The poor in great cities.

(London :  K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1896.)



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  Page 168  



excursion in summer; and they all give the boys periodical enter¬
tainments, some as often as once a week, and others once a month,
or at longer intervals.

An entertainment is the boys' greatest delight, especially Avlien
it is accompanied by ice - cream, some of which a number ahvays
wrap up  in  paper — or stick a piece  into their pockets Avithout

A Good-natured  Scrap—Boys'  Club,  Calvary Parish,  in East Twenty-third Street.

any wrapper—to take to the little brother or sister at home. I
only remember one boy who ever refused ice-cream at an enter¬
tainment, and he apologized by explaining that he had had the
colic all day, and his mother had told him " she'd lick him if he
took any."

They like anything in the form of an entertainment—magic-lan¬
tern, stereopticon lecture, banjo-playing, ventriloquism, legerde¬
main,  any kind of instrumental music that  is not  too classical,
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