Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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,   for S425, and one ot the lots on which it stands tor $9,500. Tbe sde
'   of the remaining lots is postponed (see Ja 18, 1813). The building
;    is In a dUapidated condition.—Com. Adv; My 14; N. Y. Gaz.&
Gen. Adv; My 14; Merc. AdV;My 1^, iii2. The hall was removed
by Aug. 10, 1812 (q.v.).  The one lot sold was purchased by Jod
Post and John B. Lawrence.—Liber Deeds, CI:   410.   See also
descrip. of Frontispiece I, III: 539, in which, however, the state¬
raent that the lots were sold "on April 15th" is without founda¬
tion, and a wrong date of issue of tbe Gazette and Generd Advertiser
ia cited—it should be May 14 (as above), not March 26.
'•         G. Douglas begins lo publish a weekly of octavo aize caUed

The Western Star, andHarp of Erin.  Although devoted chiefly to
Irish interests, it contained a considerable amount of current news.
Itwasdiscontinuedwitb theissueof Mayi, 1813.—Brigham, A. A.S.
Proc. (1917), 513.
i         A "Roman Museura" is advertised at the "Coraraerclal Build¬

ing, No, 28 Park, next door to the Theatre." It is under the direc¬
tion of Louis Chiappi, a native of Rome.—N. Y. Morn. Post,
My 18, 1812.  See alao Columbian, Jl 9 and S 10, 1S12.

The councU orders that a footwalk on the south side of Market-
field St. dong the Battery be paved with stone lately taken from
tbe old dty hall.—Af. C. C. (1784-1831), VII:   146-47.

The use of convict labour at this time is illustrated hy tbe fol¬
lowing resolution ot the board: "Resolved that Mr Hazard be in¬
structed to eroploy the Convicts in BrideweU in constructing raat-
ling to cover that part of the floor of the Court of Sessions occupied
by the Audience k that a Committee be appointed to superintend
tbe making of the same, and that some cheap material be provided
as carpeting tor that part ot the said room which Is occupied by
the Court & the Gentiemen of the Bar."—Af. C. C. (1784-1831),
VII: 147. For earlier employment of the bridewdl inmates, see
lbld;0 s, 1785; D 3, 1788.

The common council resolves that the board appoint a street
inspector, whose duty it shaU be, together with the deputy street
commissioners, to aee that the ordinance regarding the removal of
filth and dirt from the streets he observed as well by the con¬
tractors as by the citizens at large. Samud Green was appointed
inspector.—Af. C. C. (1784-1831), VH:   149.

In accordance with the plans ot the coraraon council (see Ap
24), a public demonstration of respect to the raeraory ot the late
George Clinton ia held in New York. A proceasion coraposed ot
city, state, and national officials, clergy of all denominations, vari¬
ous societies, foreign consuls, mifitary and naval officers, private
citizens, etc. assembles in the Park and marches to the Presbyterian
church in Wdl St., where Gouverneur Morris ddivers a funerd dis¬
course. "The bdls of tbe different churches were tolled, and
minH^e-guns fired at Fort Columbus and the battery, while the
procession moved 'its slow length along;' the colors of the dif¬
ferent public buildings, the vessds in the harbor, and forta in the
vicinity, were hoisted hdf-mast: the citizens and military bore
the usud testimonials ot grief, tbe standards shrouded In crape,
and tbe rauslcai instruments and arms in mourning: the stores
and shops were closed, and business suspended: and an immense
concourse of citizena witnessed the sensibility felt by a bereaved
community on the loss of one of its brightest and worthiest piUars
and ornaments. An address adapted to the occasion waa also de¬
livered at Tammany-Hall, by Mr. Jonas Humbert."—Columbian,
My 16 and 20, 1812. On June 1, Morris presented lo the common
council a copy of his oration, and it was accepted with thanks and
ordered to be printed. The thanks of the board were also con¬
veyed to Rev. Doctor Roraeyn "for his pious & eloquent discharge
of  the  religious services."—Af.  C.  C.  {1784-1831), VII:   158-

The legislature, in the Interest ot tbe state's priaon, authorises
the appointment of a chaplain who may be allowed annually not
eiceeding 8250 for performing divine service tor the benefit and
retonnarion ot the "convicts."—Laws qfN. Y. {1812), 376.  Rev.

John Stanford (aee Ap
board ot inspectors and
minister of Christ in th
dty to Sing-Sing In i8j
163. Mr. Stanford was
Greenwich Congregalioi
lon, introd,, XV.   For his

J., ,8,3.

