The New York directory for 1786

(New York :  H.J. Sachs & Co.,  [1905])



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ten to one o'clock in the forenoon, and
from three to five in the afternoon.

Difcounts are done on Tuefdays and
Thurfdays in every Week, and Bills or
notes brought for difcount, muft be left
at the bank on Wednefday and Saturday
mornings under a feal cover, diredled to
William Seton, cafliier: The rate of dif¬
count is at pre ent fixed at Six per Cent.
Per Annum; but no difcount will be
made for longer than forty-five days; nor
will any note or bill be discounted to pay
a former one; payment muft be made in
bank notes or fpecie. Three days of
grace being allowed upon all bills and
notes, the difcount will be taken for the
fame.—Money lodged at the bank may be
re-taken at pleafure, free of expence, but
no draft will be paid beyond the balance
of account.—Bills or notes left with the
bank will be prefented for acceptance, and
the money colledled free of expence: In
cafe of non-payment and proteft, the charge
of proteft muft be borne by the perfon
lodging the bill.—Payments made at the
bank, muft be examined at the time, as no
deficiency fuggefted afterwards will be ad¬
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