Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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18:3    the corporation may hereafter think appropriate to use tor such
July   purpoae. It is recommended that the fund be invested in city stock,

2    in bank stock, or In United States stock but preferably in city
stock. It is also recommended that sorae portion of the £97,593.22
now in the treasury be transferred to the fund- The counsd ot
the board is to frarae a law providing for the es'tablishraent of the
sinking fund.—flf- C. C. (1784-1831), VII:  509-11.

3          The blockading squadron off the Hook now cpnslsts of one 74,
one frigate, one brig-of-war, and one or two tenders.—Com. Adv..
JI3, iB.j.

"         Christopher Colles announces to the subscribers to his "Tde¬

graph" and the public In genera! tiiat "be has completed two of
theae important instruraents, one at the top ot the Custora-House,
and another at Governor's-Island, which are now daily in rebearaal
and actual operation—he has aaked several questions, and re¬
ceived hack direct and speedy anawers. He propoaes, on Friday
neit, the 9th inst. ... to eihibit a number of accurate and
conclusive experiments, by which they may plainly discover the
superiority and raany singular advantages ot this mode ot con-
strucrion; it is of small eipense, perfectly accurate, and capable
of conveying any uncipccted intelligence which can be written,
with a cderity eiceeding common bdid, and dso that it can
convey registered pre-concerted sentences, ordera or other intd¬
ligence with equd cderity, and at the same time, with perfect
accuracy and privacy."—Columbian, Jl 3, 1813. On July 21, he
added that he had made "an experiment ot 164 letters, from the
top ot the custora-houae to Governor's-Island, in the presence ot
some respectable gentiemen, which eiperiraent was accomplished
in 20 rainutes, at the rate of 8 letters to a minute, whereas it
appears by the Encydopcedia Brilannica, vol- 18th, page 336, that
the French eihibit only 3 in a minute." Experiments were to be
repeated on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdaya from 4 untU 6.—
Ibid; Jl 21, 1813. See also ibid, Jl 27, 1813. See, further, Jl 26.
5         The anniversary ot Araerican independence falling on Sunday,

it is cdebrated on the 5th "In the customary style."—Com. Adv.,
Jl 6, 1813. The Taramany Society appears, but with reduced
numbers, and all Indian display is discarded.—N. Y. Eve. Post,
Jl 6, 1813-  See also Wilaon, Mem.Hist. ofN. Y; III: 274.

12         Preaident Madiaon intorras congress ot the repeal of the Berlin

and Milan decrees.—Winsor, VII: 522.

"          John McComb, Jr., is appointed street commissioner in place

of Samud Stilwdl, resigned.—;lf. C. C. (1784-1831), VII: 518.
On June 22, 1817, he began to keep an account-book to show pay¬
raents made to cartmen, etc., its last date ot entry being Oct- 17,
1821-  It is owned by the N. Y. Hist. Soc-

19         A bond for the purcbaae ot the government houae and adjacent

grounda (aee Ap 12) Is presented to the coramon council and ordered
tobepaid.—.M. C.C. (1784-1831), VII:  525.  Seejl 26.

26         "C. Collis" (Christopher Colics) petitions tbe common councU

for funds to construct his "tdegraph." The petition Is rderred to
the coramittee of ddence, with a grant ot $100-—flf, C. C. {1784-
1831), VII: 526.

"          CoraptroUer Mercein reports to the coraraon council that he

has recdved a deed tor the governraent house and grounds, and
that he has forwarded to Albany the bond for the same (see Jl
19). As the bond draws sli per cent Interest, he suggests that a
conriderable saving roay be made to the city hy paying part ot it
now, A warrant tor $20,000 is thereupon ordered to be issued,—
M.C. C. (1784-1831), VII; 529.  SeeAg 2.

"          The common coundl requests the street comraissioner to report

a plan tor the general regulation of the village of Greenwich.-
M. C. C. {1784-1831), VII; 529.  See Mr 3, 1817.

