The New York clipper annual (1893)

(New York :  Frank Queen Pub. Co.,  1883-)



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the world, 2 miles l,490vds.; James Stansbury beat John
McLean; 18m. 25s.—Parramatta River, Sydney, N. S. W.

July 12—Edward Burgess, the celebrated yacht designer,
died, 43—Boston, Mass.

July 13—Schooner yacht Tidal Wave wrecked at Basque
Tslan'd, Mass.                                                       ,„, ^

July 16—Joey Nuttall swam 150yds. m Im. 43>^s,; beat¬
ing record—London, Eng.

July 16—John   Blakey, boat builder, died, 56—Boston,

julV 17—Josepli Louvenmark dived into Washington
Park Lake from a platform 83ft. 3Min. above the surface
of the water—Kansas City, Mo.

July 23—Corinthian Yacht Club sweepstakes for 46ft.
sloops; Beatrix first, Oweene second, Sayonara third, and
Barbara fourth—Marblehead, Mass.

July 24—P. J. Clark, ex-amateur champion sculler of
Australia, died—Sydney, N. S. W.

July 25—Guy Nickalls rowed over for the amateur cham¬
pionship and the Winfield Sculls—England.

July 26—B. G. Fuller dived from the Tower Bridge,
128ft.'high, into the Thames River, Eng.

Aug. 1—Doggett's Coat and Badge won by Wm. A.
Barry, S. J. Wingate second, G. H. Bell third; 42m. 34s.—
Thames, Eng.

Aug. 5—George H. Hosmer beat J. A. Ten Eyck, match,
3 miles, $650 and championship of New England; 19m.
52>^s.—Lake Quinsigamond, Mass.

Aug. 7—Yacht race for the Goelet Cups, 38 miles; win¬
ners: Schooner Volunteer, in 5h. 30m, 9s., elapsed time;
sloop Gloriana, in 5h. 41m. 2s.—off Newport, R. I.

Aug. 8—Ed. Hanlan and W. O'Connor beat J. G. Gaud¬
aur and John McKay, match, double sculls, $1,000 and
championship of America, 3 miles, turn; 18m. 263^s.—
Hamilton Beach, Ont.

Aug. 8—Henrv G. Peterson beat Alexander McLean,
$2,500—Westminster, B. C.

Aug. 11—Match, 4 oared boat race, 13^ miles, straight¬
away; Mutual B. C. beat Albany R. C,; 8m. 8s.—Albany,
N.Y.                                                                .       .        ,

Aug. 15—W. C. Johnson won amateur swimming cham¬
pionship of Canada, 100yds.; A. H, Burton second; Im,

Aug. 18—Norman L. Munro's steam launch Noi'wood ran
about 12 miles, from Fort Hamilton to Sandy Hook dock,
in 32in., beating the steamer Monmouth; carried 1501b
steam pressure to the square inch—N. Y. Bay.

Aug. 19—Steamer Teutonic, White Star Line, arrived
at Sandy Hook lightship, having made the passage from
Roche's'Point off Queenstown, Ire., in 6d. 16h. 31m.; made
517 miles on the fifth day,

Aug. 22—Alex, Mefferts won the mile swimming cham¬
pionship of Canada, Benedict second; 32m, 59s.—Montreal.

Aug. 27-29—Series of three races for 46ft. yachts, under
auspices of Corinthian Y. C, 24 miles; First race—Bar¬
bara first, 4h. 6m. 30s., corrected time; Oweene second,
Beatrix third. Second race—Beatrix first, 3h. 39in. 31s.;
Oweene second, Alborax third. Third race—Beatrix first
31i. 44m. 34s.; Alborak second, Oweene third—Marblehead,

Sept. 3—George Bubear beat T. Croese, scullers' race,
$1,000, 3 miles—Raymond Terrace, Aus.

Sept. 12—Swimming race, championship of America
and $750, one mile; James L. McCusker first, R. P. Magee
second; 27m. 573^s—Lake Quinsigamond, Mass.

