Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 1)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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Plate   4-b Novum Amsterodamum                                                       1642 ?

Owner: I. N. P. S.

Plate   5     Nieu Amsterdam                                                                 1643 ?

Owner: I. N. P. S.

Plate   6     Novum Amsterodamum   [The Montanus View]             c. 1650

Owner: I. N. P. S.

Plate 7-a Belgii Novi Anglic Nov^ et Partis Virginia Novissima
Delineatio [The Jansson or Janssonius Prototype] 1647-51
Owner: I. N. P. S.

Plate 7-b Novi Belgii Nov^que Anglic Nec Non Partis Virginia
Tabula (etc.)    [The N. J. Visscher Map]                        1651-5

Owner: Charles A. Munn, Esq.

Plate 7-A Novi Belgii nov^que Anglic nec non partis Virgini^e
tabula (etc.)    [Early issue of the Danckers Map]          1651-5

Owner: I. N. P. S.

Plate 8-a Nieuw Amsterdam op t Eylant Manhattans [The Visscher
View]                                                                                     1651-5

Owner: Charles A. Munn, Esq.

Plate 8-b Nieuw-Amsterdam onlangs Nieuw jorck genaemt, en nu
hernomen by de Nederlanders op den 24 Aug 1673 [The
Restitutio View]                                                                       1673

Owner: I.N. P. S.

Plate 9 Nova Belgica sivc Nieuw Nederlandt [with inset view of]
Nieuw Amsterdam op t Eylant Manhattans [The Vander
Donck Map and View]                                                        1651-5

Owner: I. N. P. S.


Plate id A Description or the Towne of Mannados or New-Am¬
sterdam ["The Duke's Plan"]                                            1661
Owner: British Museum

Plate 10 A-a The Island of Manhados (with inset plan of) The Towne
of New-York   [The Nicolls Map or Survey]                  1664-8

Owner: British Museum, Additional MS. No. 16371

Plate loA-b Afbeeldinge van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Needer-
LANDT     [The Castello Plan]                                                  1660

Owner: The Italian Government.    Preserved in the Villa Castello,
near Florence
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