Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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1798   front ot the government house to John Rogers on condition that
Apr.   be keep it in good order and allow "no creatures to run on it."—
30   M. C.C. (1784-1831), II: 436.  See Je II, 1799.

The coraraon councU appointa a committee "to dkect a Survey
to be raade of the Ground which it will he proper to assign as
Liberties of the Gaol."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), U: 436-37. The
original hill of Jos. F. Mangin tor making a survey of the jail
"liberties," when an alteration in thdr boundaries became neces¬
sary on digging for the foundation of the city hdl, in 1803, is on
file in the record-room, dept. of finance, Hall of Records.

The comraon council orders that stone be procured "to secure
tbe outside of the Battery," and that persons be employed "to
collect those lying on the South side."-M. C. C. (1784-1831),
U: 437. See alao My 13,1799,
May         Judge Henry Brockholst Llringston, haring written a humor-

— ous politicd skit In tbe Argus, was assaulted on the Battery by
one "Jemray" Jones, and in a dud which resulted Jones was kiUed.
—Hunt, Life of Edw. Livingston; see also Argus, My 12, 1798.

1          Jacques Maddaine Joseph Ddacroii occupies, under a 7-year
lease at $1,000 a year (Lii«rD«A,LIII: 437), the Bayard mansion
and grounds near Bunker's HiU (see 1735), forming the block now
induded between Grand, Broome, Crosby, and Lafayette Sts,
He establishes here another pleasure resort, and caUs it VauxhaU
Garden, It is to be opened to the public on May 7,—Daily Adv.,
My 4, 1798.

He already occupied a "VauxhaU" at 112 Broadway (aee F
22, 1797), which he and his sons for several years continued to
keep, as well aa the up-town garden. The city directories show
that the Bayard property waa occupied by Ddacroii as VauxhaU
until 1805, although by 1803 he had established a third VauxhaU,
at Fourth Ave. and Astor PL See L. M. R. K., HI: 948 (Bayard
raansion); and ibid., IU: 981 (tbe several VauxhaUs); dso
Man. Com. Coun. (1865), 611, 617,

After opening his new "Vauxhdl Garden" on the Bayard
estate, he advertised that, four tiraes a week, there would he
"Harraonical Music;" but that, "In case of uncertain weather,
the music will attend at his House, No. iii, Broadway,"—N. Y.
Gaz. & Gen. Adv., My 12, 1798.  See also ibid., Je 25, 1798.

Meanwhile, his place at 112 Broadway was probably open
only part of tbe time; for, on July 15, Ddacroii's two sons, Louis
and Joseph, Jr., advertised that they would open it on July 30,
and be its managers.—Dally Adv., Jl 25, 1798. See Ja 9, 1799.

2          "It is reported (but we hope without foundation) that the
superb edifice lately occupied by the Governor ot this state is Let,
k is soon to be converted into a tavern! I I Good God."—Spectaior,
Myi, 1798. See My 5.

"The American Pantheon, or, Peale's Collection of Portraits
of American Patriots, will be exhibited, tor a iew days only at
no. 126 Broadway, corner of Cedar street and nearly opposite tbe
City Tavern."-Com. Adv., My 2, 1798.

4          "Mr. Palmer" advertises to ddiver "two public dlacoursea"
(on mnral questions) on Sunday, May 6, at "the French Theatre io
Greenwich street."—Time Piece, My 4, 1798. This was Ricketts's
drcua building.—SeeO 17, 1797.  For E. Palmer.—See Je, 16,1797.

5          John Avery (aee My 2) advertises that he "has removed to
tbat superb mansion, next the Battery, known hy the narae of the
Governraent House, which is opened as a Boarding House."—
N. Y. Gaz. £f Gen. Adv., My 5, 1798.  See My 18.

" Joseph Corre opens tbe Columbian Garden, a place of reaort
and refreahment, altuated near the junction ot State and Pearl
Sts., "adjoining his houae facing the Battery."—Daily Adv.,
My 5, 1798; Ap 17, 1799; Com. Adv., Jl 4, 1799. As shown by
tbe city directories, the place was discontinued about 1810.

