Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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The coramon council reaolves that Aid. Carmer take order "for
enclosing the old Potters field burying Ground."—M. C. C. (1784-
1831), li= 549' This had been abandoned as a cemetery on My
19, 1797 (q.v.). Later, this was the rite of the United States
arsenal (see Jl 3, 1797); and, StiU later, was included in what is now
Madison Square.—L. M. R, K,, III: 970, See, further, N 17, 1807.

Ice is to be sold daily "in the Cdlar under the Governraent
House, from 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning."—Com. Adv., My 30,

As proposed on May 17, the common coundl passes an ordi¬
nance requiring proprietors of lots to substitute stone for the
tiraber which now supports their sidewalks, when the timber
decays and needs to be repaired,—M. C. C. (1784-1831), U: 550.

The common council approves a regulation ot South St. (see
Jl 18, 1796) from Exchange Slip to Coenties Slip.—M. C. C.
(.784-183.), H: 551.

"Yesterday [June 6] commenced tbe demolition of the Old
Exchange, latdy occupied by Mr. Baker, late keeper of the Mu¬
seura, The Market adjoining is dso to be demolished."—N. Y.
Gap- & Gen. Adv., Je 7, .799.

J. B. Prevost advertises that "The Manhattan Company
Intend shortly to employ a superintendant to conduct the works
necessary for conveying water into the city: the aalary to be paid
to such superintendant will be 1500 dollars per annum, Peraons
properly qualified to eiecute this important work, will apply by
letter accorapanied by tbe best recommendations they can produce."
—Greenleaf s N. Y. Jour., Je .1, 1799.

"Saturday last (June 8] at hdf past 12, the United States frigate
Adams waa launched from Mr. Jackaon'a Navy Yard, at the
Wallaboght, Long-Idand. She looks eitremdy beautiful upon the
water. The Governor Jay Cutter bawled round from the North
River, and fired a Federal Salute. She Is one of the handaomeat
modddled veasda in the United States, and wUl, it is supposed hy
judges, be an uncommonly fast saUer,"—Gaz. af U. S. (Phila.),
Je II, 1799,  See also My 11.

"The Adams is a ship built after the model of the Flora, English
frigate, a vessel that out-sailed every thing that ever came in sight
— ... The Adams is a 31-gun frigate, her beariest raetal 12
pounders—of which she carries 14. She is 710 tons burthen, and
will carry 225,men—commanded by Richard Vdentine Morris,
(son ot the old General, ot Morrissania) . . . She wiU sail in
about two months, and it is rumored her destination ia the Mediter¬
ranean and Gibraltar atation; she wUl find enough amuseraent
'n that quarter no doubt— .   .   . She hauled over to town yester-

(vith all p


for supplying the
effect.   A number of

day afternoon [June loj, and wiU fit tor :
patch."—Ibid., Je 13, 1799.

"It gives us pleasure to learn tbat 1
city with water are going into immediate
laborers are busily eraployed in clearing ■
adjoining the CoUect, which was dug and stoned for the
purpose previous to the revolution.

"We bdieve it wiU be a source of infinite gratification to the
citizena, provided they find the current ot water is raade to keep
pace with the current of discounts,"—N. Y.Spectalar, Je 11,1799.

The common council orders that Bowling Green in front of the
governraent house be kept in order, and that the grass be cut for
the public horses.—M. C. C. (1784-1831), H: 552.

The coraraon council refers to a coraraittee a letter trora the
Manhattan Company signifying "that they will want a Part of
the enclosed Ground in front of the Bridewdl to raise a Reservoir
for supplying the City with Water."—M. C. C. (1784-1831),
H: 552.  Seeji22.

The office ot the Manhattan Company "is Removed to No. 23,
Wall atreet, in the house lately occupied by Mr. George Scriba."—
GreenleafsN.Y. Jour., Je 12,1799. Thoughit has not been possible
to prove by real eatate recorda tbat No. 13 Wall St. is coincident
with the later No. 40 (the present site of tbe Manhattan Bank),
on the chart made by Dr. Edward Hagaraan Hall In preparing his
article about the confusion of nurabers on Wdl St. (191A Ann.
Rep., Am. Seen, k Hist. Pres. Soc, 1914, p, 105), No. 23 occupies
the lot now No. 40. Dr. Hail consulted all the records of the Title
Guarantee &Trust Co, relating to WaU St. property, supplementing
this research by careful inspection of the directories, and his con¬
dusion raay be accepted.

