Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 2)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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C PL 94


Pat^iejs of Peace.^ Commerce., and tbe Liberal Arts. ^S'^^.:,

P^bfiui (0«il7) h CE(>RCE^UNCE,gCn.Jfe. 37. IfjJJ^reil, nnrty cff^' '*< r«*« «(A™>, iri 5i> Brii'iir

-Y O R S, .H»>i€


I, 'T'HJS Piper *ai be pub-
. X ■.li0iede¥*iyd»)F,5nndayi
excqitcd, at 4 o'clodt in die aficr-
BOODi or taiticr ir (he ■ni\'al of
Oe nuili Hill petmrt, and deUvcr-
cd to Subrcribers in Uk cii)' st
Six DallOTSt year, piyaHeqiur-
leriy. Thii Paper wU loiitjin
ihe eulieft iBtcDigenee, rollefted
from Oa mofl luibende Soorcei 1
and viU be open tti Ad^'cnjfc-
laenu .and all valuable Edavi.
Thii Paper »nl be of a large de¬
my file Tbc 6rft number wilL
appear on Monday the ^(hlnllanl.
II. One tby in each week, the
' P^KTTtllbccalcalatedlM-eoun.

Ijj, aTdi^.JntdliKiic? of d»:iiie^
1 ce&i)[Mck,widifQchA<ivtttile-
' nein as mpin a general circn-
hlion in die Hate; together witb
I ' fDcb riluahle £&yi on Civil Pc
I ti^f Agrit:iiltiirc and the Ann, a
• flidbebeflealculiiedto dilTid
j urcful kncmledgc. This papc
I fordic CDuTiUrvdlb«:pubii(hc

u Fanlien:SluUiri
ayai. Wbenc-erdieAdvcnifi;.
menu in ihe WedMrdaya Papci

i- (hall fill mote dian IwD pagci. a
firpidementiiill beftimiBicd wiih-

'                    "" ■ -aleipenlcio the

langntigt; ^ they Ai
Jtroiig iniUn/Uim^ ocauire,


III. The Editortrill endeai'oi
to prefrrve diii Paper liafie Ind
; mpartiaL Confidence, »ben Te
/ cncy is neceffary or proper, will
] nereibetioiated. Fcrronalitics.
j- if poffihle, irill be avoided J sniJ
S Ihould it ever be deemed prqpci
[ toinleriany rcmarkioTapcTlan.
/■) nature, iivill beheld an indif.
. -f penfilile condition, that the name
j rf the vniiM be previoudjr kfl
I with the EiUliir.
I iV. Thii Paper Vill be Ux
I Friend ofGovcmmenl, ofFrce-
I domj of Vinoe, and every fpctiei


In jufiicc

,1 be dcJediry

!" ro eofure.lhc paltonage of an tn-
Ughiencd and liberal Public.

N. WoiTu.jun: Eiiltr.

ADDRKSS 10 :ini: PliBUC.

IT 11 Ih Jitgulartl^d^ •>) ife
Ama-Uans, ani-t aa^fiamt
lial di/lmgai/iis Uui Cmdn/nm
all mien, thai Ou fuiaa ejmfar
--------------acaJfVttaaU drfirip.

up^,, '

O/M liefer

10 CoWilry

'"/I  agerfy


grul  d'f'H

^ifJ:   'in

papenjo getifratly ureulated
Ihc haJi e/lhi people, at iji Ai

Cintatry. mtrti » d
h   aUriivM,   thtl
.. .   ,             nnerj, lial love ^

peace and ^od onlci, osd 1^
propriety ot'public condu^ ^fiick
ciaTiStrize lltt fidjliflii,! foj| 0/

