Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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3         The celebration of tbe Tammany Society's anniversary this

I year was the beginning of pretentious annual pageants by the
t society and the introduction of "Long Talks," The festival on
this occasion began at Bardin's Tavern and continued aU day with
raeetings at the Brick Church, at "Brother Carapdl's at Green¬
wich," and finally at Bardin's again, where the society had ita
"wigwam."—JV. Y. Jour., My 14, 1790; Kliroe's treatise on Saint
Tammany, 178; N. Y. Mag., My, 1790. Senator Maclay records:
"This day exhibited a grotesque scene in the streets ot New
York. Being the old 1st of May, the Sons of St, Tammany had a
grand parade through the town in Indian dresses, Ddivered a talk
at one of their meeting-houses, and went away to dinner. There
seems to be some kind of scheme laid of erecting sorae kind ot
order or society under this denoraination, but it does not seera
very weU digested as yet. Tbe eipense of the dresses raust have
been considerable, and tbe money laid out on dothing raight have
dressed a number of thdr ragged beggars."—Jour, of Wm. Maclay,

\         Maj. L'Entant's answer, dated May li, to the communication

of Robert Benson, derk of the common coundl (see Ap. 30), ia
placed on record: It reads: "Sir, In answer to your Request of
Yeaterday I wUI acknowledge herdn, tbat the Idea suggested ot a
dislodinatlon in me to accept of a Grant of tbe ten Acres ot Com-
rpon Land, your Letter allude[s] to, is perfectiy agreable with my
Sentiments k Disposition to refuse the Gift,"—jl/. C, C. (1784-
1831), I:  545.   See, further, Ja 19, 1801.

The coraraon council adopts the plan of tbe coramittee (see
Ap 6) for new paving Broadway. Thia states "that the regulation
ought to take place frora the Corner of the Bridewdl Fence and
that the Crown of the Street be continued in a right line frora that
place until it joins the new Pavement at the Lutheran Church,
. . . The Places where the Difficulty of leading ot[f) the Water
occurs, are, the head of Fair [Fulton] Street, Little Queen [Cedar]
Street and Trinity Church opporite WaU Street [.) Fair Street Is
nearly a dead level to William Street which being already paved
a material Injury would arise to dig it down so as to lead the Water
Eastward from Broadway." The construction of sewers to drain
water from the streets in tbis part of town is also involved in the
plan, as detailed in the report. A survey accompanies it.—M. C. C.
(1784-1831), I:  545-46.

The coramon council passes an ordinance "to prevent Swine
from running at large in the City ot New York."—M. C. C. (1784-
1831), I; 547, It provides that if they are found after thefirst day
of June neit, they shaU "be forfeited to and become the property
ot any person who shall seize and take such swme."—N. Y. Daily
Gaz., My 17, 1790,

Maday records: "Called to aee the President. Every eye full
of tears. His life despaired of. Dr. Mac Knight told me he would
trifle ndther with hia own character nor the pubUc expectation;
bis danger was imminent, and every reason to eipect that the
event of hia disorder would he unfortunate,"—Maday's Jour.,
265.  See My 24.

The common council approves the artides of agreement pre¬
pared to be signed by Elias Burger, Jr., "agreable to a bargain
made with him [see Ag 19, 1789) by the Coramittee for erecting
a Whari or Bulkhead at the Battery."—M. C. C. (1784-1S31),
I: 548.

A coramittee appointed to report on a regulation of Greenwich
Stieet, "frora Cortiand Street to the north side of tbe Street at
Kennedys Coach House," makes its report and this is recorded in
full. The report provides "that Crown [,] Litde Queen, Thames,
and Provoost Streets, Beaver Lane, and the Street between the Fort
and Kennedys House, should all be regulated in such manner as
to be on a strdght regular descent from tbe Broadway, agreeable
to the present survey thereof to the intersection of Greenwich
Street when paved agreeable to this regulation, and that Oyster
Pastey Street and Lorabard [Luraber] Street be ao regulated as to
be upon an equal regular descent to discharge the water into the
several streeta aforesaid at thdr several intersectiona." See dso Jl 16.

The committee further reporta "that a Bulkhead raust necea-
sarily be built across the Slip at the lower end ot Thames Street."
—M. C. C. (1784-1831), I: 548-49.

The Greenwich St. survey was made by "Goerick & McComb."
—Ibid., I; 552,

The common council orders "that the Committee for superin¬
tending the Works at the Fort k Battery confer with Col° Bauman

as to the removal of the Ordnance Stores frora the Store House   May
to one of the Barrack Rooms."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), I: 549.        19
The corner-stone of the government house (see Ap 26), "which   21
is by a law of this state ordered to be erected on the lands at the
Fort and Battery," is laid in the presence ot the governor, chan¬
cellor, chief justice mayor, commissioners, master mason, car¬
penter, and a "great concourse of respectable citiiens."-A'. Y.
Dally Gaz., My 22, 1790; Daily Adv., My 22, 1790.

