Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 1)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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In the preparation of the Iconography, I am particularly fortunate
in having had the advice and assistance of Mr. Victor Hugo Paltsits,
lately New York State Historian, and at present Keeper of Manu¬
scripts in the New York Public Library, who has spent the greater part
of three years in special investigations for this work, to which he has
contributed the Bibliography and the major portion of the historical
material relating to the Dutch period. During the four years that we
have been associated, Mr. Paltsits has been a veritable mentor, to whom
I have turned on every occasion for advice and guidance, and with whom
I have discussed every knotty question, sure of an attentive and sympa¬
thetic hearing, and of an intelligent interpretation based on wide knowl¬
edge and sound judgment. I am also greatly indebted to Miss Helen
L. Young, Assistant Professor of History in Hunter College, who has
contributed largely to the material and form of the Historical Summaries,
especially to those dealing with the English and Revolutionary periods,
and to Miss Emily Hickman, Associate Professor of History in Wells
College, who is chiefly responsible for the List of Early New York
Newspapers. In the difficult and almost unexplored field of cartography
relating to the neighbourhood of Manhattan Island, I have had the co¬
operation of Dr. F. C. Wieder, Assistant Librarian of the University of
Amsterdam, and a close student of cartography, who has prosecuted re¬
searches on behalf of this work in the principal collections of Europe,
and has made discoveries of interest and importance. In this field, I am
also indebted to M. Henri Trope, of Paris, and to Mr. Henry N. Stevens,
of London, who has also contributed to the preparation of the Plate De¬
scriptions. In connection with the early Dutch grants and the topogra¬
phy generally, I am under obligation for very active and valuable help to
Miss J. V. Macarthy, location expert and historian of the Title Guaran¬
tee and Trust Company, and to Mr. Clinton H. Macarthy, who has spent
more than two years in unravelling some of the intricacies of this obscure
and important subject.
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