Ifenffpaperl,/rm Ihiir ilirtf-
nefi, arid ihi/ri^wTicy and rspiJify
eflkeir circidation, 9aj, inAn€-
ha, affimi« e»««-f«l « U^
catakgvi 0/ uferui:>iW/iTulfcij.'
niy, is n great itgne, fMerJii
Ihr ufi^Uasazinr, andPaaphteti
The fn^llt^nM in America, rimjti
hy Ihc ntagnitaie of polsticoi events
and impslirnl cf getaj^ciTnnfl var

atladimertti-to ib^-Caftliy,
bbenj- oufiAt rigiiti y^r'
1. Jo la ii;ei«. Will att •
j.r «., j:-rmari»Cnui/i.,.
any Riftiluim-Jm- A.S prepcrly i
1^1 hijimy; litJaSi d-iidc. >Z
V J^i/nnd/tUan <•] cdlfraguslr^
^ii^ficmi Iric, a gencralditfurK
Winoivlcgc. PiBfU Kafl in
Urytxtc righn, tj'tre Ii0 b
feuni Ana; and Hey na^ ia
lift ideal tt&eirama ri^ts, a.
icarn u 0i'ngnift Ikm, from I
fehu ^oihetj, hijirrt Ihey c,
1^*11 raimalMm o/gcw
tteidy ar k tapabie of naintaini^
it. To 'kmm iliat wc have righ ^
il ttry c^y,- to Inoai lam la (|rfc
fcTBC Ika/i fighli, lo aipffl caOend-
ririiu, and   la pr/Jcriie ihi

.....iaj each-,licteUii the iijicnlty.

Ttfomt and to give dnrali "
tl atry tut hii civil sitJ polili
rigbs, tad reflrdinmry Kuui/n _
vielating the rights of <it^i, ii a'
tift_ ofiifimU magtuludtW hieti
H il prSnlly htyoni Ikepeaiers of

»My inleOige^,

I f»Tth,fi weekly a>

gral'-Jy putiiL

Ua vciiiic:

cf/ocialinlcnnirrfi, iy ahich
Olaini a/lhit v«Jl R'ptdlie an-
Jhnlly di/ararfc ajid debate tailk rath
oHir on/•IjcSs af faiUc COKTB.
Il ii hy nuaia 0/ttuje, thai in timu
0/ ia^^p either from apen hojlilily

Moxt'/fuien hai dal, . ..._.
loiclhe principle cf RcpiLilicanrov
immrtli. Ijhy virtue he nteant a
diii nleicfttdlove ofnnc 's Country,
I'l rtay ic Joiiiled ahaier fnch a
pnncipb ever enfled. Sfhy vinye
u Meant an ardent nopubr enliiu-
riifm,lkis itttpaffm thalhai"
tfied: for a mvi, perhaps fr.

year or


^.lAcUliecfa a.......„

/hisesfot a mitunl and ra.Mitj ,■
il comet br, a Aead}' pcrmancut
principle.     Bvt ■^icJ permanerl

Bifidcs, ii ii hne that Ripiiblicens
latt iheir Canary marc than ihe/ti.
jrasc/ariiirryyrotemmttil f '" ■
liry ngU ia dejo is Certain ; J _. ^
Rrfniliiani Jghl pro focis, do lUI

"f^l jrnrrtlbininsmmdapplieit^rac-
itk3 fiie. ''OetBiatileroTatStr^iahe

lyils incn impr/eai

' ervmble to pin

gel   "ft.


anchar of hope

•rendered dumile, perhaps pcjpe-
lual,-(j j6(Lnoiilege, Miwifdom
<ud Ihc good fenie ejihe maftfof
ptri^z Shoare la bt governed." It
11 the imurnftraiiofi of tges that
many praaifions, checii ani rt-
" ■ ' - --njlipdianfravt^efu!
to control aanlending
^ . 'I is preiatty affriaai
(rrti, iiat if people are generally
iporsni,' the befi cmfliaiin of
govrrmBer.! the u'lfJom </ man can
dcnife, sill becanc corrupt. Char¬
ters of righu, conAiEutirwal arti¬
cles, fiuitUznenlal reguiatitmx may
be ejfenliaitoarganiic aaddiTiSlhe

recnriiy«/'<(i righu ofmen. Pamer

nune-wills fiucefI Aehrfi parchment

fiction Tejls an &good -rcnfe 0/ a
vcll-inrormed people, the hreaeb
aili always he repaired. Whole o»-
aotasrenemriieimptiliiiihi iedy
^fpeaplcare ./i™ ipiora.!; every
irparliaell of lie iifif^m of go-