7         The common council orders that cdls be made "for the confine¬

ment of disorderly Persons In the Alms House."—M. C. C. {1784-

^^   il3i),n, 439-

The common council perraits William Allen "to occupy the
Gun Powder Magazine" at a reasonable rentd,—.1/, C, C. (1784-
1831), U: 439,
13         The new Preabyterian church at the corner of Henry and

East Rutgers Sts. (see Je 13, 1795; Je 13, 1797) ia opened for
worship.—Com. Adv., My 12, 1798. It was a frame buUding, 86
by 64 ft.—Greenleaf, H/j(. of the Churches inN. Y., 131; Mfller,
Memoir of Rev. John Rodgers, 268. This was tbe fourth church
ot this denoraination erected in New York.—Goodrich, The Picture
ofN. r. (1828), 219.  See, further. My 24, 1799,

The coraraon council permits Joseph Corre "to make a Gate to
the fence ot the Battery in State Street opposite to his Garden,
leaving the one in front of his House to remain."—M, C, C. (1784-

Ao advertisement reads: "Richmond Hill, Forraerly Abraham
Mortier's adjoining the City, will he Let tor one or more years,
and immediate possession given; any quantity ot land from one
to one hundred acres raay be had with tbe premises. Furniture
suited to tbe house wiU be let with it or sold to the tenant. The
garden is in compleat order and great forwardness; the ice houae
weU fiUed."—Com. Adv., My 17, 1798. In the following year
(aee ^ty 22, 1799), Richmond Hill was again advertiaed for leaae.

Corndius Smock and EUzabeth Fraunces advertise that "they
have opened a House of Entertainment at No. 11 Water Street,
. . . (Ivlrs. Fraunces having foUowed that business for many
years . . . during the life time of her late husband Samuel
Fraunces)."—itf^. Y. Gaz. & Gen. Adv., My 17, 1798. See also
descrip. of Pl. 167-b, HI: 850.

John Avery announces that "The Elysian Boarding and Lodg¬
ing House, known by the name of the Governraent Houae, near
the Battery, New York, Is now open fot the reception of Ladies
and Gentlemen."—Daily Adv., My 24, 1798.

The comraon council permits the Society of Friends "to strew
Bark in Pearl Street opposite their Meeting House to prevent
interruption from the Noiae of Carriages during their General
Meeting; on Condition that they afterwards remove it k dean
the Stieet,"—M. C. C. (1784-1831), II: 441, 547, 736. The
original petition ot May 20, 1799, is filed In the city derk's record-
roora (fUe No. 18).

It ia reported to the coramon council that soraeone has "sunk
a Wharf at Corlaera Hook at the Place conteraplated to be reserved
as a public Baaon or SUp."—M. C, C. (1784-1830,11: 441,

The common council appoints a comraittee to work in conjunc¬
tion with Col. Stevens "to attend to the Measures that have
already been taken or which it may be proper to take for the
Defence ot the City k Harbor of New York" (see Ap 23 and 30),
and to report to the hoard as occaaion may require.—M. C. C.
(i784-i83i),H: 444-

The coraraon council permits Anthony L. Bleecker and others
to sink a wdl, at their own expense, "in the Broad Way nearly
two Miles from the City Hall."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), II:  444.


congress p


:s relative to aUena.—   Jur

Acts of Congress. Theae alien lawa and the sedition lawa of July
(q.v.) together created a ferraent of opposition.

Tbe Battery Is being used aa a railitary drill-ground, for the
training of young raen, three days a week, from 5 to 8 o'dock,
p, ra,—Cam. Adv., Je 2, 1798.

A patent spiral tide-wheel is in use "at the Saw-Mill at Corlear's
Hook, on the East River, owned by Messrs. Hallett and otbers."
Its mechanism ia described in an advertisement offering it tor sale.
—N. Y. Gas.&Gen. Adv., Je 4, 1798.

William North, U. S. senator from New York, writes from
Philaddphia to Gov. Jay: "The bill tor prohibiting all intercourse
with France is now before ua, and will probably pass." He reviews
the raUitary strength of the United Statea, adding: "The spirit
of the people of New York aeems to be exerting Itself for tbe
safety of the City. 1 have sent to Col. Hamilton Baron Steuben's
ideas on the subject and also have given them to Mi. McHenry,
who is to go to New York next week, and fortunatdy is in posses¬
sion of certain plans and maps, made by a Mr. Sraith, and approved
by Montressor and a board of engineers, intended to point out the
proper place and the best method ol fortifying the harbour of New
York."—Correip. and Pub. Papers of Jokn Jay, IV; 142-43.       *

Jay repUed on June 15: "In my opinion it would be both just
and proper to dedare the treaty with France to be void, hut I
think it would be raore adrisable to direct reprisals than to dedare
war at present, tor the public mind does not appear to rae to be
quite prepared for it. . . . Should it be the case, the Jacobin
leaders wiU continue to persuade their dduded foUowers that the
Governraent is chargeable not only with participation, but with
a desire to prevent an accommodation, which they affect to bdieve
practicable notwithstanding the treatment ot our Envoys, etc., etc.

"When the mass ot our people are convinced that war would
be just, necessary and unavoidable, they wiU be content that it
should be dedared, and will support it vigorously. . , ."—Ibid.,
IV; 244.   For the action ot congresa, see Je 13.
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