This building was planned as a residence for Pres. Washmgton
during congress's sessions in New York City, hut It was never
used for that purpose because, before its completion, tbe seat ot
government was moved to Philadelphia (see Je 1). It was occupied
by Govs, Clinton and Jay from 1791 to 1797. For a description ot
the building, see 1791. Sec also descrips. of Pl. 55-b, I: 418; Pl. 63,
I:   441-42;   and Pl. 66, I;   443-45.

A buUding is nearly completed on Crown St. for the Masons, 22
and wUl be consecrated on June 24. It will be used by two chapters
or lodges: one, "the chapter ot Rjjyal Arch Masons latdy erected
in this city," which, on May iS last, adopted the name of "The
Washington Chapter of Royal Arch Masons," and the other, the
HoUand Lodge.—DaiVj Adv., My 22, 1790. This appears to bave
been the first buUding erected by or tor tbe Masons in New York
City. The corner-stone of the second waa laid in Frankfort St. on
Oct. 13, 1802 (q.v.), and the building there was consecrated on
JuneS, 1803 (q.v.). This will correct a misleading statement re¬
garding the "Masonic Temple (first site)," in the Landmark Map
Ref. Key, III: 954. Masonic temples were also erected in the
Bowery and in Broadway before that on J3d St. was built. For the
beginnings of the Masonic Order in New York, see N 28, 1737,

Richard Henry Lee writes from New York to Charles Lee:    23
".   .  , The India Ships begin to arrive—one Is already here k
three more expected  at  this port within  the Month .  .  ."—
Letters of Richard Henry Lee, U:  519.

"The President of the United States ia so far recovered that   24
he rode out in his carriage on Monday last" (May 24),—Penn.
Packet, My 29, 1790.  On June 1, he was weU enough to receive
company at his houae.—Ibid., Je 7, 1790.  See, further, Je 3.

"A Petition ot the Inhabitants at the Fly Market praying   28
the Aid of thia Board in the erection of an Arched Walk across
the Kennel at the end of the Market in Queens Street also that
the Stall of Henry Astor Butcher be removed to the lower Market
was read & granted."—M. C. C, (1784-1831), I; 550.

The common councU orders that lots be wharfed out between    "
Catharine's and Rutgers Slips, so as to complete the continuation
of Cherry St. to Rutgers Slip, at the toot ot Rutgers St.-M. C, C.
(1784-1831), I;   551.   See 1730,  1797,  I799i L. M. R, K,,nl;
996; Pis. 174, 175, VoL IIL

A "Federd salute" is fired trora the Battery on the arrival ot   31
news by sloop trora Newport that Rhode Island ratified the Consti¬
tution on the 29th. —Gaz. of the U. S., Je 2, 1790.

The house of representatives resolves that the next raeeting of    "
congress be held in Philadelphia.—Annals of Cong., II:  1678 et seq.
See Je 1.

The Tararaany (or Araerican) Museum is established "for the   June
purpose of coUecting and preserving everything relating to the   —
history  of  America;    likewise,   every  Araerican  production  of
nature or art."—AT. Y. Directory (1794), 271; Am. Minerva, Ja 29,
1796; descrip. of Pl. 95-b, III: 584. SeeS 2,1790, and My 21,1791.

TheLorabardy poplar "has latdy been introduced Into Araerica, —
by Monsieur Saulnler, superintend ant of tbe French King's botan¬
ical garden in Ber gen-county, New-Jersey, about four miles
trora Hoebuck ierrj."—TheN. Y. Mag., (June, 1790), 341-43.
Aa explained by Dr. John W. Francla, "The dder Michaui, under
the direction ot Louis XVT., had been sent to America, from the
Garden of Plants of Paris; he brought out with hira the gardener,
Paul Saunier, who possessed, shortiy after, horticultural grounds
of sorae extent in New Jersey. The Lorabardy tree promised every
thing good, and Paul spread it. It was pronounced an exotic ot
pricdess value; but like many things ot an exotic nature, it pol¬
luted the soil, vitiated our own more statdy and valuable indig¬
enous products; and at length we find [1857) that American
sagacity has proscribed its growth, and is daUy eradicating it as
uncongenial and detrimental to the native riches ot Araerican ^-^
husbandry."—OldNew York (1866), 23-24. For reference to its '
faUure as a shade-tree, aee .Ap 18, 1795; and regarding its profusion
in New York, see D 31, 1799,
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