Dr. Edward Miller ot New York writes to Noah Webster ex¬
pressing tear "that, in tbe event of an hot and unfavourable sum¬

mer, a renewal of tbe [yeUow fever] ravages ot laat auturan [see June
S .7, 1798] wUl be our tate." He dedares that "PhUaddphlans 15
are setting us a noble example of zeal k public spirit in bringing
water frora the SchuylkiU in large quantity. . . . Much good
must unquestionably result from this enterprise. For altho' a
plenty of water running thro' the streets cannot annul an epideraic
constitution of the atmosphere, I am persuaded, frora the attrac¬
tion which water poaseasea for raiasmata, that a great deal of local
mischief may thus be washed away."—Letter ot Dr. Edward MiUer
to Noah Webster, among Noah Webater MSS., in N. Y. P, L.

"A Citizen" writes a vigorous complaint about the lack of    19
cleanUness in the streets.—jV. Y. Spectaior, Je 19, 1799,,

Joaeph Browne advertiaes that "Proposals for building by 10
contract a stone Reservou", to be placed in tbe Park, capable of
holding a million of gallons, will be received by the subscriber
until the istday of July next.—The building wUl be oblong octagon,
and consist on the outside ot a stone wall, 12 feet high, built of
Hell-Gate stone, laid in good raorlar: of an inside stone waU of
the same height, of Newark atone, neatly jointed, and laid in
terrace or good cement, an interval of iS Inches raust be left be¬
tween the two walls to be wdl fiUed with good day. The bottom
ot the Reservoir will consist of a thick layer, of good clay weU
rararaed, then a layer of flagging stone laid in cement, on that a
course of brick laid in tar and sand, and then a course of Newark
flagging stone, neatly jointed and laid in terrace or good cement.
The buUding to be compleated by the first day ot June next.—
The Proposds muat apeclty the sum deraanded, the tiraes ot pay¬
raent and the sureties for the perforraance."—N. Y. Jour., Je
22, 1799.  See, however, Jl 22;  and My 5, iSoo.

A reservoir was eventuaUy erected by the Manhattan Co. on the
north aide of Chambers St., between Broadway and Centre St. It
was demolished in .914.—L. M. R, K., Ill: 975. See also ii<J
Ann. Rep., Ara, Seen, k Hist. Prea, Soc. (1917), 519-12,

The Columbian Gazette (see Ap 6) is discontinued.—Brigham,   21
A. A. S. Pr«:. (1917), 39.,

The coraraon council, acting upon Abijah Hararaond'a proposal 24
of AprU 29 (q-v.), decides that, while it carmot accede to it at
preaent, "he raight be perraitted to erect a Wharf into the River
in front of Hammonds Street as a landing place for the accom¬
modation of himsdf and the public"—M. C. C. (1784-1831),
": 5S4-SS-

The first appearance of Hammond St. is on the Goerck-Mangin
map, roade in 179^1800.—See L. M. R. K., IH; loot. A wharf,
near this street, is shown. Other streets In this ricinity, surrounding
the state prison, appear on this raap, probably as projected by
Hammond. No ferry was established there as he requested,
however, the one at Christopher St. not being estabUshed until
1S41.—Ibid., Ill: 942.

The "Switt-Sure," a new line of stages, is advertised to run   28
daily between New York and Philadelphia, starting "trora the
houae of B. Many, No. 48 Courtiandt-atreet, corner ot Greenwich-
street."—Com. Ado., Jl I, 1799.

A subscription-list foe "Green Turtle served at Abd Harden-   29
brook's Houae on Eaat River at the ten-mile stone" is advertised
as opened "at 54 Nassau St."—Dai/y Adv., Je 29, 1799,

The coraraon council orders  that  the  atreet coramiaaioners   July
"take order for removing the Building from the Lot at the East      i
End ot the Alms House latdy recovered from .  .  . Provoost."
—M. C. C. (1784-1831), H: 556.

The common council passes an ordinance "for continuing the      "
Pavement of Charabers Street in tront of the Alraa House to
Augustus Street."—M. C. C. (1784-183 0, II: 557-

Crooke's Tavern, at 259 William St., is designated as the meet-      "
ing place ot the "Black Friars."—Daily Adv., Jl ., 1799.

Ddacroii again holds a notable cdebration ot the Fourth of 4
July at his Vauxhall Garden (cf. Jl 4, 1798). "Hia beautiful garden
waa opened at 6 o'clock in the morning, and the colors were hoisted
under a discharge of 16 guns. The 16 summer housea being the
names of the Sixteen United States, each were decorated with the
Emblematical Colors belonging to each State, and ornamented
with Flowers and Garlands. At 5 o'clock in the evening, the siiteeo
colors ot each Summer-house were carrieil, at the sound ot the
music, to the Grand Temple of Independence, which is 20 feet
diameter, and 20 feet high, . . .—In the middle of which was
presented, the Bust ot the great Waslungton as large as lite, and
near bira a Grand Gold Column, representing the Constitution,
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