Sept. 21—Scullers' match, 3 miles, $400; A. McLean, row¬
ing a lapstreak skiff, 500yds. start, beat Ed. Hanlan, shell,
scratch—New Westminster, B. C.

Sept. 24—Scullers' race, 3 miles; W. O'Connor first,^Ed.
Hanlan second; 20m. 55s —New Westminster, B. C.

Oct. 10—Steam yacht Vamoose made four trials against
time, measured straightaway mile; best time, 2m. 30s,
(twice)—Milton Point, Long Island Sound.

Oct. 18—Henry Peterson defeated C. Dutch, scullers'
match, 3miles; 21m.—San Francisco, Cal.

Oct. 31—Edward Hanlan defeated C. Stephenson, scul¬
lers' match, purse; 19m. 20s.—Shawnigan Lake, B. C,

Oct. 31—Intercollegiate Rowing Association re-organized
—N. Y. City.

Nov. 2-Steam launch Norwood, in race against time,
steamed one mile, straightaway, in 2m, 123^s,—Bay Ridge,

Dec. 10—Broken column, erected at the Brothers' Rocks,
Parramatta River, near Sydney, Aus., to the memory of
H. E. Searle, unveiled.

Dec. 25—Swimming race, 80yds.; Bernard Prober won,
F. Mann second. Max Becker third; Im, 42s,—Fort Ham¬

ilton, L. I.


Jan. 16—Frank E. Holmes reinstated as an amateur by
the executive committee of the National Association of
Amateur Oarsmen of America—N. Y. City.

January—Michael J, Leavitt, professional sculler, died
—Springfield, Mass.

Jan. 21—Swimming match, $725, 500yds.; Ernest Cavill
beat W. F. Corbett; 6m.633^s.—Sydney, N. S. W.

Jan. 21—W. J. Gorraley, amateur, in trial against time,
swam 100yds. in Im. 5^s., 200yds. in 2m. 22s., and 220yds.
in 2m. 38s., beating record—Natatorium, Sydney, N. S. W.
. Feb. 4—Steamier Mineola arrived at New York, the first
steamer to make the round trip around Cape Horn be¬
tween New York and San Francisco, Cal.; 72 days.

March 7—Annual meeting of Harlem Regatta Associa¬
tion; it was decided that this year's annual regatta
should be open only to clubs belonging to the Association
-^.Y. City.
March 13—E. S. Auchincloss, N. Y. Y. C, died, N. Y. City.
March 13—F. P. Osborn, steam yachtsman, died, N. Y.

March 21—Lakes and Straits Yacht Racing Association
organized—Buffalo, N. Y.

March 26—Steamship La Touraine arrived at New York,
having made the passage from Havre, France, in 6d. 23h.

March 28—James Finney, swimmer, dove and picked up
84 half pennies with his mouth from the bottom of a
tank, beating record—Manchester, Eng.

April 9—Annual 8 oared boat race, 43^ miles, straight¬
away; Oxford University beat Cambridge University;
23i lengths, in 19m. 21s., the best record—Thames, Eng.

April 15—J. J. Donohue, of Hamilton, Ont., sculler, re¬
instated as an amateur by the Canadian Association of
Amateur Oarsmen—Toronto.

April 22—Charles B. Shaw, old time oarsman, died, aged
65yrs., Newburg, N. Y.

May 2—Match race, sculling championship of the world
and $2,000, 3 miles 330yds,; James Stansbury beat T. Sulli¬
van; 17m. 263^8.-Parramatta River, Sydney, N. S. W.

May 21—Harlem Regatta Association annual regatta—
N. Y. City.   See "Aquatic Performances."

May 30—Passaic River Amateur Rowing Association an¬
nual regatta—Newark, N. J. See "Aquatic Performances."
May 30—Harlem Yacht Club regatta; winners: Gipsy,
Charles Welde, Theresa, Oriole, Maud M., Phoon, Path¬
finder, Jessie, Regina, Tramp—Long Island Sound.

May 30—Pavonia Yacht Club regatta; winners: Chris¬
tine, Senator, Eveline B., Vixen, Ada—N. Y Bay.