"          The comraon council resolves that Nassau St. be altered by

running the westerly line thereof from the southerly corner of the
lot of ground bdonging to John W. McComb to Wall St, "in a
course parallel to the weaterly line of Eaatburn, Kirk k Downe's
Lot; and that the Street Commissioner take possession of the lot
fronting on Wall Street which will be formed by the alteration for
tbe purposes of a watch and engine house."—M. C. C. (1784-
1831), VU: 532.
Aug,         The British, under Col, Proctor, attack Fort Stephenson (in

2   northern Ohio, on the Sandusky River), but are repulsed with
great gallantry by Maj, Croghan and a small garrison,—Winaor,
VU: 387;  McMaater, Hfji. of People ofU. S; IV; 27-28.
"         The comptroller reports to the coramon council that "the pur¬

chase of the Government [Housej has been made

in conformity to instructions received from tbe Board," adding that
"the whole property is under lease to the .Academy of Arts for one
year from tbe first day of May neit ensuing, at tbe rate of $1,750
doUs, per annum." The report bas principdly to do with the im¬
proveraents proposed on the property. It Is contemplated to com¬
mence improveraents in May next (1814). "A speedy decision 00
the latter subject raay be important to the Cuatora houae depart¬
ment, aa it raay require some lime to procure a place sufficientiy
cocomodioua for that establishment." Among the coraraents raade
on this subject is this; "... the removal of the Governraent
house will afford an opportunity (never again to recur) of filling in
that part of the Ground at present hare at low water raark, as the
ground, rubbish and stone (of which the new hulk bead could be
torraed) that could be collected there, would certainly be sufficient
for the purpose."—From the original report, in metal file No. 47,
city clerk's record-room.  See S 6 and D 31.

The common coundl receives from Trinity corporation "a
ceaion of the Streets bdonging to Trinity Church between North
Moore and Christopher."—flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VII: 533, See
Ag 30, 1802.

The matter of using gas for the city laraps is reported upon by
the watch and larap coramittee, who have had an interview with
Ward k TaUraan, aod are convinced that gas is superior to oU for
lighting, but find the terms of the above-named raen inexpedient
for the board to accept. The committee suggests that an eiperi¬
ment be tried by using gas in the laraps in tront of city hall or some
other suitable place.—flf, C, C, {1784-1831), VII: 541-42, See

New public and private constitutions are adopted by tbe
"Sodety ot Taramany or Columbian Order." These are practi-
cdly identical with those of 1789 (q.V; Ag 10), eicept that the
Indian designations of "sachems," "Grand Sachem," and "tribes"
are replaced respectivdy by " Councellora," "Preaident," and
"Sections." The reasons tor the change are given as the "in¬
numerable unprop[i|tious circumstances caused, on our frontier
borders."—From photostats (raade from originals in Tamraany
Hall) in MSS. Div., N. Y. P, L, See N 10, 1817,

The Araerican brig "Argus," after a aucceasful voyage in the
Irish Sea in which many prizes were taken and deattoyed, is cap¬
tured in those waters by the English brig "Pelican,"—Winsor,
VH:  387,457-

By resolution of the common council, the name of Robinson
St. (which runs trora Broadway to the College Green) Is changed to
Park Place; Lower Robinson St. ia changed to Robinson St.; and
Bowery Lane ia changed to The Bowery. The superintendent of
repairs is directed to change the "sign boards" accordingly.—
flf. C.C. (1784-1831), VU: 549.

The Daily Express succeeds The Statesman, which was the suc¬
cessor of tbeNew-York Morning Post (see N 20, 1810).—Brigham,
A. A. S. Proc, (1917), 404, 499,

A shark nine teet long is caught in Fly Market Slip. "It required
severd men, with the aid of ropea, to raiae it out ot tbe water. We
understand, that it is to be presented, by the person who caught il^
to Mr, Scudder, the industrious and enterprizing Proprietor of the
American Museum."—Com. Adv., Ag 27, 1813.

The mayor (De Witt Clinton) appoints a committee to arrange
for a tribute and funeral honours to the late Capt, Lawrence and
Lieut. Ludlow, who feU in the recent engagement of the U. S.
frigate "Chesapeake" with the British frigate "Shannon."—
M. C. C. {1784-1831), VII: 551. Details were agreed upon on
Sept. 14.—Ifci'i, VII; 558-60; Com. vfAj.,S 15, 1813. Thefuneral
ceremonies took place on Sept. 16 (q.v.).

Over 500 Americans are massacred by the Creek Indians at
Fort Miras, above the junction of the Alabama and Torabigbee
Rivers,—McMaster, Hij(. of People ofU. S,, IV:  162-63.

"We understand, that the recruiting service for the 41st U.
States Regiment will commence in tbis city early In next week,
under the superintendance of Col. Robert Bogardus, who is to
command the Regiment when raiaed. This Regiment Is to be sta¬
tioned here during the war, and is to be employed solely in defend¬
ing our city and harbor."—Com. Adv; S 2, 1813.

The Araerican brig "Enterprise" captures tbe English brig
"Boxer" near Portland, Me.—Winsor, VH: 387, 458.

Aa the purchase of the grounds in the rear of the government
house property wiU be "attended with incalculable advantages,"
Comptroller Mercein ia authorised to open negotiations with the
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