I lis nalionii fuch m

ptd ta Ihe tiHms obnld not
gnenment la US pnrlty.

wellEO\'crjied; mdmenntili
ftdm.    '

'«ff governcBuntbal

•ftd»e8s aftinaer contend pro portion of fco*leg= 'ainang du   ," ILXiii^r^—"r^.S ^ *'°''
:ijfindwiinalsnndcrdefpeiic-citizens 0/a f^eerepMc, is there.   '°S^„^, ,.                             T*




hJljfyflantofgoaemMinl.    ---------

imftTiani /aS in Ihe Uniud Slala
IhS thdh^ informed people a>-e He
lec^fiijea U,faS.!^f, iftHgnaand
a cifrapi aiaumfiranc^ Tbeidi-
Idy if k,a,-Paprrs i>il,erefoA\^
chicly afcrlamcd in RipvUiian
Gnemments; liUfihmlt, il pMid
he a aaiH point lo entnrage IhfH i
Ulrfiiaali,theyjhauld be lanfidertd
as Ihe aa/titwries -of gooemeient,
and placed an a rrfptatUefool:ng\
thiyjhonid bi ihc heralds of Iralh ;
lie pntetian of peace nd good n-


nfiful ia alker r'cj^
ca, agricdtar' and the ani are ya
in their infancy. Olier nalitks
hate gfiu before _ui in a great
variety ^ infrK/menti. 7»j
'have, h ohfervotiont and u/fTl-
tnenls, difcovered aanyt^efidln^'
^ahick the people of iMs lamlry

ill tale Ihe fiWfe"'
b«»Wj, tha^faas and .frineipUt i..
Ihe aris nnwA ore found ui D^brr
cmaupti la atridge laiar andrif ■■

■#rr/iW»^9f ijHixalfirvia W ,■-
hii trntdrj. A i^tfaifaS, a trvth,
nfhich top fame ingenioni tnaidrrr
the latg of ten year's eipenmeat,
ndf il caalainedin aBngk hAkui
of a Gareile, and JlOnfcd amang
niUims of people. Sme eierlians
lo coll^nih afefnl Imlhs for this
taCt-'Wl be modi by the Editor,
hopes, withjacgi.    •■ fl/M

Ak EiS^Y ON SLAVErtift
TVtSlGnED » eiteVlx la  a uv




,d, andfif Sale, ,
"^tfU It. Tallmtitn-


J    MiicAtT ca-e\, ul it

•ork iwltfJ, tlut ittuajWOiro
- -       ifjfirrb-itioyi



d ibepid>lic«iion oF a petiodic*t Paper in dm
cjiy viaihrfi coniemplaied bj> die Snbfcribet,
heMv lonas hii fiiendi,uid tbe Fubbc
la genera that he haj at Icngih ia £ir mattt-
-(M bn plan ai to attempt* Vtfts of thii
ted to tw ^Hilhed ihi«c umei a wei:k,
aid naraTraiiicd 10 ciij' Sebfciibeii eaily
aBMondif, ffednriJay.and Frkta^totmi-

Itionlerlo render tbig wotk the more tn-
t. Mdefl n% and accepi^le to the public at
i JbgC u rc^rd to neatnelt and elrgance of
r ■tB"'^lf'^ execadont the Subfcnber in.
* ftrawaUwhohaM br nijjr favour him*ith
& 7 Acir nMM), Alt be has aOociited iumfel fasa
flwiner in (he Typdmphicat line of buli

Hie ^csenl oudinet ol the Plaaotiwhicti
k ihc Paper u mteaded to be edited have a
fcesdy been given in printed Propofeli, ilBic
4]ai««eek9 a^o In thlicityj but tviiich
Siiy not be impMpei to inleit, u nua
^wWly chara8eti]tic of the undenakiag.