May 30—Knickerbocker Yacht Club reg.atta; winners:
Carita, Nahwa, Atche, Ehda—Long Island Sound.

May 31—William Brumley, janitor of the Potomac Boat
Club, died—Washington, D. G.

June 1—C. P. Weekes, commodore of the Brooklyn
Canoe Club, drowned—Lackawaxen, Pa.

June 3—H. M. Battelle, coxswain of the Harvard College
'varsity, died—Boston, Mass.

June 4—Larchmont Yacht Club regatta; winners:
Shamrock, Viator, Gulnare, El Chico, Tigres, Aura—Long
Island Sound.

June 9—Match race, 8 oars, 2 miles, straightaway; Cor¬
nell University beat Columbia College Freshmen; 10m. 56s.
—Ithaca, N. Y.

June 9—New York Yacht Club regatta; winners: Alert,
Comanche, Marguerite, Viator, Wasp—N. Y. Bay.

June 11—Marine and Field Club sailing regatta; win¬
ners: Wasp, Tigress, El Chico, Truant—N.\'. Bay,

June 12—York ville Yacht Club regatta; winners: Peer^
less, Zetes, Regina, Jessie, Anglesey, M. McCarthy, Vil¬
lage Maid, Emily—Long Island Sound.

June 12—Hudson River Yacht Club regatta; winners:
Lottie, Harry Gray, J. T. Corlett, Peerless, Pauline B., C.
T, Willis, Annie M,—N, Y. City.

June 14—Atlantic Yacht Club regatta; winners: Sham¬
rock, Peerless, Clara, Gulnare, Tigress, El Chico, Margue¬
rite—N. Y. Bay.

June 15—Match race, 8 oars, 3 miles, straightaway; Cor¬
nell University beat University of Pennsylvania, 'varsity
crews; 17m. 20s.—Ithaca, N. Y,

June 15—Massachusetts Yacht Club regatta; winners:
Alpha, Magpie—Dorchester Bay, Mass.

June 15—Jersey City Yacht Club regatta; winners: For'
sythe, Triton, Creta, Eureka, Guess So—N. Y. Bay,

June 18—Hudson River Amateur Rowing Association
regatta—New York.   See "Aquatic Performances."

June 18—Schuylkill Navy regatta—Philadelphia, Pa.
See "Aquatic Performances.

June 18—Williamsburg Yacht Club regatta; winners:
C. Van Voorhis, I Thought So, Maud M.', Thetis, Tiptop,
Elvira, Swan, Anglesey—Long Island Sound.

June 18—Steamer La Touraine arrived at New York,
having made the run from Havre, France, in 6d. 23h. 40m.
June 20—New JervSey Yacht Club regatta; winners: Lot¬
tie, Wanderer, Charm, Shamrock—N. Y. Bay.

June 22, 23—Bowing regatta at Erie, Pa., Single sculls—
Wm. O'Connor first, G. H. Hosmer second. Double sculls
—Ed. Hanlan and Wm. O'Connor first, J. G. Gaudaur and
G. H. Hosmer second.

June 25—Patapsco Navy annual rowing regatta—near
Baltimore, Md,

June 25—Brooklyn Yacht Club annual regatta; winners:
EdnaD,, Mabel, Water Lily—N. Y. Bay.

June 25—Corinthian Yacht Club annual regatta; win¬
ners: Yampa, Delvyn, Superior and Doctor—N. Y. Bay.

June 27—Eastern Yacht Club annual regatta; winners.
Marguerite, Wayward, Wasp, Handsel—off Marblehead,

July 1—Yale and Harvard annual eight oared match
race—New London, Ct.    See "Aquatic Performances."

July 1—Scullers' race, championship of Maritime
Provinces; L.Levitt first, Ross second, Dalton third—
Digby, N. S.

July 2—Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club annual
regatta; winners: Montauk, Iroquois, Azalea, Wasp,
Mirth, Pixy, Dedo, Gunhilde—N. Y. Bay.

July 4—Larchmont Yacht Club annual regatta; win¬
ners:    Dauntless,   Iroquois,  Azalea,  Wasp,   Kangaroo,
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