Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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III: 950). On the back of the title-page is printed an address
"To the Public" by the publishers, dated July 4, 1789, explaining
certain desired improveraents in the teit, including the foUowing
stateraent; "The editors hoped to have had it in thdr power to
add the names of the continental officers appointed under the new
constitution, , . . but those appointments not being yet estab¬
lished, and the call tor tbe book becoming very general, tbey were
therefore induced to give it without further dday in its present
state . . ." (aee also p. 103). A table of "Contents" precedes the
list ot naraes and addresses, which in turn is foUowed by the Usta,
etc. mentioned in the title-page, and a few othera not mentioned
there. Theae lists begin, on p. loi, with the names and addresses
of the "Congress of the United States," preceded by those of
"George Washington, Esq, , , , No. 3, Cherry street," and
"John Adams, Esq. . , . Greenwich road." Senator Robert Mor¬
ris, tor example, is at "39 Great dock street," and Sarah A. Otis,
the secretary of the senate, is at "5 Wall street." F. A. Muhlen¬
berg, the speaker of the houae, is at "Rev. Dr. Kuniie's,24Chat¬
ham row." Representative James Madiaon, Jr., of Virginia, ia at
" 19 Maiden lane." The directory contains about 4,500 names. Of
New York residents, John Jay resides at 133 Broadway, Aleiander
Hamilton, attorney at law, has an office or resides at 58 Wall St.,
and Aaron Burr, attorney at law, at the corner ot Nassau and
Littie Queen (Cedar) Sts. For Burr's house, see also Jaf, 1790.
The legislature passes the following resolution:
". . . that Fort George in the City of New-York, and the
lands adjoining to the same, ought to be reserved and secured
for public uses; and that a proper House ought to be erected on
part of the ground, for the residence and accommodation of the
President of the United States; and that the Legislature wiU at their
next raeeting raake the necessary legislative provision in the prem¬
ises [see Ja 14, 1790]. And the Governor of this State is hereby re¬
quested, to cause the street coramonly called Broadway, to be con¬
tinued through the aaid fort, and to direct the materials of the aaid
fort, and of the battery, to be collected and secured, at the expense
of the State."—Assembly Jour., 13th sess., 15.

An open letter, dated Aug, 1, and signed by "A Number of
Citizens," advised "the Representatives ot this city" tbat "The
stranger will certainly redicule the taste ot the city in making
choice ot a spot which has two auch gentell, ddicate and sweet
smelling avenues to court, through petticoat Lane and Stone street.
The ground we would recommend would be either Spring Garden,
or some spot on Rutger's farm, or what was formerly Delancey's,
where there will be ground sufficient for the building, out-houses,
stables, court, square, garden, and walk."—N. Y. Jour., Ag 6,
17S9. A government house bad been projected in 1774-75 (see F
26, Mr I, II, Ap 12, 1774, and Mr 7, 1775), but the war prevented

The Bastile Is razed by a mob, and the French Revolution in¬
augurated.—Gulzot, K/«. of France, VI:   13-18.

Agreeable to resolution of the common councU 00 June 25,
regarding the further sale of lots of the Common Lands, the com¬
raittee superintending it reports the sale of eight lots at auction for a
total ot £1,140:4, and tbe board orders that artides of sale be
executed tor these. Two other lots are ordered sold at private sale.
—M.C.C. (1784-1831),!:  467, 470, 478; Dai?y ,^ife,, Jl 16, 1789.

The common council alao orders that the coraraittee take
measures "for running out & ascertaining tbe boundary Line be¬
tween the proprietors of the Lands between the East River & the
Coramon Lands."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), I: 471.

Washington comraends "raodds of machines for reaping and
threahlng and for cutting and deepening canals, which were ex¬
hibited to him by Henry Harbough ot Baltimore,"—Smitb, JV, Y.
Cily in 1789, 239.

The importation of copper coins from neighbouring states still
causes tbeir depredation (see Je 8 and 20, 1787), The common
council recommends that they be rated at 48 coppers to tbe shiUing.
—M. C. C. (1784-1831), I:  472.

For cases wherein this valuation was tbe cause of \oss,vide ibid.,
I: 473,520. Anotbercaseis found in an undated petition, probably
soon after this date, the original of which is preserved In file No. 7,
city clerk's record-room, signed by John Hicks, Henry Dawson,
GUbert V. Mater, and Jacob Wilklns, Jr., which states that, as
"owners of the Perry Boats Which ply from Brooklyn & the Fly
Market," they have "for this some time past taken a Quantity of
Coppers for ferriage &c; at the Rate of Twenty to a shilling;"

and they complain that these coppers are "now lying on thdr
bands and must ot Course be a very great loss in their present
depreciation," They ask the common council to "receive them on
the sarae Conditions from the ist to 20'^ Jiily-" They explain
further that the public "seldom presents any other Money to pay
their passage." Since then the board recoraraended that these
coins be valued "at Forty Eight to a ShiUIng" (pide supra), and
that inconvenience and loss will continue "unless Rec'^ tor Rent"
by the common council.