A It beiqg die cultooi of tbe day to pn;la.c
hnpi Dew perit>dit«l jnibHcaiion with
/tet addreli,iiidic'--------'■-

cmodtitied, (be Edit^ o( l^
^xmiJPiae .wiOiing not to depan from   -
_     . Itnt formality, but at the Eijae
■jfuatlir avctfe tq prolixity or pompoiu ,
mfct begi hii readera indulgtnce while be
dcoiMn oneceE»t»obf=TVC,diatr*i;rii

PiKi, a Literary &»nMni«,>
p^ou be open Ui   Foliticil,

ill an alio
ao^l,  .

f^     nuereltiug   difcuSon,' froin   aiy

dte general ftt>t>d oi ottr great confede-
Wf Coflunonwealih, or die Comnton inleielt
'Mioan, (nd

thai dilinterdlcd

carefully avoids as

itaun^ihe feeling? of iodi-

h   fcmt, wHch,

'      Si ai poifklt

fidualt holdi idelfobligated____,

(.   Jancei whateicr, to coofidei irudi,
ni and political bappitied ol out
ptidic peace, foci^ barinony, and good
IKder   lie hafisofaltiUFiminiuiitbeendol
(II   saim   vicHi, ■iMiendea>'aun<.

W dl thefe fcntimentt, and in ihii afpeB
Wlhingi, the editor has delcnnir.ed to un-
'(lenUthufwapoledwoik.naLviiLh partial,
Wercenaiy, ot ahogBher felhfh views, bui
■fiool t rottfiaion that of all mudca ol
dtffemijiannB ufeSil kiKiwkdge, ib»t of pe.
^>£ail publicaitoiis, judiciouQy managed,
W lbs airell chance toanielionte die piib-

I teaundiadvancediehappinelioftbe focial
■hte,-BSiienix die (aule of irinue,' obviate
t^^Bpiguei of ambidon^ ahd'i><adua!ly,
tlteag other piogrelbve oulci, render
man .that exalted charaaer, and give
kim Uiat real pre-emineilce which he was
evidendy defignai

I     (mhiBied'nature.'

I:        AUln&edrrom ibole cbap vdides of
■    seopnl infurcadon, Giuttci and Ne«f-

i, ■ fap^ajuftkaowle^eofdieirrighli, andgj

I      ttfde^ ktiovbidge in general, can fc;

be alBiined by diemaft oTibe I

—nuft be die poruon nft vetv ft
Oiom^y of *hat uis uecJtflipy
Uleaithe breathe or Ihe lidK of dit Sun,
by which be 11 direaed^The deep, Kotdeo
mineaoTScience, Sum die BMBir of Staip,
-- bedicnwjiity explored but ta a M
ibetofmdni4iah, awl of vbaiKDeial
are dit ncbeft tre4f(uw, which, ~l-i|-
dreyartsWoealedindKdtep abyflei trflke
earth, can kc ttakxtd onl,- iy privileged
companieiP                            '    1 r        s

Hcnceiheori^of lyiwmyand the.
retjuenidebafcoieni ofmaniuhij mora!
--'leSuil facuhiei.     Bm thefe lamditT
icatioiu, Gaiettei n geiieial, refemble
5 hippy foO, where'iameiJe weald] Ilea
du futlace, adapted to evety ufe ia life,
and wiihin the tach of every man who will
but take up a ^!Bde or amattotl for die pur-


fible, and what he cooceivet oo^ to be die

leedbg e>bj<« widi die Ednor ot cr^pubfk'

Paper, the Editor jf Tht Tima-Piut lako!

theprefciit opponuniiy 10 fdUicil triginat

(atnnanicaiitns, Li particular, ftoai perfom

oflueiarydiaraftcr, inwhiitVetpan oftb»

ineut ibcy Tnay nUr,- whole favimn,

-paid, wby private coaveyaME,^ be


-~   cy which Bltliij advanced period ought

Ihngtiiffi the Ameticad Prtfl.

