Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 3)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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—71/, C. C. (MS.), XXIV: 291, 330. Reduced in
size by Legislature 1815.—Laws of TV. Y., 1815,
Chap, 151. Limits defined 1831.—Ibid., 1831,
Chap. 252. Enlarged to present size 1833.—
Ibid., 1832, Chap. 89. Parts acquired by City by
condemnation 1833,—Record of Real Estate, by
Prendergast, 49. Opened 1833.—Pro. Bds. Aid.
and Assts., 1:170, 406. Iron railing and other
improvements 1835-6, and fountain 1842; iron
fence removed 1871.—See Chronology. Shown
on Pis. 135, 136, and A._27B-a, Vol. Ill; Man.
Com. Coun., 1849, p. 50; Htho, by Joseph Pennell,
Soc. of Iconophiles, Series 8, No. 10; Emmet Col¬
lection, No. 11347-

Washington Headquarters Park,                   2109

Site: Bet. Edgecomb Ave., Jumel Terrace, 160th
and i62d Sts. Purchased by the city 1903.—13th
Ann. Rep., Am. Seen, and Hist. Pres. Soc, 72.

Washington Square.                                          549

Site: Bounded by Waveriy PL, W. Fourth, Mac-
dougal and Wooster Sts, Pottersfield 1797 (Af. C.
C, MS., XII; 144, 170, 259); enclosed 1799 (ibid.,
XII; 439); levelled, named Washington Square
or Parade Ground 1823 (Goodrich's Picture of
N. Y., 127); one-third of ground acquired hy City
by condemnation 1827 (ibid., 439; Record of Real
Estate, by Prendergast, 49); enclosed 1827 (M. C.
C, MS., LXII: 157, 187); with iron railing 1847
(Pro. Bds. Aid. and Assts., XIV:33i-2); a public
park i878.-Laws of N. Y., 1878, Chap. 380.
Shown on Pl. 137, Vol. I; and In Emmet Collec¬
rion, No, 12125,

Worth Monument Park.                                826-1

Site: Broadway, Fifth Ave., and 25th St. City's
title to land through Dongan Charter.—Record of
Real Estate, by Prendergast, 49. Shown on Pl.
148-a, Vol. III.


Bridewell, The.                                             122-5

Site: W. side City Hall Park. Begun 177s; com¬
pleted 1776 (Af. C. C, VIII:_64, 82, 99, 136);
military prison used for American prisoners by
the British during Revolution (see Chronology,
Vol. IV); Debtors' Jail 1830 (71/. C. C, MS.,
LXIII: 7; LXVI: 82); demolished 1838 and stones
used in building Citj; Prison (Tombs).—Chro¬
nology. Shown at various periods in Man. Com.
Coun., 1855, p. 486; ibid., 1859, p. 180; ibid.,
i860, p. 480; water-colour drawing by A. Ander¬
son, In possession of N, Y. Hist. Soc; PI. 97,
Vol. III. In 1767, prior to the construction of
the Bridewell, rooms were appropriated for a
bridewell In the "New Gaol."^Chronology.

Cage, Pillory, Stocks, and Whipping-post. 26-4
Site: Wall St., E. of Nassau St., "before the City
Hall." Built 1703 (M. C. C, 11:344); removed
to upper end of Broad St, 1710.—Ibid., II; 425.

Cage, Pillory, Stocks, and Whipping-post. 33-2
Site; Upper end of Broad St., near Wall St.
Built 1710 (M. C. C, 11:425); rebuilt 1720 (ibid.,
111:331, 227); again rebuilt 1731.—Ibid., IV: 69,
144.    See also Pillory, infra.