"We are happy to learn th:

appointed to this office hy the
ntinued aa the able and inddatigable
istitutioo until its removal frora thia
-Sommera, Memoir of Jokn Stanford,
nt to speak of the prisoners as "hia
■Stanford, Aged Chrlslian's Compan-
ith the city i

iciety has been estabUshed Ir

this city, having tor its tutelary patron tbe imraortal George Clin¬
ton. . . . Wehope this infant Institution wiU prove a gerra, which,
by Ita expanalon and growth, will assist to counteract, and, in sorae
measure, extinguish the baneful effects of the Washington and Ham¬
ilton societies. . , ."—Columbian, My 21, 1812. See alao ibid;
My 27 and Jl 9, 1812.

The "Olympic Theatre," formerly tbe "CIrcua" (corner
Broadway and Anthony St.), is opened to the public, by Dwyer and
McKenzIe, with Sheridan's "Rivals."—Co/umi/an. My 13 and
22, 1811. On Nov. 3, 1813, it reopened as the Coraraonwealth
Theatre.—JiiU, N 2 and 4, 1813. For further history of this
theatre or circus, see Greenwood, The, Circus (1909), 108, and
Wilson, Mem.Hist. ofN. Y; IV: 477.  See also Je 5, 1812.

Gov. Tompkins aenda a special message to the legislature, say¬
ing in part: "The colonel of engineers is authorized to erect an
additional battery 00 the North river, In New-York, to prevent an
enemy from ancboring above and under cover of the state-prison,
and annoying the north part ot the city with sheUs; and on accoirat
ot the prominent position ot the public wbarf at the prison, and the
turn in the shore of the river a sraaU diatance above, that wharf
has been sdected as the raost eligible aite for the proposed battery.
Legislative provision wiU however be requisite to authorise the
occupation by the United Slates of a part of the state-prison whart
tor the above purpoae. . . ."—Assemb. Jour. 35th sess., 341-42.
The agent and inspectors of the state prison remonstrated against
the building ot a battery on the prison wharf, and permission for
the U. S. to do so was refused in tbe assembly on June 2, "by a
strong vote." Gov. Tompkins inforraed Col. WiUiams, on June 3,
that he would therefore have to choose "sorae other site tor the
proposed fortification."—Pui. Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins,
II:  616-17.

The comraon council agreea that whenever the United States :
shall erect a battery or fortification on Coriaers hook for the de¬
fense of the harbour it will grant "so much of tbe water right in
front thereof" as the engineer shall deera reoulslte and "so rauch
of the Streets terminating on said grounds as shaU be necessary for
the Continuity of said works."—Af. C. C. (1784-1831), VH: 153.
The comraon council orders "that M^ Skaats, the Keeper of
the City Hall, be directed to provide Fuel and when necessary to
have Fires made in tbe Coramon Council Chamber and in the fol¬
lowing Courts and Offices only
In The Court of Chancery

The Supreme Court

The Sittings

Tbe Oyer & Terminer k Sessions

Tbe Mayors Court

Tbe Mayors Office

The Street Coramissloners Office

The City Inspectors Office

The Jury Rooms tor the above Courts

Fuel tor Watch

The ComptroUers Office
"And that all persons occupying Offices In the City Hall be
requested to aee the Firea carefully eitingulshed before they quit
their officea for tbe day."—Af. C. C, (1784-1831), VII: 155. The
numbera of the rooras occupied by the various public offices are
given in Longworth's AT. Y. City Directory (1812-13), 3^39> ^"^
some of those here mentioned are shown on Pl. 75, Vol. I.

The coramon council resolves that hand beUs shaU be provided
for the deputy clerks of the several markets, who shdl "ring the
sarae In the said raarkets, one quarter of an hour previous to the
time directed by the ordinance for the Butchers to leave the Mar¬
ket." The time for leaving thdr atalla ia fiied "at 2 O'clock P. M.
each day throughout the yeara."-Af. C. C. {1784-1831), VII: 155.
Between this date and Oct. 26, thecommon councU paid S599-51
tor draining the Collect and filling in the ground In that vicinity.—
.W. C.C. (1784-1831), VTI: 157,199,217,238,265,287. Further
payments were raade in 1813 (q.V; Je 7).

The legislature authorises the state coraptroUer to sell (and ;
convey In fee simple) the govetnraent house and adjoining grounds
to the city, for a sura not less than $50,000, and to receive a 10-
years' bond of the city In payraent, with interest at sii per cent.;
provided the city shaU not sell the grounds ''for the erection of
private buildings or other Individual purposes."—Af. C. C. (1784-
1831), VII: 2-io; Tiask, Bowling Green (iS^i), $S et seq. See Mr
8, 1813; and L, M, R. K.  Ill; 974.
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