The Editor wtwidfiuilwr !>bj;^vs d«t be

KHiutd upoiuuex«udivecom[pondant»i

[inadditiDntoa mutual dotne flic exchange)

tor the piiipofe of procuring al! valuable ed

tablilhed periodical pat^s from Eumpc i

iasit«itlrei)iu[e lume dme to coupLli

haconnexionatmaybepunfiually relied

our readert will beli>kindBtoiDakei)K

-eflary alloannces, until ddi deRrableend

1 be aicompliihtsl, which at dK prefe

period itaueodedwiib no incoolideiable d

' itefruption,anduncenaiMy.

rfoni leliding in the counttyj e^ieeially

at any confideiable diltance, who arc

lus of jMimniiinsi this 'undcrliiliing,

I perhapi lind themlclvu belt ferved by

ionje perfon ti^dent in'


■ N'S^iiKofioitfulidsa.fflMtmmBiaK™.
■MjiiMBiifnoi iMmimeaia ubimv, »ulv
a ^.(tial. haio i«. ibm-pMdwii fci ^
lf»*i!)F anl«;wu. Luiw, jalniK ai
Wmmf Bn^ iiOae ol Brifunod 11........._

nl phnu &U, U ,r tia&U<u_^b£'^
'napnannn mtmlmgb ■■■"-■■■'   —! HMf<

S^>5iiSrilT^J^         ***" rf laiBj..

mir*".»*™« i»i^p*«l opico. *Uifiio(tiv
Ifait.iMr«milvpitty. fumi'Sn lU liMiiiilli -
*».*w™ <tg pnBd-.t^^, Bd Oant^UeS-
Iff dramy.   Tia [xAIe lii^iifuD, ddcBllin, cd

fifteen he may teceive oiders 10 have ttanf-
miited, provided he becomes rerponiiblefoi
puntlual payment at ibe lUied poiods.

I'ori, MiiK*i3, 1797.

ptt-jrnfy talifn flat fet tte two prmiy tfietrt of
tie FtilcTai tdmvflrMim, the SdUor ii..rjer I.ener
•fen hit Pui&ilut <u b ^»J jtrrisJ, in '*< tii/'ey
rf* r™, -B /. > t^e a ro.^y,a fd^
Jtic tArk.t ^dn ai to ierm nth the Jfiteh ef
Jttti.V ADdltS. ~- FStSIDSST efOe L'X!-
7£D ST Alts, dehaend » tif Iv Hi-/.. ^ rt.
Snimie Lmfel^ n lit idLiiJU'l. IMaxd ■■
tiat.fTBllUAS J£[FERSOH. Hee h-jJeU

middle COU.CH ft« hmenen ranini
" ImilSnuolfcreljol^iiliU.n!, B

aRTtfivdtlictfiinudablr power.


------.^-—.-------Suoia^ftrap^^e&Iij.   Irriu,

irdbr Hnmn ilKntio", wii^ariby mprttcdfr
lmm,iiMii^A-sfaKtnKaetif l«di>«idiF«
ftdAffiw^'lfc WBl.rf j«d JHtsyeoaifeiyifxi:

Sb, finriDm, wd tvlldail atiin atuki ud eoaarw.

<xpit&mj tfpeotmionatk, aa iQ nccifivi, in puUiq

....."jcfllooKii. iMi^ii>Bl,dHibea«iiR>iidli~

1 dnjgh. of noBiufl n; ilKiiDKiia il, biiMi
people limiWraiiiilicaioifr of drir etpmenea.

epreteBimvn hi to^^i n^ ^ «■ tuiOtartl^

vniwioibAtafoBof nr EamnTiftft 1 pdiiLd

iHBr.«.ilfariiii Yen,I M iie km u te

I In I <liii«t isia At HW Older utduip, uui I

kjnrefcitMj tiidfl^fidfodder ^BvA Isiooi oUim-

<^". /.(7 .v»/j
  Plate [No Page Number]