Later, copper coins ceased to circulate, and a plan was adopted
for the city to issue bills of one penny, two pence, and three pence,
to the total value of £1,000.—See F 26, 1790.

The common council passes ordinances for paving Hanover Sq.
and Vesey and Chatham Sts.—M. C. C. (1784-1831), I:  472.

"All persons having accounts for goods furnished, or repairs
done to tbe house of the President of the United States, previous to
the 1st day of May last, are hereby desired to leave the sarae with
Andrew G. Fraunces, No. 69. Crown-atreet, near the Bathing
Houae, North River, on or before the first day of August next."—
N. Y. Packet, Jl 2$, 1789.

Trinity Corporation sells 16 lots at VauxhaU to Abraham WUson
and gives him a perpetual lease of the lots between VauxhaU and
the Hudson River.—Trin, Min. (MS.). Thia VauxhaU property
occupied the west half of tbe block bounded by Greenwich, Cham¬
bers, and Warren Sts., and Weat Broadway. For outiine of its
previous history, see L, M, R. K., Ill:  981.

Trinity vestry agrees "to take a Lease for the Triangular piece
ot Ground near the Road from this City to Boston from the Cor¬
poration of the City at the Rent of Seventeen pounds per Annum."
—Trin. Mln. (MS,), This is evidently tbe ground offered by the
common councU on June 24 (j.u.) at £18. See, further, F 26, 1790.

Washington is now wdl enough "to receive visits of compliment
from raany official characters and citizens," Until "his strength
shall be more fully restored," he proposes to receive only on Tues¬
days. Mrs. Washington "will be at home every Friday, at 8 o'clock
P. M. to see corapany."—Daily Adv., Jl 29, 1789.

Bancker raakes a survey of "Mr Foicrafts Rose Hill at Green¬
wich."—From original In Bancker Coll. (box G-M, folder "Green¬
wich ViU age") in N.Y. P.L, This should not be confused with the
"Rose Hiil" of John Watts on 24th St. near Second Ave,—L. M.
R.K.,IH: 951.                                    ,

Mayor Duane informs the common council that Gov. Clinton
intenda, on July 30 (q.v.), "to view the Fort and Battery to aee
what raay be necessary" to be done towards opening k continuing
the Broad Way through the same" (see Je 10), and that he wishes
the corporation to accompany him.—M.C.C. (1784-1831)11; 473.

The "want of a Regulation taking place in Mulberry Street
and that part of Catharine Street between Mulberry and Bayard
Streets" induces the residents in that vicinity to petition the cora¬
mon council for relief frora the flooding ot their lands when it rains.
They recommend that "the Streets might be so Regulated aa to
Carry the Water through Croas Street Into the Fresh Water pond."

At the same time, the inhabitants of Roosevdt St. petition the
common coundl against leading the water from Mulberry Street
through Roosevdt Street.—From the original petitions (in metal
box No, 8, city clerk's record-room), endorsed "read July 39'h
1789 it referred to coraraittee."

The proprietors of lots in Charabers St., in a petition to the
coraraon council, "to direct the said Street to be regulated con¬
formable to your general plan," say that this street "stUl continues
in its natural irregular state," and that they are "desirous of im¬
proving their respective Lots," and are "at a loss how to sink CeUars
and raise buildings thereon."—See the original petition in the
record-roora, city clerk's office. It Is endorsed: "read July 29th
1789 k referred to the Aid" & Assist, ot the West Ward," The
survey of thia atreet waa approved on Aug. 19 (q.v.).

The governor, attended by the common council, having ;
riewed the ground at the Fort and Battery ("which by concurrent
Resolution of the Senate and Assembly are reserved for public use
and for continuing the Broad Way through to the River"), the
mayor informs the hoard that tbe governor has proposed "to
reraove so rauch of tho Fort" as obstructs "the Line of the Broad
Way to the River," at the expense of the state; and the raayor in¬
dicates that it would be proper for the city " to run a Wharf or Bulk¬
head in the River, along the Battery from Ells Corner to the Flat
Rock, to receive the earth to be removed frora the Fort k to enlarge
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