Ducking-stool.                                                  30-2

Site;   Coenties Slip, below Peari St.    Built 1692
(M.   C.   C,  1:238,  353,  367);  repaired   1695.—
Ibid., I; 384.    See also Pillory, infra.
Essex Market Court and Jail.                     408-3

Site: Essex St., bet. Grand and Broome Sts.
Begun   1845   (Pro.   Bds.   Aid.   and  Assts.,  XIII:

231-2); completed 1846 (ibid., XIII; 411); site of
Essex Market further built upon for court and
jail 1855-—P'-o- Bds. Aid. and Councilmen, XXIII:

Gallows.                                                 Near 166-1

Site: Intersection of Worth and Centre Sts.
Erected 1725.—M. C. C, III: 381, 385, 412, 414.

Gallows.                                                          158-2

Site: City Hall PL, bet. Peari and Duane Sts.
Erected 1741.—M. C. C, V:33; cf. Man. Com.
Coun., 1855, p. 584-6. Removed 1756 to inter¬
sccrion of Peari and Centre Sts.—71/. C. C,
VI; 51.

Gallows.                                                          155-3

Site: Intersecrion of Peari and Centre Sts. Es¬
tab. here 1756.—M. C. C, VI: 51.

Gallows, Whipping-post, and Stocks,          122-19

Site; "Between and on a range with tbe Alms¬
house and Goal." (City Hall Park.) The build¬
ing, "a Chinese Pagoda," called the "Execurion
House," erected 1784.—M. C. C. (MS.), VIII:
145, 147; cf. Smith's 7V. Y. City in 1789, 16.

Gevangen Huys (in the Fort).                          12-S

Site: N. side Bridge St., W. of Whitehall St.
Erected prior to 1653 (Vol. I, p. 124); demol¬
ished before 1695 (Vol. I, p. 236). Shown on
Frontispiece and Pis. 4-a, 4-b, 5, 6, 7-b, 7A,
8-a, 8-b, 9, 13, 14-b, IS, 16 and 17, Vol. I,

Ludlow Street Jail.                                       408-1

Site; Ludlow St„ cor. Essex Market Pl. Com¬
pleted and occupied 1862.—Man. Com. Coun.,
1870, p. 183. Shown in Man. Com. Coun., 1869,
p. 214.

New Gaol ("Goal").                                      122-8

Site: In City Hall Park. Begun 1757 (71/. C. C,
VI:,84); completed 1759 (ibid., VI; 181); British
military prison in Revolution, known as "Pro¬
vost" and later "Martyrs" Prison; later Debtors'
Prison; reconstructed and fitted to receive public
records 1830 {M. C. C, MS., LXXII: 284-5);
henceforth known as "Register's Office" or "Hall
of Records." Demolished 1903.—Real Estate
Record y Guide, Mch. 14, 1903. Shown on Pis.
40, 41, 42, 64, 70 and 79, Vol. I; Pis. 95-b, 127,
Vol. Ill; 7V. Y. Mirror (1831), IX: 73, 81; Watson's
Annals, 310; Man. Com. Coun., 1847, p. 54;
Belden's New-York Past, Present ^ Future, 48.

Pillory, Cage, and Ducking-stool.                 29-7

Site; Before City Hall, Peari St. at Coenties
Alley. Erected 1692 (M. C. C, I; 357); removed
1710.—Ibid., 11:425 (when Stocks and Whipping¬
post are also mentioned.)

Pillory, Cage, and Ducking-stool.                 30-2

Site: Coenties Slip, E. of Pearl St. Built 1692.^
71/. C. C, 1: 253, 267, Removed to Wall St., 1703.
—Ibid., II: 81, 244,    See PI. 23-a, VoL I.

Police Headquarters (first site).                    521-1

Site: 300 Mulberry St. Erected 1862; occupied
1863-1909.—Dripp's Atlas (1868); N. Y. Eve. Sun,
Nov, 24, igog. Shown in Man. Com. Coun.,
1863, p. 71.

Police Headquarters (present site).               472-1

Site;    Centre,   Grand   to   Broome   Sts.     Erected
igog.—N.  Y. Eve. Sun, Nov. 24,  1909.    Centre
Market formerly on site.
Public Stocks.

Built 1

W. C. C. {MS.), XVll

:y   Hall
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