edward 'Finlav and Kitty McAulej' married, Trenton,

N. J.

1—-Maj. L. Sherwood (Coombes) and Angle Tyndall (non¬
professional) married, Terre Haute; Wm.'jarrell and
Pauline Ashford married, Decatur. 111.; J. (J. Pringle
and Delia Van Winkle married, Centreville, la.;
Horace Cone and Bertha Fay married, Dallas.
2—Tliomas J. Morissey and Kittle Proctor married.
4—Globe Theatre, Washington, clo-ed, the building to be
torn down to make room lor Government buildings.
The place had been used for amusement purposes for
over thirty years, and had been known as Metropolitan
Hall, Jake Budd's Theatre, Snellbaker's Theatre,
Baker's Dime Museum and the Globe.

3—Park Theatre,   St.   Paul,   burned......"The   Gallant

Sixty-ninth," by P. H. Grant, originally acted, Hav¬
lin's, Chicago.
<)—Josie Sisson divorced from Oscar P. Sisson, Toledo.
8—W. B. Atchison and Edith Cooper married, Nashville,

9—Betty Bahl and Christian  Shov married, Hoboken;
May De Marr and Prof. J. Roberts Kincaid married,
San Francisco.

-----Lockport, Pa., Lodge, No. 41, B. P. O. E., disbanded.

12-Dan McEvoy and Jessie .May married, Detroit.

-----Wm. Jarreli and Pauline Ashlord married, Decatur,

14—WinfieM Cougar and Delia Van Buskirk (non-profes¬
sional) married, Elmira, N.Y......Clara H. Reynolds

divorced from Barney Reynolds, Washington.
1'^—Opera H(mse, Wyoming, N. Y., burned.
19—K<1. Fralando anil Nellie Woods married. Little Falls,

-----Winnifred Sweet married non-professional, San Fran¬
20—Borani Bros, made American debuts, Utica, N. Y.

21—Al. Lorenzo (Albert Eisler) and Bessie Bartlett mar¬
ried, Davton. O.

23—Fred Salcombe made American debut, Dayton, O.....

"Tuxedo," by Eld. Marble, originally acted, Lincoln,

Neb.; first in New York,  Oct. 5,  Park......Geo.   H.

Hamilton and Jessie Mulholland married, Mattea-
wan, N. Y.

26—Will Elmourne and Estrella Gross (non-professional)

27—Bartel Sisters made metropolitan debuts, Tony Pas¬
tor's Theatre, N. Y.

28—"A High Roller," by Barney Fagan and others, orig¬
inally acted. Rand's Opera House, Troy; first in New
York, Aug. 3, Bijou.

.30—Robert Bell and'Nellie Free married, Chicago: Morton
Emmerson and Julia Emmonds married, Chicago.
.....Missouri Lodge, No. 5, Royal Order of Moose, in¬
stituted.....Port Allegheny, Pa., Opera House, dedi¬

-----Mrs. Ida Grayson and Nathan Jones (non-profession¬
al) married.


1—Paul Arthur and Kathering Grey married; J. H. Hunt¬
ley and   Fanny Grant Harrison married, Mobile......

Will H. Davis divorced from Pearl Le Mont, Kansas

City..... Gordon McDowell and Allie M.   Rainsford

married, Ithaca.

3—"Jane," by Harry Nicholls and W. Lestocq, acted first
in America, Madison Square, N. Y.; originally acted
Dec. 18, 1890, ('omedy, L(mdon. It is an adaptation of
Maurice Desvalliere's French comedy, "Prete Moi Ta

Femme."......Boyd's Opera House, Omaha,  rechris-

tened the Farnum   Street Opera Hcmse.....'."Sport

McAllister and the 400," by Chas. T. Vincent, originally

acted. Grand Opera, Asbury Park, N. J.......

Lyceum Theatre, Duluth, dedicated.

5—"Original Sin," by M. E. Swan, originally acted, Oak¬
land Park Pavilion, Decatur, 111.

6—Belle Bucklin and Lewis Baker married; Fred Daly
and Nellie Lawson married, (Jravesend, L. I.

7—"Out of Darkness," by Edwin Royle, originally acted,
Salt Lake City, Utah, Theatre.
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